fuck you, you ass. |
What's your new year's resolutiion? Mine was to stop using the word fuck. |
What's your new year's resolutiion? Mine was to stop using the word fuck. |
Didn't it. |
This time I didn't buy it off the internet. There is a specialty store near me where this is their main product line. They sell teas, organic coffee, and aroma therapy products too. But e-cigs take up a major portion of the store. I haven't quit the cigarettes yet. But, this looks like it might work. I don't really want to quit, I enjoy it too much. But, I'm facing a major tax increase on them this July. It's either switch to the less harmful electronic cigarettes or make monthly trips out of state just to be able to afford them. I hate liberal politians. Don't tell me all politians are bad. Maryland is a Democratic State. mostly run by the Governor, the Senate President, and the Speaker of the House of Delegates. All of them are Democrats. Oh, if Martin O'Mally runs for President please I beg of you do not vote for him. He is absolutely the worst Govenor we have ever had. Remember we gave the country Spiro Agnew. So that is saying a lot. |
I am really trying with the new e cigarettes. But, for some reason I keep getting sinus pain from them. I'm trying different blends of the key ingredients just to find the right mixture. Oh well, there is always leisurely trips out of state to look forward to. |