By Sober on Wednesday, July 8, 1998 - 09:35 pm: |
URLS welkom |
By MrPodgy on Wednesday, July 15, 1998 - 06:31 am: |
MrPodgy |
To access Telstra Homelink numbers dial - 1800 91 **** **** = Last 4 digits of number EXAMPLE: 1800 91 2243 (1800 90 also works) |
with that said and done... Has anyone else noticed this? the metal clips holding in the resistors on the telstra line protectors (in the cabinets) are the ideal tool for picking the locks of the phone booths, cans, cabinets... practically ANY telstra equipment cos the locks are so crap! if you dunno what all this stuff is i just mentioned... go ask a telstra worker! they're always friendly enough to help us phreaks :) - one even showed me how he hooked his linemans handset up to the cans, which im sure will come in useful (connect the handset to a red and a white wire, not hard to find... i dont think it matters what red or white) you'll never know anything if you dont ask, and theres no law against ASKING about this sorta stuff... so just go ask the nearest worker to you but NEVER say "oh i know that blahblah" just nod happily as if you dunno what they're saying. i could, and SHOULD write a text file on phreaking in australia, theres a lot to be known for all you nice new people joining the crusade... maybe i will in time, but dont expect it soon (tafe is gettin me down) PLEASE dont email me asking for a TXT file, i'll post it IN THIS DISCUSSION when its done |
the first is which is the australian legion of cyberpunks and they got good info. the second is which has some good stuff too and is gonna be updated very soon if anyone else has sites or info please tell |
The wires on the exchanges security system runs up the OUTSIDE of the building...*snip*-*snip* if you know what I mean.....also all over the place (every 1/2 a block or so) there are little oval concrete things in the ground..stick a metal bar down the little hole in the mille and just lever it up then volia! tons of little sets of pins, simply get a linemans handset (or a phone with the ring and tip wires shaved) and touch the Ring from your phone to the ring pin (red wire to red wire) and the Tip on your phone to the tip pin (gren wire to green wire) --> alligator clips may prove usefull here -- Bingo you can TAP that persons line...use their phone to make INTERNATIONAL CALLS..whatever....and dont forget there are about 100 people phone line running through this you should NEVER get bored......NUMBER 2: those green posts about the thicknees of a telegraph pole and about 4 foot tall with the telstra logo on them....I think you'll find that if you get your computer key (looks sorta like a tube with a little peice of metal sticking up out of it) you will notice it is IDENTICAL to the one for the post EXCEPT that the tube it the next size up...solution get a peice of thin tubing (usually compressed air tubing or similar) and solder a small notch on to it...or the easier method get you computer key...get some tin snips and cut it then stretch the tubing with some pliers so it will fit in the posts should not need to patch the cut as the posts lock does not the the whole peice of tubing..just the notch in the will also find this key will fit parking meters..and some arcade games. Next...most people live within a bus ride or walking distance of a school (and SOME other public buildings,halls,e.t.c) well if you walk around a school for long enough you will find the place where the school dental van parks...somehwere near here attached to the school will be a telephone jack (probably the older model) simply plugin your phone.... Next up...GOLDPHONES (AKA GayOLDPHONES) With most goldphone you can look behind it and see the phoneline going into the back of it..well this phone line is NOT part of the payphone LOOP the goldphone is simply a NORMAL HOUSEHOLD phoneline with a phone that needs coin to run attached to it, so if you whip out a pocket knife and trim the wires a little then attach the exposed wires of YOUR phone to them (Ring to ring, tip to tip) RING = RED TIP=GREEN then volia! Your own phoneline, when you've finished put some yellow tape of the schaved bit of wire so that you can use it again another day. Now these are just some of the many, many things I have toyed around with and expect for there to be MANY MANY more posted here...and yes I will release a TEXT file..... but for the time being if you have any questions just ask here and I will respond. -- RoadKill82 An E-Mail address will be suppylied in a LATER posting |
19123 - This number will tell you the number of the phone you are calling from (does not work on payphones) 19123 is usefull when tapping fone wires and you dont know what number you are using. 199 - Callback (boring and old) |
drop me a line {:> |
(03)53334561 (03)53334581 Recess is from 10:50 to about 11:15 lunch is from 12:40 to 1:20 so there should be someone there then, but there is often somone walking past at other times too. have fun |
well if not here it is.... 1. get a straw, like the ones from maccas. 2. faltten it out so it is no longer a cylinder it is more of a flat rod... 3. insert your money. like a $2 coin then just above the coin return there is a small gap. just big enough that your flattened straw can fit into it, you put the straw in and there is a cog. the straw hits it and your money comes out. you can get up to $14 back out. its easiest to take a $2 coins and a 5c coin. you put your 5 c in and then hang up to make sure your coin comes out. if it does put your 2 coin in and tehn move the cog. you will have $2 credit. and your $2 coin. do this until you have about $14 credit. then put your 5 c coin in. and leave it there. and talk away. voila. side veiw. ------ gap to put straw into ------ .........\ ..........\ coin return ...........\ --------- |
I've been looking all over for aussie info. has some stuff under their zines archive which was from organisations which are more recent, some which are apparently active. They also have some older stuff which might be of use. I just wanted some clear advice on using my linesman's handset! You can also do a search for oz phreaking and aussie phreaking. There is one site that'll come up with some limited info. Mostly crap though, with some US info mixed in. You can try plugging away at too, but I haven't had much luck... |
thanks! |
i read the text file by FairyKill and its nothing special, but good work for trying. |
P.S i am sick and tired of being kicked from irc: #phreak for saying you can blue box in au well you can and anyone who wants to klnow how just mail me an I will send u a txt file but just to let you know Im not bluffing the tone is 2600+2400 layerd tone |
body {visibility: hidden} </style> <script> alert('this is an illegal site!!!!!!') </script> |
body {visibility: hidden} \</style\> \<script\> alert('this is an illegal site!!!!!!') \</script\> |
body {visibility: hidden} \</style\> \<script\> alert(you phucking suck) \</script\> |
The straw trick doesn't work ne more! Bummer, I know. The telstra guys fixed the phone boothes up. Anyway, I'm really interested in getting all the info on Aus phreaking (I wanna make a huge compilation) I can so plz plz plz anyone who has some solid info please drop me a line. Also, the only way to really find out about the Telsta phones is to ask the workers - 9/10 times they will help, they're a good bunch of guys. |
payphone numbers! |
how hard is it to find a good AUSTRALIAN phreaking site?!?!?! hows that text file comming along RoadKill82? be sure to post a link to it up here if anybody else has some AUSSIE phreaking txt's be sure to post at least a link to them cause aussie phreaking info is getting harder to find. whoever is keeping this site alive ....goodjob! #SOULWIND# |
got it a whole aussie phreak board we always looking for new phreaks come join us CY | |
if anyone has a laptop. which i am sure people do. download a software version of a blue box. read up on it. get some friends. and literally have a race around the world using the blue box to ring up different countires. having the race will make sens if you know how a blue box works. its quite fun :) |
I dont know much about phreaking coz all the info on the net is American. So i never bothered reading any of it. I'd love to phreak and especially to get the numbers of payphones so i can call them etc.. ANYONE with info plz email me at By the way I'm from Sydney. Email me even just to chat about phreaking Down Under. Make sure that you put PHREAK in the Subject line otherwise i will delete any email from unknown parties. P.S. Does anyone know how to hack or get the payphone numbers from those *NEW* payphones in all the Westfield stores? They're TriTel phones (i think the business is run out of East Balmain in Sydney. P.P.S. I was once chatting to a Maori guy who was installing this Optus spare line in my bedroom and he was a heaps friendly guy. He showed me how to reactivate a phone line once its been cancelled. Lets say theyres 2 separate lines in the house, if i d/c one of them then the jack is dead and u gotta pay Optus a hefty fee to re-activate it to the existing house number. This guy explained how if you open the Optus unit (that little white box) on the side of the house, then you'll see a set of black and red plugs in pairs (like at the back of your stereo, where you connect your speakers to), the extra ones were merely spares incase the one being used broke. He said if you just get the right wire and stuck it in one of the spare plugs that you'd be able to use the dead jack. He told me this years ago, so its a bit sketchy. I'm gonna grab a screw driver tomorrow and pop up there with a ladder and take another look to get the details right. Anyhow... keep PHREAKING you OZZIES! :))) and anyone with good info please share it, we need to start a Phreaking Revolution in this country. FUCK TELSTRA! |
All u lads add me on msn |
Hold down the voloume button on the new telsta pay phones and lift up the reciver the phone will say its out of sevrice. (To make this last longer type 1224 fater) Also have a look at - it has stuff for Australia on it and links to places where you can buy some nice tools. PS if anyone is going to buy any of the things from the links can they let me know. |
No Lame posts though... The people there really hate it :-P Also I wrote a Handbook for Phreaking In Australia. This can be found at my site: Just open up the files section. Anyways, my email is for anyone who wants to contact me, and I am in the Geelong Area for anyone else who is. Lastly there will be a big Melbourne Meet im about 2-3 weeks from this post, which I will be attending, and there will be others to follow. Thanks g0dFraY |
Email me at |
humpingleg and runningnose desire your audience in great cave happiness. sincerely, roger ebert | |
and soon... they are my boards/site xenocrates |
( for those of u who dont kno, st. pats is the boys school, loreto is the girls school) if anyone wants to explain to me exactly what phreaking is, that would be good, im new to this |
i have some answers that will solve some of your payphone and telstra system cracking..lets keep it simple to start off with... I worked for many years with a large carrier here in Australia (hint hint) and have acquired golden internal numbers,tricks of the trade and more..responsible for the billing system along with activation of any product on your phone line as well as faults,errors, technical etc... i am not a technician,but carry similar info.. 1. to find a payphone number...very easy Go to the payphone in question and dial your mobile but use 1832 as a prefix which ends up showing the number on your mobiles caller ID screen.. E.g. from payphone 1831 0408xxxxxx this will then display the payphones number on the mobile... if you need other ways, my buddies can also help 2. to find out the number of a phone line you are currently using.. dial 1800801920= this will tell you what number you are calling from=automated and free service 3. i have heaps of other tricks as there are too many to list..if you need somethign specific,please let me know and i will do my best teddddy |
| hehe i once had my hands on a message centre number which allowed free sms if you changed the centre number, but they clicked on and removed it from their systems..there are new message numbers that Telstra issue to thei staff but i will have to work on that one.. |
One.Tel Australia +61 411 990 001 Vodafone Australia +61-415011501 Telstra Australia +61-418706700 Telstra Australia +61-418706800 Telstra Australia +61-418706900 Optus Australia +61-412025989 Optus Australia +61-411990000 Optus Australia +61-411990001 Optus Australia +61-411990003 |
Love the work going guys on im still studying up on some fone phreaks...... if u got tips to share help me get there faster, you help will be needed Thanks But keep me posted!!! No point reinventing the wheel..... |
brissy based phreak here, been pluggin away since '01 but been on a break, is there still some activity??? |
get your stickin asses to the real ausphreak site you dumb son of a bitches learn something useful for a changen you cock sucking kangaroos |
<h2><b> thats the new ausphreak</b></h2> |
ones that work, not MAY work or HAVE worked. ones that work if i went up to a blue phone TODAY. P.S. i used the 1831 trick, sorry teddy, ain't work'n. if you have good ones, reply! email: |
It looks like is back online. These guys had some great phreaking forums early this year and i'm pumped now that they are back online. Gazza |
| or Hope its useful. Find all sorts of stuff from the past on that site. |
try 13450361 or 13450062 both connect but only give tones? |
that i'm not alone...anyway, i might aswell give some info to people ..Well, This i bet most probably know but since i've seen a few people who are "completely new" as they like to put it.. --- Getting SMSC numbers from Payphones --- Throw in your 20cent pieces you cheapass Send a message to whoever the fuq you want, Now, wait a few minutes, be mesmirized by their love for you, the purdy graphics they show while it sends "Message Sent" Yaaay You have now wasted 5minutes of your life now press * and it should redial its last dialed number and whats that number? The smsc it was going to send the SMS to offcourse! (well i'm lead to belive its the SMSC tell me if i'm wrong) I've gotten a few a while ago, lost some notes but here is what i got by scanning and usch (Free call Obtained in western syd: 1800 64 9017 And 1800 64 9016 Now, feel free to run out and call the number but those of you who are lazy here is what happens: You call, you get tones, Modem like signals, in theory what its waiting for is the tones for the Recipiant and the message (and money to send message?) ..anyway, thats my thoughts Now for WHY i almost creamed myself many moons ago when i got these numbers: Now, to send an SMS from a computer you need to go from SMPP to ESME(sp?) to SMSC, now knowing that the SMSC sends tones somewhat similar to the tones a modem generates when dialing up to the internet (56k luser and proud.) It's not hard to figure out that this gives the possibility of getting Free SMS (Which i know all you cheap bastards want) anyway, i've alot more to talk about but i feel i'm going on about something everyone knows.... if anyone wants to contact me they can via: MSN: Yahoo: The-Joker- or email (Same as MSN) Feel free to email or MSN me anytime and discuss phreaking techneques, or if you dont know any simply "brain storm" with me or ways...anyway, later ;-) | |
come from Western Australia, great to know people who do this thinig, did ya know u can call people on payphones in other countries , trying out hen going to NZ for hol. Email me if you know anyone from WEStern Australia from Leeming, I am neer the Dundee Paybox! email me at |