Record this "person's" voice whenever you get that call again. Whenever he calls -play his own voice back to him. -------------------------------------------------- IF the individual making the "calls" should happen to be reading this and attempts to call again -just remember ---> Someone was watching YOU at that day and time when YOU called that payphone at McDonald's. |
Ever seen Lost Highway? Freaky stuff. Your friend, Strange |
And even if he was calling from a cellphone, *69 won't list their numbers, and I don't THINK caller id will either... |
And Rick your're 13, can't you tell your parents/guardian? K. |
Do they make levi's for 13 year old's? |
uh I forgot whut? AAre youuuuuuuuuu reeell?!! HaHa! |
"Yo Quiero Taco Bell." |
Email if any ???'s |
"9, 6, 7....11, 11...call pizza pizza, yeaaah!" |
If you want to record the conversation, then get you a pocket tape recorder and tap your phone line and connect a resistor to it and then connect this to the tape recorder. The sound quality will be incredible, static free, and will not be noticeable with a good ear or any form of machinery from his end. |
take consolation from the fact that this person will end up raped in some prison shower room! be safe. |
yeh sure |
You are all Desmonds...pure Desmonds. Who the fuck is Rick. This site is off its head. Desmonds |
call the cops. you are being stalked and in todays climate, people kidnapping kids and all, you could be getting set up for a kidnapping. see if you contact the cops they would put a trap on your line so if that creep calls again they can pinpoint the origin of the calls. CALL THE COPS. DO IT NOW. UNDERSTAND. I COULD UNDERSTAND IT WOULD BE A PRANK AT FIRST BUT WHEN HE CALLS YOU AT HOME THATS NOT TOO FUNNY. DID YOU TELL YOUR MOM AND DAD? Dont hang at that truck stop anymore. Watch out walking alone at night. Dont take the same route home either and if you see anybody driving around your house at night call the cops. WHAT YOU DESCRIBED IS VERY SCAREY AND I WOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. I WORKED WITH STATE POLICE AS AN INVESTIGATOR AIDE BEFORE I RETIRED. REMEMBER THATS SERIOUS. I ASSUME YOUR A KID. UNDER 18 NOT GOOD... JUST SOME FRIENDLY ADVISE. EX COP |
About a month ago, the same thing happened with a different #. Then today, I got a call with the same # as the original call I got like this. Of course I called back and the # was disconnected. This is bugging me out and I don't know how to resolve it. I wish I could ignore it... |
I've stopped wearing LEVIS, so the phone calls don't bother no more. |