It was a Sunday and I'd just come out of a shop on Argyle St in Glasgow with a friend when I heard a payphone ring. The snow was pretty deep and it was brass monkeys. Despite having the fact I wanted to go home on my mind I picked up the phone. It was an elderly Glaswegian lady who proceeded to explain that she thought she had an abcess under her tooth and she was in a great deal of pain. I agreed that it did sound like and abcess and that she'd better come down to the dental surgery right away. She explained that she lived in Renfrew and that it was quite a hike to the surgery in the snow and that she was very old, but I re-assured that we were open and I could fit her in that afternoon. She thanked me and hung up. Chasing after my friend, all I could bring myself to say was "I've done a bad thing." |
Ya lied to me ya thieving lunatic and I've been searching high and low for you. Then someone suggested I try the web. A wee bit of a longshot I thinks to myself but I'll give it a go. And there you were! I'm gonna get ya if'n it's the last thing I ever do, ya stinkin pile o monkey turds! |
(I feel a song coming on) |
i luv you bay-bee, i dream of you at night and let me love you let me love you, okay-ay? |