locate pay phones in Montgomery Alabama

sorabji.com: The Payphone Project: locate pay phones in Montgomery Alabama
Patricia Toulouse on Thursday, October 8, 1998 - 10:47 am:

    I need the locations of the following pay phone numbers: 334-269-9733,334-262-9644,334-834-9236,334-262-9671,and 334-264-9120
    These are payphones that have been used by a lost child in the last few months. I really need the location of the 334-262-9644. She uses this phone the most.

By Kevin LB on Wednesday, May 26, 1999 - 03:19 pm:

    Damn! She ~really~ gets around, doesn't she? ...that little girl. What does she do? Run and hide from the cops and others looking for her?

    Why don't you just come on down to Alabama and catch a couple of plays at the Shakespeare festival while you're at it? That way, you could call those numbers and not be long distance, and photograph them while you're at it? Oh, make sure you check out Jasmine Hill while you're at it!

By C p mier on Thursday, May 16, 2002 - 03:38 pm:

    why not just call the number and if and when someone answers ask them .