need a list of payphones in Toledo, Ohio that ring without answering... The Payphone Project: need a list of payphones in Toledo, Ohio that ring without answering...
FartLouder the God WarLord of KOF on Tuesday, November 24, 1998 - 01:08 pm:

    #'s that ring without answering are pretty handy on resumes and applications... You can make up a hell of a story and when they try to "verify", no one answers their calls! I have a great list of lonely payphone sites throughout New England, with address locations that I give to JackAsses when ever I can. I am going to send in a story to RBCP and tell him how these no answer phone #'s drive collection agencies and skip tracers and reference checkers crazy, and some cute explanations for them if you have to follow up... Long Live PLofA!