Darth Vader Query

sorabji.com: The Payphone Project: Darth Vader Query
Abby on Sunday, December 6, 1998 - 04:13 am:

    now what the hell does Darth Vader do when he rips a fart in his black suit? does he just sit there and take it like a cesspool cleaner? whatabout when he produces a stool? does Darth just pace around in his own filth? seriously, what the hell does he do? damn, it's got to be awfully smelly in that suit of his...

By NZAngel on Thursday, December 10, 1998 - 12:15 am:

    He must have a colostomy bag or something.

    Anyway, his air supply is all filtered and pure so he wouldn't smell it anyway.

    I saw a cool phone the other day while xmas shopping - R2D2, complete with all the whistles and beeps when it rings!

By Dexter on Friday, December 11, 1998 - 05:58 pm:

    Vader does, in fact, pace around in his filth. this is how he prepares for battle. it gives him strength. he becomes one with the filth.

By VADER on Wednesday, December 23, 1998 - 07:14 pm:

    There's a small exhaust port, right below the main port.

By E.Cloversmith on Monday, December 27, 1999 - 10:56 pm:

    Darth Vader does, have means for sanitizing his black suit, force draft blowers with hepa filtrated systems, This manage to act as a power sorce as well as a cleaning agent to keep the evil one pacing around, without being septicly challenged.

By Alex on Saturday, July 21, 2001 - 11:42 am:

    septically challenged! I like it!

By Ryan on Tuesday, July 8, 2003 - 08:00 pm:

    Nah, he was interrupted while taking a dump when the dude asked him a question in the second one... thats his industrial pooper.