Hehehehe... some still work however, but they're mostly privately owned (i.e. outside markets). ;-) -The Nafotabiator |
I understand the fascination with the PSTN; what I don't understand is why nobody takes the trouble to learn anything about it before they start throwing assertions around. |
I was discussing people who get hold of a term they're unclear on and then start kicking out nonsense with authority to make themselves seem like wizards. Hey, I think the phone system, and the telecomms nets that have followed, are fascinating as hell, and I've been hacking around with them since the early days of phreaking and boxing. So I took the trouble to sponge up as much data as I could. I don't have my self-worth bound up it, though. There's already far too much myth, misdirection, fronting, and plain old wrong (or outdated by decades) information out there on phreaking boards and the like. If we're going to stay one step ahead of Ma Bell and her unholy progeny, we need to have basic facts straight. |
january is male aggression month. |
what's a libretto? bah. i think i'll just take a vic and go pass out. |
A libretto is a type of Italian ham, sliced thinly and cured between the pages of a book, traditionally a large art book with those heavy, glossy pages. |
for the love of god, man! leave those pigs alone! |
You know good & well that a libretto is. And w/all the drama that goes on at these Payphone Project threads/us civillians sorely need one. BTW, Markus or Swine or whomever might know: Is it really true that the NSA monitors all overseas phone calls? Even the ones made from payphones? Even if they only eavesdrop for 10 sec. before moving on to another call? Yegads -- does our gov't. REALLY have the technology (& the staff!) to accomplish such a thing? Or is the monitoring done via computer? Also: Given the time & the proper equipment/wd any of you be capable of hooking up a relay system that wd make specific payphones in a specific locations ring simultaneously? I've been thinking abt a Sorabji Payphone Project Milennium thing. Everyone cd submit the # & address of one payphone from a major city in every state. And at 12:01am on New Year's Day/every single one of those phones wd start ringing. Just for the hell of it. I suggest using payphones in various mental institutions/brothels &/or police stations. Even if the phones don't accept incoming calls/there's still a way to make a payphone ring, right? I'd be willing to pay you a reasonable fee for rendering such services/of course. And I'm sure my fellow Sorbjians wd be more than happy to supply the phone #'s. |
The hundreds of millions of intercepts are scanned by computer, usually looking for spoken keywords. Incidentally, I can see the NSA headquarters building from my office window. Occasionally, I drive two minutes during my lunch hour and check out the National Cryptological Museum. Some pretty cool stuff in there, from ancient (1992) Crays to original Enigma and Purple machines. They've also got USS Liberty's flag, and you can buy NSA golfballs in the giftshop. If you're interested in an interesting (if slightly dated) general book on the SIGINT crew down the road, check out James Bamford's The Puzzle Palace. |
And speaking of cryptology & big-ass computers/I rented "Pi" last nite (sorry/my browser don't do math symbols). Very dark & claustrophobic looking-film (& so grainy you'd think he shot it on sand!). But man, did that guy have his crib wired or what? Just computer guts everywhere -- hanging from racks on the ceiling /overing every available surface. And that mysterious super-chip the Wall Street cabal gave him -- do new chips really have to go thru a declassification process/or was that just hype? Really killer concept tho' -- esp. becuz I knew a tiny bit abt Fibonacci's Numbers & Kabbalistic numerology. But the really weird part was the idea of the computer completing his program & suddenly becoming 'conscious' of itself & how it works. Which caused it to crash & burn & leave behind that weird goo -- which turned out to be organic matter/the same spiral patterns we see everywhere/when he put it under the microscope. I can't wait to see what this kid Aronofsky comes out w/next. |
Okay, it's not a payphone number, but it's a payphone related story. It matters, darnit! Continue. |
FUCK OFF, screwup.com! GETTHEFUCKOFF! january is male aggression month! january is male aggression month! GODDAMN! GODDAMN! IT'S HOT IN HERE! WAIT A MINUTE! IT'S HOT IN HERE! LET'S GET THIS THING STARTED! GODDAMMN!! |