The ONLY Place to call... The Payphone Project: The ONLY Place to call...
Nafotabio on Thursday, April 8, 1999 - 08:01 pm:

    One time I called a payphone outside a coin-op laundry in Pasadena and this guy picked up and told me to call this number and ask for Rob:
    (626) 796-5731
    He also said to be sure and mention bongs (why, I don't know). So, I called the number. Rob answered. I said that I was a private investigator and I was calling to see if he had any information about 25 stolen bongs. He started cracking up. "WHAT? 25 bongs?" (his exact words).
    So, if you ever want to mess around with some guy named Rob, whose name I got from some dude at a payphone, call (626) 796-5731

    Tell me what he says.


By Boingo on Thursday, April 8, 1999 - 08:43 pm: