My payphone story The Payphone Project: My payphone story
By Stymie on Thursday, May 6, 1999 - 07:36 pm:

    I answered a payphone once. It was Easter Sunday morning. I was was about 9 or 10 years old. My dad and I were out running some kind of errand in a small town and the streets were empty. He was looking in the window of an antique store and I heard a phone ringing. It kept going and going and finally I noticed a payphone down the block. I thought, "nahhhh...". The ringing kept going so finally I ran down to see if it was the payphone.

    Sure enough it was.

    I answered it and an old guy asked, "Do you have beer cakes?" Huh?. I think that was my response in fact...."huh?"
    "D'ya got beer cakes?"
    "Ummmm, this is a payphone on the street...."
    "This isn't the So-and-So Tavern?"
    "Nope, sorry."

    I finally figured out that he was asking for beer kegs.