Finally -- A Movie For All You Payphone Freaks! The Payphone Project: Finally -- A Movie For All You Payphone Freaks!
By R.C. on Monday, May 24, 1999 - 03:05 am:

    I never thought I'd see the day...

    Okay/which one of you guys wrote the script for this?: Phone Booth

    From the blurbs at CA/I'm definitely intrigued. Supposedly/Will Smith was up for the lead/but wanted too much $$. So who are you guys hoping will be cast as the protagonist?

By Margret on Monday, May 24, 1999 - 03:26 am:

    I'm not a payphone freak, but Tim Roth maybe?

By R.C. on Monday, May 24, 1999 - 02:45 pm:

    Naaaahhh -- Tim's been the baddie too many times. I'd be rooting for the sniper to shoot Tim.

    It needs to not be an A-list star. Or not yr usual A-list star (i.e. Cruise/Travolta/Cage). Someone very Everyman. Kind of avg. looking. But smarter than the avg. bear/so we'll believe he actually manages to match wits w/this guy & keep himself from getting shot.

    How abt Tim Robbins?

    Or wait -- Paul Newman/if he'd work for scale? He hardly ever works anymore. But he's supposed to have a terrific-sounding movie coming out this year w/Linda Fiorentino (one of my favorite bad girls): Where the Money Is

By Margret on Monday, May 24, 1999 - 02:50 pm:

    Anthony Edwards?

    Forrest Whitakker?

    Bill Paxton!!

By H on Monday, May 24, 1999 - 03:09 pm:

    Anyone not named Kevin Costner

By Nate on Monday, May 24, 1999 - 03:10 pm:

    i'd do it for free.

By R.C. on Monday, May 24, 1999 - 04:12 pm:

    Yes Nate -- but wd the public pay to see you?

    Bill Paxton wd be good. Bill Macy wd be better.
    But I still think Tim Robbins is my 1st choice.

By Nate on Monday, May 24, 1999 - 04:33 pm:

    the public paid nearly $2 billion world wide to see leonardo dicaprio fuck kate winslet on a sinking ship.

By Bagpuss on Monday, May 24, 1999 - 04:41 pm:

    No, they paid all that money to see the monkey faced gimp freeze to death.

    Well I did anyway.

By heather on Monday, May 24, 1999 - 05:27 pm:

    rc, pretty harsh response for someone who expresses such nate-lust


By Margret on Monday, May 24, 1999 - 06:15 pm:

    Well I'm sure if Nate had a publicity machine, we would all want to pay to see Nate in the flick. I mean, if he could act at all. Even a little.



    I think we ARE his publicity machine. And we suckn at generating the Nate frenzy, apparently.

By Nate on Monday, May 24, 1999 - 07:15 pm:

    i don't want a frenzy.

    i want to act a script written by a cohen.

    produced by a zucker.

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Monday, May 24, 1999 - 11:02 pm:

    How about the actor who plays Oswald on the Drew Carey show?

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Monday, May 24, 1999 - 11:08 pm:

    and R.C.??? where did you find that???

By Margret on Monday, May 24, 1999 - 11:22 pm:

    that guy IS yummy.

    but way too cute to be everyguy.

By R.C. on Tuesday, May 25, 1999 - 12:42 am:

    See -- I KNEW Nate was holding' out for the ART!

    (Can I pick 'em/or can I pick 'em?)

    Nate: A Coen bros. piece wd be very good. But the next Aronofsky project wd be even better! "Pi" just scratched the surface of what this guy can do.

    "Requiem for a Dream" has already been cast/but his remake of Proteus is still in Pre-pro.

    Have yr people call my people. I'll be in NY from the 5/26 til 6/2. (212-802-9975 -- yes/that's my real NY #.)

    [And PJ -- I know stuff like this becuz I have No Life & I love good movies -- which are few & far btwn. And you can find abt abt damn near anything that interests you on the Web.]

By TheFelid on Wednesday, September 1, 1999 - 06:29 pm:

    It's strange to find such articulate messages on an internet message board... I'm a Coen Bros. fan myself -- Miller's Crossing and Barton Fink are my personal favorites. You can find the script for Barton at my site (, but I would be appreciative to anyone who could direct me to a copy of the the Miller's Crossing script...