
sorabji.com: The Payphone Project: tenerife
PAUL WIGGLESWORTH on Sunday, August 8, 1999 - 06:45 pm:

    yes if any as actually heard of this tiny island As i no most of you yanks are not really up
    with european obscore islands,
    if you do know ...please could you advise of any
    site that will give a telephone directory
    for the island.

    cheers big ears,

By Spoon on Sunday, August 8, 1999 - 09:27 pm:

    i like
    to format

    my messages

    and get
    my wording right

    reread posts
    that dont make
    the first time round

By Sarah on Sunday, August 8, 1999 - 09:55 pm:

    the name Tenerife always makes me shudder. not only have i heard of it, i've been there.

    it was awful.

    the guy i lost my virginity to was a suave brit from Surrey on exchange at my high school. he was a grade older than me. for summer vacation he took me to tenerife, and it was an entirely horrible experience, except for being my first time abroad. he behaved badly the entire time, and i was too young and too dense to think of getting on a plane and leaving him there.

    thus commenced what turned out to be the beginning of a decade of romantic relationships, all of which eventually turned ugly, then crashed and burned.

    Fuck the Brits.

    um, except Joanne.

By Spuck on Monday, August 23, 1999 - 07:12 pm:

    You want to find a website with Spanish phone lists. Tenerife is part of Spain, and there is one phone company in Spain: Telefonica. You can go to their website at www.telefonica.es, but ironically, the link to their white pages is broken.

    Go here and clicky-click your way to Spain: www.teldir.com. They link to Telefonica's white pages, and it actually works. Unfortunately, I forget which province Tenerife is in, which is necessary information on their website.

    BTW, payphones in Spain do not accept incoming calls, but there are quite a few privately-owned payphones (in bars and the like) which do. These will usually be connected to the establishment's regular line.

By U.k.Ziggy on Monday, September 1, 2003 - 01:03 pm:

    Sarah,hope you got over it.were'not all the same!