Payphones in Utah The Payphone Project: Payphones in Utah
By J. Penguin on Saturday, September 18, 1999 - 03:37 pm:

    I got a call from a strange kid in Utah the other day who I've never met. He was calling me from a pay phone. I have the phone number from my caller I.D. and I want to know if anyone out there knows where this pay phone is. The number is 435-438-8803. I tried calling the number to see if anyone would pick up, but I don't think it takes incoming calls. Any info. you can give would be great. Thanks!

By Gee on Saturday, September 18, 1999 - 05:03 pm:

    I had a very nice conversation once with a fellow from london who called me and it was the wrong number. "But you don't have an accent." I said.

    "London, ONTARIO." he said.

    "I know!" I covered. "I was just kidding!" I wasn't kidding. I was just stupid.

    have I told this story before? darn.