Some fones around Columbus Ohio The Payphone Project: Some fones around Columbus Ohio
Redeyedsnake on Saturday, November 6, 1999 - 11:42 pm:

    3749 Easton Maket
    This fone is near the exit of the store, you might be ablt to catch a costomer on the way out.

    YMCA North
    1640 Sandalwood Place
    This fone is located in the main lobby near the main desk. if you call during YMCA hours someone will hear it.

    Max & Erma's
    The fone is directly on the right as you enter.

    Sam's Club
    there are 3 fones near the restrooms. if you call you might get someone that just relived them self ot the other way around.
    <L> 614-9554
    <M> 614-9534
    <R> 614-9505

    more to come...

By Gee on Sunday, November 7, 1999 - 01:16 pm:


    See?? It's not that hard!

By Phone man on Tuesday, June 17, 2003 - 08:06 pm:

    Here are some more Payphone #s and locations:
    614-445-9255 Max n Erma's
    614-445-9483 3rd st.(these
    phones are located
    in the basement by
    the restrooms.

By semillama on Wednesday, June 18, 2003 - 06:51 pm:

    That's the YMCA I go to when I don't have a field project going. If you call it, there's a slight chance you'll get me, if you ask for me.