Phone Numberz! The Payphone Project: Phone Numberz!
SniperNine on Friday, March 3, 2000 - 05:13 pm:

    I don't know how to submit stuff to this site, but I have 3 numberz that are all at my high skewl in Hastings On Hudson (one of the phone numberz is actually in the middle skewl, which is actually the same building).

    1(914)478-9740 -- One of the phonez in the lobby of the high skewl

    1(914)478-9697 -- The other phone in the lobby

    1(914)478-9757 -- a phone in the middle skewl, across from the office

By Eric Allen on Friday, March 17, 2000 - 01:25 am:

    More numbers
    562.494.9867 - Bus stop in back of a Ralph's near 7th St. & PCH in Long Beach, CA
    265 or 317.289.7764 - under a pavilion at the American Model Aeronautics Association field in Muncie, IN. I was there in October '99 for the AKA National Convention.