O.K. ... "spaceba balshoy,tvarich"... (thank you very much,comrade)...its still cool to say "tvarich" in Russia,if you buy a Russian doll in Moscow and refer to the doll seller as "tavarich" ,he will have a smile on his face,it reminds him of the time when the when the trains ran on time. :)..also if you go to Russia to buy dolls, get "President Clinton" dolls,on the out side is Clinton,inside are many girl friends,and the last and most small doll is his Wife!!! if you buy in Russia for a few $,5 or 10, you can sell on "E.Bay"for 250-300 bucks...also,"Zippo"lighters you can get in Moscow for 3 $,I think they are much more in America,in England,60$,...American prices I am not up to date...sometime this year,v hopes to get to Vilnius,Lithuania,it is the place where my Grandfathers had there large farms stolen by the communist system,in that place,I will bring back loot,right through customs control,...mostly amber jewellery,40,000 years old,with insects inside. :)...I can bring back up to £1000,($2000)as "gifts". :)...but if I want to sell on "e-bay",£10,000 or $20,000...perhaps I will do this,for fun,