Payphones and free calls from the web! The Payphone Project: Payphones and free calls from the web!
By Piranha on Saturday, January 6, 2001 - 11:57 pm:

    Just found a payphone number in a Eastgate Cinema - East Alton, Illinois (In the lobby) and for some reason they really are getting sick of me calling them up from Australia and saying HI!!!!! so why don't you help me get them mad by phoning 618-254-7178. I'm sure they'll love your fone call as much as they did mine. And if ya don't want to waste ya money calling it go to and make the call for free!!!!!!

By Python on Friday, July 6, 2001 - 07:43 pm:

    I would use it, but u have to pay for it now.

By Tyler Durden on Sunday, September 23, 2001 - 12:30 pm:

    Yeah kinda. The free calls can only last up to 5 minutes but you're charged if you go over that time limit, that's their basic service.