Anyone know how to clone a phonecard??? The Payphone Project: Anyone know how to clone a phonecard???
Chpp on Saturday, February 10, 2001 - 12:31 am:

    I just wanted to know does anyone can clone or modify any Telstra Australia phonecard?? I've got a smartcard programmer, but doesn't work for me!! Thanks!!!

By JboxR on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 01:44 am:

    WELL, you should have asked the Iranians hanging
    out around Nagoya Station (Nagoya Japan) a few
    years ago. They used to be out there shuffling
    remade phone cards like Las Vegas casino pros.
    You're walking buy and they say "ever-so-slyly"
    (laugh) - 'Hey, you wanna buy a phone card? They
    are cheap, my friend. For you, 10 for only 1000

    They worked alright, but now the phone company
    has modified all the payphones and so those
    brown-skinned, oil-sucking, camel-loving
    bedwetters are off doing other things...

By JboxR on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 01:46 am:

    Oh, yeah... We had a song that went like this.
    (sing it to the tune of 'Santa Claus is coming to

    You better watch out
    You better not cry
    You better not buy a phone card from that guy
    NTT is tracing that call

    They're making those cards
    And using them twice
    Hard to resist at such a great price
    NTT is facing a fall

    They know just how to sell them
    5 remakes for a "sen" (that's 1000 yen)
    Just right for every business man
    Who wants to pinch a yen

    Oh, You better watch out
    You better not cry
    You better not buy a phone card from that guy
    NTT is tracing that call

    Have a nice day.

By Piranha on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 08:04 am:

    Theres a guy at asking the same guestion. go and see if he's found out yet. It also has this trick for making a fone card have unlimited credit.