80's and early 90's. And i got the tone but i dono how to use it. How do you use it? yeah and i got a question for all of you true phreaks. is it your life or is it just a hobby? i can sorta imagin someone liveing off stealing from payfones but... yeah. somehow i cant. --ihavenohandle |
most switches are digital now, anyway. |
BTW, what was the blue box supposed to do? I'm too lazy to actually look it up in my "filez." The only box I'm really interested in is the"beige box." Now THERE's one that will never go out of style! |
Blue boxes (to the best of my knowledge) are supposed to produce the tones that the phone system uses to route calls, etc., and can be used (by someone who knows what he/she's doing) to possibly obtain free phone calls. This does require a great deal of knowledge of the phone system, though. However, as stated above, most of the US phone system is digital, no longer using easily-generated tones for routing. Thus the blue box is essentially worthless in the US. In some other countries . . . |
(and usually isn't) in a box - I was simply using the term as it is commonly used. Here in Japan (one of those other countries) there are many digital liines, but still PLENTY of easily accessable anolog lines. Payphones - probably 98% are digital, but you can still beige box digitally... |
And sound is always analog, even from a digital source. |
TESSERAKTIS will be all powerful... the 1337 ruler of the internet in 5 years all shall see Ye have been warned! |