New Pay Phone Number The Payphone Project: New Pay Phone Number
By Superstar on Saturday, January 31, 1998 - 09:51 pm:
    NEW # Zeta Psi frat house toronto
    (416) 967 9887
    someone always answers

By SHAOLIN SKILZ on Monday, February 2, 1998 - 08:08 pm:
    This number is located outside of a Food Lion store, in Amelia, Virginia, near a couple of drink machines.
    Call on weekends when the "kiddies" are all out hangin' around the parking lot.
    Especially Fridays and Saturday nights!
    Here's da number:804-561-5980

By L. Remback on Saturday, February 7, 1998 - 08:02 pm:

    The only pay telephone in Mars Trailer Park near Ft. Gordon, GA. Many soldiers reside here and use this telephone.

By Jordan on Monday, February 16, 1998 - 05:50 pm:
    How do we know the numbers given are not just payphones in peoples houses.....?

By Chrashtopher on Monday, February 16, 1998 - 06:25 pm:
    I have faith that the number of payphones in private residences number in the , oh, lets say....ZERO!

By Sorabji on Monday, February 16, 1998 - 07:02 pm:
    Actually I almost bought my sister a payphone for Christmas. You can get fully functional coin-operated payphones for your home, and there's a fairly active collector's market for such things.

    You'd probably have to be pretty hard-core into the payphone hobby, or else way into collectible/novelty telephones in general (another active collector's market).

    This site: PhoneCo is one company that sells payphones, but I know there are others.

By Ads on Thursday, February 19, 1998 - 08:36 am:
    Haha, stick that in yer pipe and smoke it!

By Spuck on Saturday, February 21, 1998 - 06:53 pm:
    There's a local Mexican Fast-Food place here in town with a payphone inside.

    Not too interesting, you say.

    The interesting thing is that the incoming number is the same as the published number for the restaurant. There is a sign on the payphone telling you to please not answer it if it rings. (I assume because the people in back want to get it.)

    I wonder if they are just too cheap to get a phone number for themselves, or if they did it so none of the employees can rip off phone calls from the phone in the back.

    Anyway... The number is (435) 753-9902.

By Ray Dios Haque on Tuesday, February 24, 1998 - 10:54 am:
    Anyone have any payphone numbers local to ohio (or other areas) that are Elcotel brand? I am looking for payphones that have the built in modem, and will answer with it when called. Wondering why I want these? I have the new Payphone Network Manager software set. Any numbers you send me are greatly appreciated.

    Thank You!
    -Ray Dios Haque

By SHAOLIN SKILZ on Thursday, March 12, 1998 - 09:19 pm:
    804-561-5890 is apparently a COCOT type-payphone.
    Haven't acquired the ANI at this time.

By Jboxr on Tuesday, April 14, 1998 - 02:10 am:
    Try this number. It isn't a payphone (sorry) but it is a demo phone next to a laptop setup for ANYONE to use as a demo in this portable phone shop. I guess it's a demo on how you can use your portable phone to access the internet. Whatever. Anyway, the number is 81-52-581-6211. Try ringing that and see how confused the girls working here will get!

    Have fun!

    *number includes country code.

By JboxR on Tuesday, April 28, 1998 - 09:08 am:
    An adendum (sp?) to that last message. That number should be: 81-52-561-9476.

    Also some news on Japanese payphones. Anyone care?

    The green and gray phones have no phone number. The pink ones and SOME gray ones DO have numbers as they are rented-payphones. Essentially you can do all sorts of things on these phones free, but the phone company doesn't pay - the renter of the phone does! Of course when he says that he did not make the 50 calls to Australia, the phone company MIGHT listen to him...

By Booger on Monday, November 16, 1998 - 11:21 pm:

    What are payphones?

By MrPodgy on Thursday, February 11, 1999 - 12:02 am:

    if anyone can get a list of Australian phone numbers and a how to figure out the numer of the payphone formula or something like that it woud be more appreciated.

By Gee on Tuesday, February 16, 1999 - 06:19 am:

    Explain to me why you would want to waste your time and energy on calling some strange payphone who will probably never call you back, when you could be out on the streets smiling at and talking to these payphones face-to-face like a normal person. Because I'm too lazy to dive into these payphone posts and investigate the matter myself. I feel like there should be a question mark in there somewhere, but again, too lazy. ????. Ahh, happiness!

By Neuby on Wednesday, June 23, 1999 - 11:25 pm:

    anyone who has number from illinois please e-mail with ones that are not on this list I will trade you some of the numbers I have for some of yours thanks

By Cant say who I am on Friday, November 19, 1999 - 04:19 pm:

    here is a pay phone in a prono store. someone answers it between 10 am and 2 am pst it is located by the la airport. keep it clean and they will talk to you have phun


By Patrick on Friday, November 19, 1999 - 05:02 pm:

    last i checked LA pay phones can't receive in bound calls

By Cant say who I am on Saturday, November 20, 1999 - 01:39 pm:

    yes this one can. try it. and you will see.

    since it inside of a store they can get phone calls on there. I tryed it a few weeks ago and it still works.
    but alot of la pay phones you can't get incomming calls. but there is still some around. have a good time and try it out., it works.

By ... on Saturday, November 20, 1999 - 03:19 pm:

    our maybe it's your ex's parent's phone number

By Clundgren on Saturday, June 2, 2001 - 08:27 pm:

    WOuld anyone help me with location of payphone ? 503-256-8001 portland or.
    thank-you email me please

By Dan on Sunday, September 2, 2001 - 07:12 am:

    Hi pay-phone people! Dan here in New Zealand, I work for A RADIO station here, and i'm looking for famous pay-phones to call if you can help me out, please e-mail me
    Please include the area codes, thanks so much!

By Hmmmm on Sunday, September 2, 2001 - 05:17 pm:

    If someone can get pay phone numbers to Morgantown, WV I would like to have them!! Or if you know a location to 304-292-1706 it would be greatly appreciated!! I you can help, please e-mail me Thanks!!

By Nate on Sunday, September 2, 2001 - 06:36 pm:

    i bet you're 22.

By Darlene Reschke on Wednesday, November 21, 2001 - 09:12 pm:

    its about my 16 yer old daughter i miss her so much she called me nov.21,2001 and she been calling from a pay phone 972 626-9223 she needs to come home she told me she was sick but okay
    I REALLY MISS HER ALOT and love her she could not hear me but i can hear her she called 1800 collect
    if you know this payphone please give me a address

By AuntDotty on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 - 07:24 pm:


    Why dont you just tell her that mommy loves her and wants her to come back home.

    Tell her you have bought her a puppy called Clem and Clem needs a pal.

    Tell her she means so much to you that you will even go and collect her. You can take Clem along for her to fall in love with.

    Alternatively, just accept that she is now a crack hoe with aids and not worth bothering with.

    You can sell Clem to the old guy across the street who is hungry.

By Cellman on Friday, March 1, 2002 - 06:30 am:

    here's a cool one ! lobby of first and last pizza,in danbury ct.203-748-9605 ask for pete the owner. if you can get him to answer. he will take your order for a free pizza. good luck!

By Alexis on Monday, July 1, 2002 - 09:46 pm:

    This number is for the Grinders restaurant on Whipple Ave. in Canton, Ohio. There's always someone standing somewhere near it so there's a good chance you'll get an answer.

    The # is (330)477-0801.

By Wannabe on Sunday, August 18, 2002 - 11:51 am:

    Does anyone know where in las vegas 702-735-9021, 702-796-7001 or 702-735-9969 is located? Thanks for your help.

By Master_prankster on Sunday, September 22, 2002 - 07:54 pm:

    any # for 740 in ohio

By SSTBKTS on Saturday, October 26, 2002 - 05:02 am:

    Just wanted to add a pay phone number. It's at the South Salem Wal-Mart Store in Oregon. 503-588-9716

By Explosion242 on Thursday, November 7, 2002 - 07:51 pm:

    Here is a pay phone # that is right inside the door at a section of St. Francis Hospital, in Peoria, Illinois. 309-676-9203
    Most people are students and medical personnel.

By Lekt0r on Thursday, November 14, 2002 - 12:09 pm:

    Here are some payphone #s in the 315 area code. All of the numbers listed accept incoming calls.

    *315-424-0956 – Pilot Truck Stop, Liverpool NY (outside)
    *315-424-1506 - Pilot Truck Stop, Liverpool NY (outside)
    *315-424-8889 – Pilot Truck Stop, Liverpool NY (inside)
    *315-424-0601 – Pilot Truck Stop, Liverpool NY (inside)
    *315-424-1330 – Pilot Truck Stop, Liverpool NY (inside)
    *315-424-8311 – Pilot Truck Stop, Liverpool NY (inside)
    *315-424-9377 – Pilot Truck Stop, Liverpool NY (inside)
    *315-424-9547 – Emergency Room, University Hospital Syracuse NY
    *315-424-9544 – Emergency Room, University Hospital Syracuse NY
    *315-424-9874 - First Floor University Hospital
    *315-424-9738 - First Floor University Hospital
    *315-424-9875 - First Floor University Hospital
    *315-424-9991 – Second Floor University Hospital
    *315-424-1069 – Third Floor University Hospital
    *315-471-9286 – Fourth Floor University Hospital
    *315-478-9766 – Fourth Floor University Hospital
    *315-424-9828 – Fifth Floor University Hospital
    *315-424-9692 – Fifth Floor University Hospital
    *315-424-9704 – Sixth Floor University Hospital
    *315-424-9827 – Sixth Floor University Hospital
    *315-424-9729 – Seventh Floor University Hospital
    *315-424-9826 – Seventh Floor University Hospital
    *315-424-9992 – Eighth Floor University Hospital
    *315-466-2306 – Carousel Mall (outside)
    *315-466-1607 – Carousel Mall
    *315-466-0084 - Carousel Mall
    *315-466-2707 – Carousel Mall
    *315-466-2607 – Carousel Mall
    *315-466-1807 – Carousel Mall
    *315-466-0709 – Carousel Mall
    *315-466-5006 – Carousel Mall
    *315-466-1206 – Carousel Mall (food court)
    *315-466-1307 – Carousel Mall (food court)
    *315-466-1407 – Carousel Mall (food court)
    *315-466-0083 – Carousel Mall
    *315-466-0082 – Carousel Mall bus stop (very cool)
    *315-466-0109 – Carousel Mall main entrance (near bus stop, just inside door)
    *315-466-0209 – Carousel Mall main entrance (near bus stop, just inside door)
    *315-466-5007 – Carousel Mall main entrance (near bus stop, just inside door)
    *315-446-9890 – K-Mart Entrance (loud ring)
    *315-446-9604 – K-Mart Entrance (loud ring)
    *315-475-9250 – School services lobby (rings on your end, not theirs)
    *315-422-9393 – Amtrak/Greyhound Terminal
    *315-422-1429 – Amtrak/Greyhound Terminal
    *315-424-9617 – Amtrak/Greyhound Terminal
    *315-424-9663 – Amtrak/Greyhound Terminal
    *315-422-1746 – Amtrak/Greyhound Terminal
    *315-422-1332 – Amtrak/Greyhound Terminal
    *315-422-1815 – Amtrak/Greyhound Terminal
    *315-422-1731 – Amtrak/Greyhound Terminal
    *315-422-1743 – Amtrak/Greyhound Terminal
    *315-623-9964 – Full Serve Gas station in Constantia NY
    *315-454-8643 – Salt City Billiards Pool Hall (very fun, lots of drunks)
    *315-451-4253 – ITT Technical Institute Cafeteria
    *315-410-9213 – K-1 Convenience Mart (outside entrance)
    *315-762-9953 – Savon Gas Station (tax free station)
    *315-454-9930 – K-Mart Entrance (Mattydale)
    *315-471-9797 – North Salina Street near Serpico Cafι
    *315-479-7914 – Angelo’s Market (Burnett ave.)
    *315-676-9949 – Gearsbeck’s Truck Stop (West Monroe)
    *315-675-9782 – Dee’s Sportsman’s Pub (Cleveland NY)
    *315-668-9216 – IGA Grocery Shop (Central Square)
    *315-463-9315 - Carrier Lobby
    *315-463-7709 - Carrier Lobby
    *315-437-9794 - Carrier Lobby

By Alan on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 06:15 am:

    I am in Australia and wish to know how i can find out the phone number of pay phone. The reason is the I am presently using Homelink or Phonewaway cards which costs more that my missus phoning me. That is, she phones from home to a payphone chaper that I can phone her from a payphone. Can someone please help,


By Computerkid on Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - 08:04 pm:

    I found a couple of new payphone numbers. Their outside a AMOCO gas station. Well here are the numbers:

    (There are three of them)

    1) 734-844-1929
    2) 734-981-7523
    3) 734-844-7945

    I don't know if all of them will ring

By Computerkid on Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - 08:07 pm:

    Here's another payphone number it's outside of a speedway gas station. It's really low to the ground...and this one rings


By Computerkid on Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - 08:11 pm:

    Here's one more... this one is at the exit of Meijer. Usually there are employees standing at the exit. This payphone rings very loud. Try calling it! It will drive the peole nuts!!!! The payphone says NO INCOMING CALLS but of course, it still receives incoming calls. You'll be hearing from me alot!!

    Here's the number:


By Computerkid on Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - 08:23 pm:

    Hi it's me again. I just wanted to let you know MY database of Payphone numbers. Well here they are.

    (these ones are from a florida airport)


    (now are the ones close to my city)


By ComputerKid on Sunday, May 4, 2003 - 02:36 pm:

    Hello. Computerkid here (or should I say Payhone Kid)? Here are some brand new payhone numbers. While I was on my way back from Chicago Illinois, we stopped at a rest station. There were 2 NEW PAYPHONES. Not a scratch or any rust on it either!
    These ring VERY VERY Loudly. Out of all of the new payphone numbers, the one with the Area code of "269".


    Well, There you go! I'll Have more next time!

By Payphone Guy on Wednesday, July 2, 2003 - 09:09 pm:

    Hey computerkid AKA Payphonekid,
    While your looking up all these
    Payphone numbers do you happen to know
    any of the call back codes to make the
    Payphones ring? if so please post what
    ever ones you know particually Chicago
    Illinois and any areas in Michigan. I've
    jotted down all the Payphone numbers you
    have posted on this board and only about
    20% of those Numbers take incoming calls,
    but I know the Payphones that don't take
    incoming calls you can still make ring if
    you have the call back code. I just can't
    remember what it is. So if you know any of
    them please post them. NOTE: THE CALL BACK

By Ryan on Tuesday, July 8, 2003 - 01:02 pm:

    I got a phone number for ya'll, it's in the lobby of Westmar High school in Western Maryland. the numbers 301-463-9800. I'm not sure if it takes incoming calls.

By Ryan on Friday, July 18, 2003 - 11:36 pm:

    This payphone is by a theatre in Frostburg MD. 301-689-9779

    A sheetz in creseptown MD. 301-729-9176

    Food Lion in Frostburg MD. 301-689-9041

    a telecommuting place in Frostburg MD. 301-689-9043

    Usave in Frostburg MD. 301-689-9013

    a medical center in Cumberland MD. 301-724-9603

    belovedly yours... Ryan

By Ryan on Thursday, July 31, 2003 - 11:31 pm:

    This ones another one at the westmart High School... 301-463-9801

    This ones at a clinic type place outside of Memorial hospital in cumberland Maryland... 301-724-1856

    Thats all for now!

By Gervis on Saturday, October 25, 2003 - 10:33 pm:


By Blowtorch on Sunday, October 26, 2003 - 12:16 am:

    Hi Gervis. Please look under your seat, where you will find a blowtorch with a scathing, red hot flame emanating thenceforth. Please use this blowtorch to fuck yourself in the ass.

By Bob on Friday, November 7, 2003 - 10:35 am:

    pay phone number 407-207-8163 old cheney hwy orlando fl 7-11 store

By 0987 on Thursday, February 26, 2004 - 04:02 pm:

    this payphone is located in a highschool lobby in Washington DC.
    Kids always answer

By Poop on Monday, April 12, 2004 - 02:21 pm:

    poop sack i licck my balls and my pparents **** me

By J on Monday, April 19, 2004 - 03:37 am:

    Poop sack i lick my balls and my parents HATE me" Punk piece of shit moron.

By Lewis on Thursday, May 13, 2004 - 11:26 am:

    I posted it elsewhere but it may be more noticeable


    High school commons in ALbany, MN

    And yes, there are many kids that answer this phone,
    and they have races to pick it up when it rings

By Mike on Saturday, November 20, 2004 - 05:25 am:

    I must know where this pay phone is located, it is in santa ana, ca I don't want to say why i need it but it's very innocent i assure you...if anyone can help, thanks in advance.....

By Nikki Bryant on Saturday, January 8, 2005 - 09:21 pm:

    Hey can someone PLEASE find out the address for this payphone number? I would appreciate it so much if you could. The number is (423) 625-9954.