california is the more religiously diverse than any other place in the history of the world. california leads the country in techology, agriculture, defense and entertainment. california's economy is larger than that of russia or china. though we have roughly 12.5% of the population, we have only 10% of the electoral college. |
Check out www.littleshelter.com/cats/cat_adoption_group3.htm We adopted Matthew II and James (brother cats about 1 year old). James is very friendly and outgoing and hyper and has made himself right at home; Matthew is more skittish and has been hiding since we got him home, but he likes to be pet while he's in his hiding spot. Hopefully, he'll come around. He was hit by a car, but has fully healed. He'll come out, swat at his brother, and go back to hiding. James doesn't seem to mind. Cute little fuckers. |
if you get an email from me with an .exe or .bat file attached to it and it says something like "i send this to get your advice" please just delete the email. if you try to open the attachment, you're fucked. oddly enough, i never open attachments, particularly .exe or .bat files, and it is my policy to never open attachments from people i don't know and my virus scan works just fine. so how i got this virus is a totaly mystery. |
would be a virus. I got it as a PIF though. I deleted the files and so far, nothing seems bad, maybe it's because it was my yahoo account... |
(well, come to think of it, many of my emails are unwanted...but you know, the one with the virus, I mean). |
Strange how the virus picked out a subject line in Daniel's email that has a direct connection to Sarah. Maybe I'm good because this is a Mac... |
as far as i know the virus doesn't do anything harmful to your computer, except replicate itself by finding your email address book and sending everyone in it an email with a similar attachment. i ran a clean-up on my disk drive and deleted all the infected files. there were not many. nothing is actually wrong with my operating system. people have received email messages from me via this worm with subject titles the exact same as file names located on my disk drive, like "National Instruments Cover Letter". so who knows. |
but it scans incoming and outgoing messages... |
Weren't the Trojans also Greek? |
i want a pet of my very own two, maybe |
how about this guinea pig for cute? the other one is equally cute, but he's all black and doesn't photograph well. http://www.torturechamber.com/agatha/blogger.html happy mayday! call in sick! |
Hey, I know this is kind of weird, but I noticed something with Len's cat. Every evening around 6 - 7 PM, the cat gets vocal, and walks around near the front door. The past 2 days, I needed to plan dinner and asked Len to page me when he was leaving his job. Both days, within minutes of his page that he was leaving, Willie started his talking routine. I think that he might be displaying some weird sort of Psychic link with Len. I heard about this before with dogs, so we are going to be keeping a log to see if this is more than a coincidence. Shit...Maybe I have too much time on my hands... |
Plus, it just seems logical. Cats are not really known to live life solo. Its only logical they have a playmate, evenm if they are hissing at each other sometimes. I hiss at my wife too. btw way dougie, you talked about your kitties, but where exactly is the link? All i remember is a link to the image of your house you posted (and it not coming up.) Id like to see your meow meows. |
I should scan in some of the pictures of Bell and Shadow one of these days. They're best friends. And gay, to boot. |
Yes Christopher, Matthew's finally come out of his shell. At first I thought James would be the dominant one because when we first got them he was strutting around the place like he owned it. Then psycho Matthew finally started exploring around and made it known who's the kitty boss around here. Patrick, you have a cat named Isabella? My sister has a mutt named Isabella. Small world. You can check out my pussy collection at: www.littleshelter.com/cats/cat_adoption_group3.htm Yeah, I signed up with freewebsites.com and put some pix of my house on there, but I think they have a monthly transfer limit which has been exceeded. I have DSL with dynamic IP, so I'm going to sign up with dns2go.com and register my own domain with them and set up and run a website at home. I hate these free websites with all the banners and popups and shit. |
When I see those websites, I want to adopt them all, but then again, I say the same thing when I look at the websites of unwanted kids available for adoption. I want another kid, maybe a little boy in between the ages of our girls. We have room, we can find a way to afford it, the adoption would be payed for by Spunky's work, all I would have to do is get another dresser and some bunk beds for the girls. Lately I have been really fighting it, wanting to adopt a kid. Trouble is most of the ones I find, are so developmentally disabled, that I would be spreading myself too thin. I have yet to find a way to find a child that is healthy in the aspect of his/her medical problems aren't life long? I don't want to adopt a child I am going to end up having to put in a home because of developmental problems or retardations of different kinds. I wish I knew exactly where to look. Then again, maybe I don't need a third child. Or a fourth cat. |
I dated this guy named Kenny back in the late 80's. HE came from Florida, and had a really great friend who just KNEW she would never meet the right guy, but really wanted a kid. Somehow, after years of badgering him, She convinced Kenny that he should be the guy to give it to her (in more ways than one). When I found out that he was planning on going out there to knock her up, I broke up with him, because I am a staunch homo and didn't want anything to do with a bisexual. Well, he went down there, and because he was all that and more, he managed to get her pregnant sometime during a one week period. She swore that he wouldn't have to worry about getting stuck providing for her; he was just the best friend in the world for giving her empty life meaning by way of the little gift that was growing inside her. The day came, she had the baby, and I even saw the snapshots when I ran into Kenny in a bar one night. I asked him "Jeez, Kenny, do you think she might turn around and sue you for child support?". "No Way!! We're really good friends!!" he tells me. About a year later I found out that She sued him for child support and he was then liable for $1000 a month out of his waiters salary. 6 years or so later, He managed to work his way up the restaurant ladder and became a manager of a couple of prestigious places in Manhattan. She sued him for more money, and I heard he was paying her $3000 a month. I figure he has only 4 or 5 more years left to go. Like I said, I'm a staunch homo and am glad I'll never have to deal with that particular hell. I don't like kids much anyway. they get dirt everywhere. |
Anyways, it was a stupid thing for him to do, and rather insulting if you were involved. Looks like he is having to pay the price, and you are doing just fine. |
polygamy. Please return to your regular shenanigans. |
i know plenty of monogamous bisexuals. |
slap me five. |
slap me five. |
boy hand jive thing,now, are you? |
you don't have to be mormon to subscribe to the idea. many new age freaks get into that kind of thing. no white boy hand jive unless i thought it would pull lucy out of the wood work. |
What a horrid position he is in. |
I don't have much sympathy for him, no where near as much as i do, the people of Palestine. He's a horrid leader, who appears hell bent on going out in a blaze of glory. I tend to side with the Palestinian cause more, simply because of Israeli oppression and occupation that has continued for decades, but both leaders have failed their people completely. |
Please don't misunderstand my meaning, it was the guy, not the fact that he was bi-sexual. |
"I wouldn't have stayed with a bisexual either. Then again, I am into monogamy..." no worries, im just telling you where we may have misunderstood you. Also, not to be hypertechnical, but because a gay man sleeps with a woman doesn't he's bisexual either. Most gay men have slept with women at some point and are not bisexual. I didn't pick up any bisexuality aspects of christopher's story. I did pick up aspects the the guy was dim as a doorknob though, especially the part about him falling out the door. Thats too hilarious. |
"I broke up with him, because I am a staunch homo and didn't want anything to do with a bisexual." That was where the bisexuality came from. |
I think a lot of people must be thinking that I'm really faggy because I identify myself to an extreme on the Kinsey scale,but I'm not. I'm actually sort of hunky in a 38 year old kind of way, with facial hair and beautiful straight teeth. They're beautiful and straight because they're capped, but they're all mine... Lets face it; Sometimes really faggy guys can be hilarious, but sometimes they're Really Frightening |
Bandit Bandigoose Diablo Fuddley Dee Riff Raff and Little Fergus Monster meow~meow of course. BlurryHeck. |
like wise, a handful of the lesbians i know, have told me they all went out with guys in the beginning, again to confirm what they already knew and also to try and fit in. As a way of dealing with they may have been fearing. perhaps you're an exception christopher? knew all along, were comfortable with it, and didnt bother trying to "fit in". eh, no matter. this weekend Im going to a party at my friend Christopher's house. He's possibly the "faggiesst" guy I know and is an absolute dear friend. He is "faggy" in a hilarious way, but he's hardly to do do bird some "faggy" guys can be, as you imply. |
wha?! |
let me try again dave. He is "faggy" in a good and hilarious way, but he's hardly the dodo bird some "faggy" guys can be, as you say Christopher (i.e. the well known Peter Pan freak). |
Clearly. I admire your courage.I truly believe being out is such an important important thing, not only for the individual, but society at large. i consider the things my uncle did a possible side effect of his repression. Not an excuse, but part of the jumble. |
Example: When I was in Joseph, the guy who played Joseph was a bonefied hottie. He was gorgeous. He was a dance instructor and taught younger girls (like the 7-9 year old age bracket). When he was in college he used to date this guy that I knew. I knew this guy because he dated my friend for 3 years before he came out. They were seen together years before and had something going during the play. No one knew he was a homosexual and didn't think twice about the stuff that he and Greg kept giving each other. All of the college girls would just ooh, and aah over him and I would sit back, not revealing his secret, and laugh my ass off. We would be rehearsing the Potiphar scene and there was this part where he was being rolled down the line and all of the girls had to put their hands all over him. Then he gets shoved into this chair and Mrs. Potiphar sits on his lap and we all had to run around the chair and rub him all over. He's saying things like "I had a dream about this last night" and acting like he is getting off on it. I thought it was absolutely hillarious. He didn't let anyone know because he thought that if the parents of the kids he taught found out then they would pull their kids from his class and he would be out of work. The sad part is, in that area of Kansas City, it's probably true. I have more respect for people being who they are, because I sat and watched this guy make a fool over himself with his lies, and it made me sad. Granted, only 3 of us out of 150 knew the truth, but it was still sad, not in a emotional weepy kind of way but in a lack of self kind of way. Needless to say I spent most of my time that year with Jeff. He kept me laughing and kept me from being nervous. We were cast together again in the next show. It was fun. I much prefer people who are themselves, rather than those pretending to be what they aren't. |
"heh heh" |
click the yellow link OPerator above |