latest list of aussie phone numbers The Payphone Project: latest list of aussie phone numbers
By Raider on Monday, February 17, 2003 - 07:56 am:

    especially in melbourne? someone wanna gimme a detailed on how to find one?

By MaNiAK on Saturday, February 22, 2003 - 01:53 am:

    I don't know about a list, but you could go to the phones and write down the numbers off of them. If the phones don't have numbers written on them, then you'll have to find your local ANAC (Automated Number Anouncement Circuit), I don't live anywhere close to Australia so I can't help you with that. I live in Canada and my ANAC is 958-6111, so it might be something like that or it could be something as simple as 311, 511, 811. Or you could try an ANI (Automatic Number Identification). I know of 2 ANI's:
    1-888-324-8686 (this one works in Canada and the USA)and theres 1-800-877-2278 also.

    I'm not sure those ANI's will work in Australia, but they're worth a shot. Hopefully this will help you out a bit.

By Aquios on Sunday, April 6, 2003 - 10:36 am:

    rember the good old days when Zaleth's australian phreaking message board [] was up and there was a place you could discuss AUSTRALIAN PHREAKING.

    wanna see that shit again! click here. Tell all your friends! email everyone in your address book! spread the word. If you have a zine plug it, if you have a site link it. The only way its gunna happen is if we get the word out to lots of aussie phreakers.

    REMEMBER: phreaking cannot progress without dialogue!

By Carts on Saturday, September 18, 2004 - 11:59 am:

    Just found some interesting numbers:

    try 13450361
    or 13450362

    both ring and answer but they only give tones?