Payphone next to homeless program in Chicago, Illinois. |
"victim"? |
If you call the number the recording says that it's a "prepaid phone calling service" or something like that. |
The caller left a message and I.D.ed himself as Allen! This person is in Honduras right now. |
I purchased an AT&T calling card while at a Winn Dixie super market in Florida. I was going on a cruise and wanted a calling card to call home from the Carribean. When I use the "800" access number to dial 312-730-9978 shows up on the person I am calling's caller ID. So if you get a call from this number it is either someone you know with an AT&T calling card, a wrong number or someone who doesn't want anybody to know who they are and are using a calling card rather than a home phone #. |
Mamma Gail, here's a question for you: Where did your son buy the card, I mean which state? |
It's BS that people can still get around the caller ID...we all have caller ID for a reason...take your complaints to AT&T, other long distance companies, and most importantly, the FCC ( You can also call the FCC at (1-888-225-5322). The more complaints they get, the quicker something will be done about this annoyance. Good luck!! |
Send an email to: and a copy to In the email, state your name and phone number and give as much detail about the problem as possible (#'s of times called by this number, time of day/night, is it a hang-up call?, etc.) The more you can give them, the better. Also refer them to this web site so they can see everyone else who has had a problem with this # calling us. Good luck to us all! |
865-297-9978 312-730-9978 407-393-9079 412-230-9978 Whoever it is is agressive as hell. If it is a telemarketer, why would they hang up and then call several more times and hang up? I have installed a new feature that allows me to block certain #s and I will include these bastards, but there source of numbers may be huge. I'll report back on what happens. So far no luck into finding out who is using the card to make the calls to my # over and over and over again |
my boyfriend called me from Laughlin AFB in TX and this # came up. I think that all of you just have to accept that this # is nothing more than a routing card!!! GET OVER IT! |
Wierd. |
Do not freak; I'm the one calling you. I just wanted to get to know you better before our arranged marriage is consumated. Love, Ravi |
Wow have I got one for you. It is a calling card. But not just any calling card, its a special calling card. One that can't be traced. Duh duh... But it is a two edged sword for one party as well as the other. The people that are getting weird calls at weird times might be just as myself...possibly getting screwed by your mate. The rest of you, You are all just getting innocent calls from loved ones or friends, maybe even ones over seas. Now get this though, I get a call tonight just after 11:00 p.m. and it's a guy. He asks for my wife by her first name only and so I ask him who he is. He says he's a friend. Well my wife doesn’t have many friends especially men friends. I then ask him how old the woman he is looking for is and he tells me her age. I ask him what he needs to talk to her about and he says, "Why the third degree." And so I said " Because she's married." He asks me my wife's last name, I say, "No what's the girls last name your looking for and he tells me some name like Smith or Jones or something generic like that and he tells me where she lives and be darned if it's only about 5 minutes from where my wife gets on and off the bus every day from her job in the Big City. Well he tells me sorry and he hangs up. end of story right, wrong, a few seconds later he calls me back and says he was just checking to see if he called the wrong number. O.K. but the reason is because he left her number at the office. Well, my wife and I both have cell phones, the ONLY DIFFERENCE in their numbers are 1 digit off and if she's anything like me she has told people my phone number meaning to give them hers and I have given people her number instead of mine. NOW ALL THIS GOT ME WONDERING SO I try to google the phone number and bam look what I find ""A BUNCH OF PEOPLE SEARCHING FOR SOME TRUTH."" SEARCH AND YOU MAY FIND. Now if you didn't want to be identified by who you are calling what a better way than to use a calling card that shows a generic phone number like this. GOD forbid my wife is cheating, this I do not now know but time goes by life will be revealed |
I left my cell phone in the car when I got in here to work, and it showed that I missed this call this morning at just after 8:00am. I was suprised to see this thread pull up, but I assume it was a friend of mine stationed in Fort Campbell, KY. Could not get back a hold of him to confirm, but I am sure it is no big deal... |
:-) |
Abu Ghraib |
Anyway, I'm just posting this to get the douchebags all worked up. Go douchebag! Tell me I'm a fool! |
Nightly, I receive calls from phone numbers that make no sense to me. That's because my boyfriend lives in Florida and he uses a calling card to call me. AT&T, SBC, and Verizon all use the same phone banks to route their long distance calls from calling cards. Even if you use a calling card to call from a payphone in the same city as the person you are calling, these calls will be routed through the call centers. When I first started getting these calls, I did a city search from the area codes. Turns out these call centers are in Chicago, Denver, and Atlanta. Hmmmm, you know, these cities are the main starting point for each respective phone company. Makes you wonder, huh? |
My kid listens to an online(internet) radio station that makes crank calls to unsuspecting folks - particularly rural areas. I listened to what some kids(& moronic adults) consider great pasttime fun: For example, the station calls a chosen number(they most often also know the person's name) & play the following ruse: a young African-American woman claims the man of the house has impregnated her. In another, the caller claims to be collecting for the KKK. The calls are made repeatedly over several days. Of course the answering party denies all- What fun for all those listening on the interent. Surprisingly, as ridiculous as the calls' claims are, some folks that answer the call stay on the line for up to 20 min. Gee I don't know who's the biggest idiots!?! But I'll bet anything that this number is used... |
You might want to contract the services of a private eye to find out the truth about the misses. Nothing against her, but if it sounds fishy, as your deal does, it probably is! The hard part is seeing this while in the midst of the relationship. Believe me, I know. My soon-to-be-ex bullshitted her way around some strange events with me, and when I hired the PI, I discovered she was gay! ( just never know...) Now Single and loving it! |
There was another girl who got this same number 865-297-9978 Another one that could be similar is 310-280-7373 |
The reason you get calls late at night is because people over in the middle east from the US use these cards, like soldiers, etc.... I got a call last night from a guy from the US in baghdad whom I sold something to on EBay. |
His call originated and ended in Connecticut less than ten miles from his apartment. So his calls get routed through Chicago, big deal. He dials his card number from wherever he wants. |
I have a cell phone but have to have a line phone. The bills get high, so with the line phone I get minimal service and use calling cards for long distance. Today I had to call someone and when they asked where I was I said Louisville. They said I was a liar cause their machine said I was in Chicago??? So, with my line phone and the calling card I called my cell phone so I could see the number the card gave: 865-297-9978 So, I got on Google to do a search on it and found this site. So, I guess I'm the guy that's been calling everybody at weird hours. Ha Ha Ha... I'm on my way now, honey. ha ha ha... |
so-- add me to the list |
DO YOU THINK IT MIGHT BE A CALLING CARD? Wake up and smell the calling card people! |
The weirdest thing happened to me. I was talking to my husband over the phone. He wasn't gone anywhere. He was just on the other phone, and we were screaming over the dial tone at each other just for fun when my calico cat Archibald got mad at me for yelling and jumped on and attached himself to my face. I started screaming bloody murder and fell over backward, and my head went through a window pain. I was bleeding profusely from multiple lacerations and was starting to lose consciousness. That's when I started hallucinating about a giant squirrel on top of my house. He was banging a giant acorn on my roof, and I climbed up a tree onto the roof to tell him to stop before he damaged my shingles. He went right on banging and didn't acknowledge me at all at first. Then as I began to listen more closely to the banging, I asked, "Hey! Is that Morse code?" Now, don't ask me how I thought of that because I don't even know Morse code, but the squirrel chuckled and winked, gave a little nod, spun around 3 times, clicked his heels, took a dump and scampered off. I took that as a, "Yes." I don't know why, but the pattern stuck in my head. However, afraid of losing it and thinking that it MUST be something important, I wrote it down with a pen and piece of paper I conveniently had in my pocket, which is also strange because I'm illiterate. Therefore, I shouldn't even be typing this to you right now. So anyway, the pattern was short-short-short-long-long (...--), short-long-long-long-long (.----), short-short-long-long-long (..---), long-long-short-short-short (--...), short-short-short-long-long (...--), long-long-long-long-long (-----), long-long-long-long-short (----.), long-long-long-long-short (----.), long-long-short-short-short (--...), and long-long-long-short-short (---..). Once I had written down this code, I began to come to... I was back in the house where I'd passed out. The weird thing is that though I didn't really have that piece of paper, the pattern was scrawled across my wall in my own blood that I'd bled all over the place when I was injured. I don't know who wrote it unless I was sleep-walking somehow, or how the bleeding was stopped for that matter. Anyway, my cat was calmly licking himself as if nothing had happened, and my husband had gotten bored and tired of listening to the loud, annoying "Beep-beep-beep-beep-beep-beep-beep" that comes on instead of the dial tone after you've left the phone off the hook for a long time and, too ignoramous to check to see what happened to me when I had screamed and obviously fallen, had now gone to bed as if nothing had happened. So being that I now seemed to have some spare time on my hands, I decided to do a search on line since you can find anything on line these days. I sat there for a few days trying to get the blasted computer to connect before I realized the phone was still off the hook, but it really worked great after I hung it up! I found out that in Morse code, that pattern stands for 312-730-9978, and then I did a search on that number and ended up here. Isn't that the strangest thing? I mean really!!! Isn't it strange that my calico cat is male? I thought they were all or at least almost always female. If you have a male calico cat, isn't it worth a lot of money? Man, that WAS an important message! If I hadn't found you guys, I would have never realized how valuable Archibald is. Thank you all for your help! |
After much snooping, I found out this is how to get around caller ID, and telemarketing "no call lists". I reported them and was assigned a caseworker believe it or not,lol So, report report report. If theres a lawsuit are automatically included in the settlement...which, believe it or not isn't just a few cents, but sometimes well over $100.00. Hope this helped some |
called it back once, asked who it was, the persion said it was a payphone, said name was robert or something. the thing that seemed strange, is that who in the hell would answer a ringing payhone? |
I don't answer call from numbers I don't know. I'm talking about 312 730-9978. |
She and "Mr. Wonderful" used an elaborate construct of pre-paid calling cards back and forth between her and his cell phone. This is done so as to not be able to trace calls back to the caller BUT it doesn't stop odd calls of unusual duration appearing on the cell phone bill from these "fishy" pre-paid calling cards. You might not be able to identify the boy friend but you sure as hell can figure out there is a boyfriend. The crank calls coming from these cards are probably just coincidences. If someone who has a cell phone with gobs of minutes buys a pre-paid card . . . they are hiding something. |
You know, today I learned that some cutting edge physicists have been speculating that universes reproduce, each decendant having slightly different fundamental constants of nature. Those that believe this differ on what type of universe we're in: are we in a universe that has constants which more likely generate life, or are we in a universe who's constants lead to more universes being reproduced? Both sides are trying to rip the other side's arguments to shreds. p.s. Fuck you. |
There was a time when you didn't have caller id. Now you can't live without it. |
I hit this site about 2 weeks ago because of constant calls from 3 numbers. I saw Brians post from back on 4/12 & 4/21, and I posted that same day that it was TELESTAR MARKETING. I followed Brians advice and sent a e-mail to the FCC using his link. Today..the FCC sent me a form to file a complaint against telemarketers. In it, all the problems discussed here are addressed, (dead air,"wrong numbers" etc). Along with links are information on where to go to register for for national no call lists, reporting violators if already registered,etc. I just wanted to say thank you to Brian. Until I saw your post, and acted on the link, these people were driving me nuts. Thanks again : ) Icey |
Verily I Spit at Thee, FCC!!! |
865-297-9978 407-393-9079 203-906-6369 this guy actually left a message 312-730-9978 |
We all know that this is a calling card # & how they are routed through different cities. Because of this, there are still a considerable amount of people who get pranked & harrassing calls & it doesn't seem like there is a way to stop it by finding out the actual source/location of the call since calling card calls are routed through different cities. Is there a way to find out who & where is actually calling even if they do use a calling card? Anybody know? |
We all know that this is a calling card # & how they are routed through different cities. Because of this, there are still a considerable amount of people who get pranked & harrassing calls & it doesn't seem like there is a way to stop it by finding out the actual source/location of the call since calling card calls are routed through different cities. Is there a way to find out who & where is actually calling even if they do use a calling card? Anybody know? |
Just give up now. |
The exact same occurrence just happened to my mother including the 5 houses down, knowledge of my name, and naked pictures of me. I am concerned and would like to know if you live in the same area as me. I live in Dallas. Please respond back with your area. You don't have to give any specifics don't worry. Thank you very much |
That same number has called my cell phone, and so has 407-393-9079 and she started asking me questions about myself so I hung up on her and she called me back and left me a voice mail. I'm gettin kinda freaked out. I live in Colorado |
Phone rang at 1:15 AM MST and my husband said "I bet it's a woman asking for Jack" 412-200-9978 sure enough, she did. When I was googling the number, she called again only this time from a different number: 407-393-9079 Hubby says that she has called over a dozen times in the last week asking for Jack. I asked her if she realized she was calling Montana, and she said she did, but she can't hit the buttons right. Well, I think she needs to try harder since she is waking us in the middle of the night! |
. Last I saw, the calls had stopped. But hey, where theres a will, there's a way. Not sure what to think anymore. Finding this site is amazing ! Glad I'm not alone. |
How did you have the calling card traced to find the actual number of where the call was being made? |
| is how I traced the number..... however, they were a couple of blocks off..... eventually found out through for nothing ! Why are we wasting time on these people ? Seems to be a relay between either the middle east or usa which is way to vague..... If both parties use a calling card then it's a problem...... which it was for me.... no more, I'm done.... Hope this helps you.... life is short, lets live it ! My boyfriend spent 3 hours, twice a week, (coming home to me and leaving me on his way home) on this number..... just not worth it, especially as he can't 'recall' who it is ! Good luck.... |
I could possibly know who this guy is. I also live in the Dallas area and had this number on the caller ID of my cell phone from 11:54 pm last night. Have never seen this number before, looked it up on here and this is what I find. As I read on I see that it most probably is an AT&T calling card. Well.....just so happens I have this ex-boyfriend who also lives in the Dallas area, who I gave several AT&T long distance calling cards to last Christmas--the same guy that I had to threaten legal action against in June to get him to finally stop harassing me. He is an obsessive and unstable sociopath and would call me 20-30 times a day sometimes trying to talk to me, thus my words of legal action. Some of the things said to you Dallas people about the photos and negatives sound vaguely familiar, and I would not put it past this person one bit to do this to people. Concerned, if you will contact me I will be happy to give your policeman friend this person's contact info. It can't hurt to simply check it out. Of course, we all know this still won't stop the calls from 865-297-9978. But maybe it will stop the scary ones. |
The first from 312-730-9978 at 9:18am The second from 865-297-9978 at 4:09am It was my friend from the military calling me on a phonecard! I verified it with another friend of mine...darn you people! Just when I was about to freak out! Hm, he used a calling card alright! |
I decided to google it and this site came up, so anyone know the deal? I'd call it back but I really don't want to. I too traced it to Knoxville TN, but the site didn't give me more than that. Yeah mine was listed as a missed call too. I have AT&T wireless service and when I looked up the number in the online white pages, it said that it was sent from a services that too was AT&T, but wouldn't list it any further. So what's the deal? Maybe my phone didn't even ring after all seeing as its showing up on more than a few people's phones as a missed call. |
(865) 297 Area Code Area Code - NPA 865 Exchange - NXX 297 Country US State TENNESSEE TN City KNOXVILLE County Name KNOX Latitude 35.97 Longitude -83.91 LATA 474 Timezone -5 Day Light Saving 1 County Population 382000 FIPS 093 MSA 3840 PMSA CBSA 28940 ZIP Code 37922 OCN 7698 Company Name AT&T - LOCAL - TN Rate Center KNOXVILLE Switch Center CLLI KNVLTNMADS2 Rate Center Horizontal 6799 Rate Center Vertical 2250 |
i live in the UK.. ..aaand i havent had a call from this number or anything.. i just wanted to laugh at you .. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! so many people.. so many problems.. so many phone calls.. so... little i have no life.. oh FYI, if you're ever bored, write something completely random into google. i assure you theres always a website like this lurking around.. xD |
together. I too read through many of these posts simply because they are there. I'm interested to find out what the meaning of the call is. Have I been choosen for a reason? Are we all brothers and sisters now? |
generator and is for what ever reason using a computer to dial blocks or random numbers. Sounds like a hacker having fun. |