My sucky payphone adventure The Payphone Project: My sucky payphone adventure
By HYp3rPh43r on Saturday, October 18, 2003 - 10:59 pm:

    Ok...well this was my first payphone adventure and it kinda sucks, but bear with me. Ok well me and ny friends were at Science Day in Texas Tech one day, and me, having heard the RIAA Rap Parody (202-775-0101!) by, decided to call up the RIAA and tell them what I think of their lawsuits (which was "SHOVE THEM UP YOUR ASS!" but I digress). So I dialed the number, inserted the money, but no dice. All I got was a dial tone and
    and some static, then it disconnected. So I say "SCREW YOU!", punch the keypad, get me a Dr. Pepper, and go throw Play-Doh in the Tech bathroom for a while. After a couple of minutes, I go out and find my friend Keagan, and I tell him my story. He says "I got a better idea. Let's harass the operator!" So naturally I agree and we go back to the payphone. But when we get there, there's these two black bitches hogging the phone talking to their stupid boyfirends. So first, I ask nicely if we can use the phone. And as you might of guessed, that doesnt really work. So we ask again. Nothing. Then we tried the old, it's an emergency and we need to use the phone trick. Still they would not get off. So I crack my knuckles, and in one swift motion I swing around in a circle, roundhouse kick the front of the Coke machine (which led to a satisfying BOING!), rotated back to them and pointed my finger at them. Keagan was right behind me and got into a fighting stance. I walked over to the payphone, hung up their call,and said "Listen bitches, you're gonna get the hell away from this phone. And if you don't comply within 30 seconds, we're gonna shove that phone through your skull. You down wit dat!?" Apparently they were, as they ran out of the building. So we got on the phone, and dialed 0. An operator came on and asked "Hello. How may I help you?" to which I said "I have a problem." Then she says "What is your problem sir?" And I say "YOUR PUSSY, BITCH!" Then we ran off laughing, back to our class, and we met up with the girls again, who ran off to get security.
    But since the class was on the bus, we flipped 'em off, and motored outta there! And Keagan, living up to his nickname as smartass, hung a moon out the window. Then we all got a bunch of energy drinks, Fritos, firecrackers, and candy and beer salt at Town And Country and had a blast in the bus, doing shit like tossing full 20. oz Cokes out of the bus to watch them explode, and sniffing beer salt to make our eyes water. It was a hell of a Saturday. :)

By m on Sunday, October 19, 2003 - 04:51 am:

    wow you are SO cool.