Need Some help, Please! The Payphone Project: Need Some help, Please!
By Jo on Sunday, December 21, 2003 - 12:24 pm:

    Here is a website of a family that needs help saving their home. It appears that the family home is in foreclosure due to medical bills, a family member having no insurance and trying to care for a sick elderly person.

    There is some pictures on the website link pages. I also noticed electronic donations and donations by mail being accepted.

    The website explains in greater detail than I can. I just happened upon this site today.

    Help get the word out about this website. Help me get traffic by adding a link to this page on your website, telling friends and family, people on your buddy list, co-workers, people you volunteer with, contact your local newspaper, maybe you have a message board, e-mail people from your address book that you already know (do NOT Spam) and etc. Maybe start a collection at your church or at your place of employment.

    Please don't consider this spam. I'm just trying to get the word out about this website and this message will never be posted again after this post.