Haha... fun with payphones

sorabji.com: The Payphone Project: Haha... fun with payphones
Aerosly on Monday, April 12, 2004 - 01:16 pm:

    My favorite pay phone activity is to call teenagers (usually at a high school or mall) and get them to do something totally insane.

    After I find out how old they are and some general info, My favorite ones go like this:

    Me: "Maybe you can help me win a bet with someone..."
    Them: "Maybe...?"
    Me: "It's kind of weird, is that a problem?"
    Them: (not wanting to sound like a prude) "Nope!!"
    Me: "Are you wearing any kind of jewelry righ now? Maybe a small ring or something?"
    Them: "Yeah...?"
    Me: "What kind?"
    Them: "My HS class ring..." (9 times out of ten it's a class ring on teenagers- older girls/guys have other things)
    Me: "Well, I get $200 if I win this bet, so I'll give you $100 of it to help me."
    Them: "Well.... OK!"
    Me: "OK, for $100, would you swallow that ring?"

    You would be surprised how many people actually DO IT. I've had at least 3 or 4 people swallow their class rings, one kid swallowed a necklace, a guy swallowed his sister's belly button ring, one guy swallowed a quarter and one crazy woman swallowed her diamond engagement ring!!

    If I'm pretty sure they did it (you can usually tell... they'll cough really hard or people in the background will start saying things about it) I tell them that I'll meet them somewhere with the money. If I'm close I'll go by the "meeting place" and see what they look like. Other times I'll call them back (if I don't show they usually go back to the phone) and be like, "Where were you??"


By WhiteSword on Monday, April 12, 2004 - 01:30 pm:

    ya bro you need Help