Join the UK Payphone Directory The Payphone Project: Join the UK Payphone Directory
Mezaial ukpayfones - UK Payphone Directory on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 02:30 pm:

    Hello to all you payfone fans.

    I would like to invite anyone interested in UK payfones, to join my new group 'The UK Payphone Directory'.

    The site is brand new and needs to be polished, but we are now accepting membership applications.

    To apply to be a member of the site visit the above link and click on join or send an email to:

    We have a list of all the current BT payfone numbers within the UK, our only problem is that we dont know where any of the numbers on the list are located, and this is where we need your help.

    If you know any BT fone numbers, then simply email me at with the details and we will update the list, then every 30 days we will upload a new updated version of the list for you all to download.

    We also plan to hold a live webchat every 30 days or so to dicuss the new additions to the list, or anything else payfone related.

    Join us now, As a new member you will recieve personal emails to inform you that a updated list is available, you can also view photos, download files, chat to other users or just leave me a number on our forum.

    Anyone interested in UK Payfone issues are invited to join us.

    Thanx for reading this,

    Mezaial [UK Payphone Directory - Administrator]