left along the highway felt up and slapped. A failure Hitchhiking nowhere. Maybe it is everyone, finding the way too glum. Darkness hoarding perception and spitting us out Evenly spaced Well groomed Perfectly imperfect. thank the world. |
Top Ten Campaign Slogans for Legalization of Cannabis: 10. Pot -- When You Care Enough Not to Care At All. 9. It's Not Just For Glaucoma Anymore! 8. When Was the Last Time You REALLY Looked at Your Hand? 7. It's the all-the-time smokey, skunky, sticky, greeny, seedy, stemmy, doobie so-you-can-get-high medicine. 6. Because if Everybody Lived in their Parent's Basements and Watched TV All Day, There Like Wouldn't be Any Wars, Man. 5. This is your brain. This is your brain on pot. This is your brain desperately searching for Doritos. 4. Hemp: The world's practical solution to making, like, paper and rope and necklaces and stuff. 3. SMOKE POT! (Did We Just Say That Out Loud? Or Did We Just Think It?) 2. Pot -- When you absolutely, positively, need to get there sometime tomorrow or the next day or the day after that. 1. Just Doob It. |
what it is, and enjoy. So's tobacco, caffeine, aspirin... Hell, my very presence is a drug. And very bad for you, I might add. I like Just Doob It. Doobie doobie doo... |
I'm selling TBonius at 20$ an eighth, who wants some. There is limited supply but its good shit and you know it is. |
how many licks until you get to the center? |
yet you imply that you've never tasted semen before... yeah right. |
This has disturbed me more than I care to admit. |