A 1 Megaton surface blast with the White House as target will leave me with a 75% chance of being unhurt by flying debris, but the the fallout will kill me within a few hours. A 25 Megaton surface blast will kill me instantly. How about you all? Come on, you know you want to know. |
The blasts that strike you Spider will also effect me. And I thought it was safe here in northern Maryland. Hah. |
25 megaton blast wild leave me a 50% chance of dying instantly, 45% chance of injury through flying debris. after next week, i'd be killed instantly. lucky me, there's nothing important here. trojan's closed and intel's out in hillsboro. |
if bin laden could manage to drop a bomb on the u.s., i'll give him my street address. |
the guy isnt as sophisticated as we think. |
i needed the cash |
If I still lived in Billings, seconds would be my time left on earth. |
please don't talk about that hal. i don't want another cold war. |
Im pretty sure they wouldnt put more than half our arsenal in one state. |
Montana has more nuclear weapons then any other state in the union. TBone's right, unfourtunatly all of them are indipendently controlled from Washington, so if washington goes we're useless. You can drive down the highway here and see silo facilities 200 some yards from the road, everywhere. |
Id also be inclined to think Alaska has more nukes than montana. But i don't really know for sure. |
We have no fleet up here, remember no ocean. |
back during ww2, pdx was the place on the west coast for ship repair and building. now we've got nothing. it would take a large effort to get a fleet to montana! and it would be difficult for other countries (except canada) to set exploding balloons loose nearby. |
warhead deployment Seems North Dakota and Louisiana have the most warheads. |
I live in Missouri,and I can gauren-damn-tee you we have far more then one sight, even in 1985. Where did they get their facts? There is one here at whiteman, there was one close to Harrisonville, MO where I used to live... what a crock of shit. More people talking out their ass again. |
| id like to think if someone such as yourself has knowledge of exactly where and how many nukes we have, we'd be pretty fucked |
Lets not forget,there are other "not good" military sites,across the states.One that comes to mind,is right there in Oregon.Its a site that stores biological and germ warfare stuff.Weird gasses,all kinds of not good stuff to be around.Really scary stuff.I'm glad I don't live close to it anymore.I'll take my chances with all the nuclear stuff here in Lousiana. |
just when i was beginning to feel safe again, dammit........... fuck fuck fuck fuck. fucko. maybe i'll just end it all and get it over with. |
in saying that, i personally try to be as irresponsible as possible. being grown up sucks |
Talk about scary stuff. Shortly before I moved a little farther away the county desided it was time to upgade their Civil Defence Action Plans. And, sent questionairs to everyone within a certain radious of APG. Wanting to know if there were small children in the house. Or people who would need assistance leaving the area. Since my wife and I were already leaving the area we desided not to reply. |