i need to figure out the mechanics of the wet dream. if i could master the goddamn wet dream i’d be the king of the world. it would be the masturbatory apogee, the epitome of self wankery. lay back, close your eyes and enter the situation of your choice. you control every parameter. you are at dream; you are in tautcocked heaven. it seems like the real thing and you pop the top off. the dream continues through every drop. it took me 30 years to have my first wet dream. i was slipping my cock into the ass of some anal sex instructor. that did me in the real world. i have no idea how that speaks of me. but it happened, i woke up out of the dream with my cock quivering and spewing. i threw the blankets off and said “what the fuck?!” this is why i need to master it. i need to skip the “what the fuck?!” and keep the dream going through the final ballsqueeze. |