I am surprised at you, a supposedly loyal Democrat making such scathing attacks on President Clinton for some stupid scandal which has nothing to do with his performance as Commander-in-Chief. I would expect to hear this from Trent Lott, Dick Army, Orion Hatch or Newt Gingrich but not once-loyal-Democrats jumping on the moralistic judgemental bandwagon. How revolting! I am a registered Republican but I am a Maverick. Back in 1996, even if I was leaning towards Woody Jenkins, I would have voted for you as I was provoked and angry at the statement Bishop Hannan made, saying it was a sin to vote for you or Bill Clinton because of some stupid single issue concerning abortion. Haven't these people read the constitution concerning church/state separation. Contrary to popular belief, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Thomal Paine and Abraham Lincoln were not "God fearing" Christian men who believed the U.S. Constitution was based on Biblical dogma. These men were Masons and/or Unitarian and they believed in the dignity of man and human rights as well as civil liberties as long as it harms no one. As a devout Pagan myself, there is one commandment "'Ain' it harm none, do what thy will." I don't particularly approve of what the President did with Monica Lewinsky but I am the last to rub salt in the wound. If people would spend one/tenth of their energy in cleaning up their own act as they did judging other people, we would have a much better society. The Rush Limbau's, Dr. Laura Schlessinger's and Bishop Hannan's are bad enough with their patriarchal establishment propaganda, but when the President's own people follow the same balderdash, I realize there's not a dimes worth of difference between Democrats and Republicans. All I can say is you had better hope there is not a strong Libertarian candidate running against you in 2002 AD. I suppose, next you will be taking a job with Kenneth Starr, the ultimate instigator. If you expect the President to grovel before the public, forget it. I have lost confidence in you as a legislator and that's all I have to say. Sincerely yours, Clinton Lee |