,4586,2317907,00.html (the above link won't get you there, the comma after the zero must be throwing things off. the old copy/paste trick must be used.)J.B. is kind of jive. "REport: DOJ wants to bug PCs, Feds seek to arm crime frighters with new powers to break into private premises and disable PC security. WASHINGTON - - The Justice Department is seeking new powers to break into private premises and disable security precautions on personal computers as a prelude to a wiretap or further search, the Washington Post preported on Friday. . . . " |
heeeeellp , how do you get a cat to stop pooping? to get to the other side. Schitzopolis is on the IFC tonight. Independent Flim Channel at 12:00 pm Eastern. at 3:15 am, the Baron of Arizona, three stars, Vincent Price. IFC also. |
all of this is taking just two cassettes. including "The Women" on Turner Classic Movies. at 8pm Eastern | |
I'm happy to be YOUR BACK DOOR MAN! Ok, so I went camping. About 2 whole miles from where I live. I came into town and saw 3 movies while camping. One of them was Blair Witch. It didn't scare me at all. Because I couldn't watch it. Because the bouncing camera effect gave me a migraine and made me nauseous. So, I watched it occasionally, and saw the big climactic scene. And I was happy because then I could stop trying to watch a movie that was making me sick. |
i saw "getting a head in advertising" on ifc the other night. no shit. |
Kidding. I had great sex last night. With cat poop. You wouldn't believe how coushiony (uhh) it is! FAB! |
merrrow. |