sorabji.com: Are there any news?: "BEWARE NET CENSORSHIP" Take Two
PF on Monday, August 23, 1999 - 04:27 pm:

    As started by Sarah on August 11th, would like to post second-hand news version that may go hand-in-hand with her concern about censorship.Maybe not though. FWIW.


    (the above link won't get you there, the comma after the zero must be throwing things off. the old copy/paste trick must be used.)J.B. is kind of jive.

    "REport: DOJ wants to bug PCs, Feds seek to arm crime frighters with new powers to break into private premises and disable PC security.

    WASHINGTON - - The Justice Department is seeking new powers to break into private premises and disable security precautions on personal computers as a prelude to a wiretap or further search, the Washington Post preported on Friday. . . . "

By Nate on Monday, August 23, 1999 - 05:54 pm:

    ...and now back to the regularly scheduled off-topic conversations...

By Waffles on Monday, August 23, 1999 - 06:06 pm:

    my cat likes to poop in the yard

By Waverer on Monday, August 23, 1999 - 06:55 pm:

    Mata Hari she was spying and she was a double or triple agent and it caught up with her and she was executed or something.

    heeeeellp ,
    how do you get a cat to stop pooping?
    to get to the other side.

    Schitzopolis is on the IFC tonight.
    Independent Flim Channel at 12:00 pm Eastern.
    at 3:15 am, the Baron of Arizona, three stars, Vincent Price. IFC also.

By Verranda Wimmen on Monday, August 23, 1999 - 06:58 pm:

    VICTIM also on IFC, Homosexual barrister risks all to expose Blackmailers. DIRK BOGARDE.
    all of this is taking just two cassettes.
    including "The Women" on Turner Classic Movies.
    at 8pm Eastern

By Waffles on Monday, August 23, 1999 - 07:07 pm:

By J on Monday, August 23, 1999 - 07:22 pm:

    I wanna poop on my cat,but he won,t hold still.

By Margret on Monday, August 23, 1999 - 08:37 pm:

    For a fee
    I'm happy to be

    Ok, so I went camping. About 2 whole miles from where I live. I came into town and saw 3 movies while camping. One of them was Blair Witch. It didn't scare me at all. Because I couldn't watch it. Because the bouncing camera effect gave me a migraine and made me nauseous. So, I watched it occasionally, and saw the big climactic scene. And I was happy because then I could stop trying to watch a movie that was making me sick.

By Waffles on Monday, August 23, 1999 - 08:50 pm:

    i saw it this weekend too, i think it did what it was supposed to do, it freaked my shit out, the jittery camera, the often black scenes scared the shit out of me, i felt as if i was right there in the tent with them...they did a good job of conveying a sense of realism.....and that weird sound in the woods everynight...FUCK........

By Nate on Monday, August 23, 1999 - 08:51 pm:

    floss and fly this mofo.

    i saw "getting a head in advertising" on ifc the other night. no shit.

By J on Monday, August 23, 1999 - 08:54 pm:

    I told you that was a good movie,so was six sense,makes you think,then scares the hell out of you.

By J on Monday, August 23, 1999 - 09:02 pm:

    I would just like to know who is trying to drive me crazy,I,m not well,can,t anybody tell this by now?!!!!Who keeps slipping things in these post?Where can we go with this?

By Waffles on Monday, August 23, 1999 - 09:55 pm:

    i just wish i had your sense of bliss........i wish i was in J world....i bet it's bright...colorful......harmless.......and it probably feels good too................

By Kalliope on Tuesday, August 24, 1999 - 10:12 am:

    Blair Witch was goddamn frightening. I've begun to leave little piles of stones around cars everywhere. I wanna see who gets fruited. I walked into the house the other night and Jeff was standing with his face in the corner. Guess who isn't getting laid for a couple days?

    Kidding. I had great sex last night. With cat poop. You wouldn't believe how coushiony (uhh) it is!


By J on Tuesday, August 24, 1999 - 10:24 am:

    I had sex with my cat last night,woke up in a barrel of vomit and beer,Buffy said I made him feel like a man,he,s one bad cat.

By Kalliope on Tuesday, August 24, 1999 - 10:27 am:

    spank da kitty.


By Antigone on Wednesday, August 25, 1999 - 11:23 am:

    INteresting link re: race and technology here.

By J on Friday, August 27, 1999 - 10:35 am:

    I,m going to have a litter of kittens,Buffy is nowhere to be found,that bastard!

By Gee on Friday, September 3, 1999 - 06:46 am:

    Hey hey! If you're gonna talk about the frickin' blair witch, go to the proper thread for once! I haven't seen it yet and you're gonna ruin it for me.