state tree: sequoia sempervirins state fish: golden trout state flower: california poppy state metal: gold state rock: serpentine state governer: gray davis state bird: some sort of quail. valley? mountain? king? hm it's been a long time since highschool. |
arkansas is a sucking cultural pit. but that's a useful fact. |
"Alcoholics become insane easily and are liable to very painful forms of paralysis. We often treat workingmen who have been very robust and who have become rapidly consumptive because they have regularly taken before each meal their _aperitifs_. "_The children of alcoholic parents are almost always badly formed, weak minded, insane, scrofulous or epileptic. They die often in convulsions. "Criminals are in large part alcoholics or the _children of alcoholics_." The italics are ours. --from _Eugenics_. now you know. (scrofulous means affected with a certain form of tuberculosis or morally tainted) |
"nothin' warms the cockles like standin' at ground zero in a loose-booty explosion!", the jovial Cornhole was fond of saying. The custom spread like wildfire among the original settlers of the Rimjob State and soon thereafter frostbitten pilgrims could be found lounging in their cabins with their extremeties lovingly stuffed up their spouse's rectums. So next time you're in bed paying homage to the little brown lovepucker, take a pause for the cause to remember good ol' Cornhole Schaubencrack. And remember Alaska, too. The shit-lickin' 49th state of this fecal-freak union. |
but she's a lesbian. |
lesbians have puckered lovebuckets too. |