Who's going to get sued next? anyone with a cassette recorder? anyone with a cd burner? anyone who can tape songs off the radio? anyone who can tape cds? like (my beloved) Napster is the only way to get free music? are they going to shut down Sony for producing blank cassette tapes and videotapes? why don't they sue the MP3 creation programs? i never thought i'd say this, but fuck you Metallica. |
fuck napster...this is a surprise for me as well to say....but as musician..fuck anyone (not specifically you wisper) who thinks they have a RIGHT to anything for free.........musicians have a right to get paid for labors and creativity. If metallica desires not to have their music dist on the web, they have a right to refuse that. the music is theirs, they wrote it, they can deny ANYONE access and we can do nothing but accept that. I often get frustrated when i can't find a particular photographers images online but i would never get angry at them or whomever owns the rights to them. they have a right to decide how, when and where they will present their music. this will be a tough case b/c i can kinda see it from both sides, but if i had to decide now, i would side with the artists. |
anyway, this potentially makes it better for the artists, as people now have a chance to sample things easier before they buy. (i don't know where i'm going with this anymore.) why don't they sue the electronics companys who produce portable mp3 players? (which are way too expencive for anyone to buy right now anyway) why don't they just fucking sue everyone?! blah. |
patrick, plug your computer into your stereo. dumbass. |
thats great. so i should reorganize my whole freakin house so i can listen to mp3's? i am not interested in shoving my computer on an already crammed entertainment shelf.....nor am i interested in running wire across the house, just so i can wank on mp3s. i spend enough time on the net due to a lackluster job, i'll be damned if i give myself another reason to dick around on the net. dumbass |
i can't find out why, possibly for not putting up a server block on Napster (as most schools had to, to prevent loss of bandwidth) Whatever reason, that's a *big* fuck you. I mean, come on, we're talking a school here. Sueing an education facicitly isn't the way to win respect or credit from anyone. Keep your bitching to a company, not a school! What do they expect? Students barely have enough cash to eat, let alone buy new cds. I know because i am one. So go on back to your SanFrancisco castle Lars (literally, he lives in a castle) and just keep losing more fan respect. he really was my favorite. my theory is that they're just bitter about losing royalties because they know their last few albums and their next album will be so awefull that they have to get as much $$$ from the old stuff as possible. |
USENET read learn and you will all know the truth you can get anything, and everything you want all at once you can turn digital information into a physical, feely touchy thing, and i'm not talking about a car or a human being, but people, get ready, we will be there soon, or most definitly by the end of this next (2010) decade. do not be afraid. i'm ready to fly to the moon. are you? |
today's shuttlecock is "an open letter from metallica..." |
Heh. |
ultimately, i believe an artist should control over their creations.....throw in a record label and a promoter and things get cloudy..... i look to bands like fugazi as an ideal. after much success they still maintain relative control over their music. they know they are bootlegged, but they rarely, if ever make a big stink about it b/c there isn't a promoter or a label with "lawyers with fast cars and exotic pets" behind them..... |
MP3's. It's really convenient. I can listen to anything any time without changing out a CD. I backed up my whole collection to 10 CD ROMs. I can bring my whole CD collection to work with me... in my hip pocket... And the sound is great too. Surround sound speakers with a subwoofer $70 at Fry's. My CDs are in the closet, where it's cool and dark. I figure they'll last an extra 20 years that way. I've never gotten music off Napster. I don't have to. And, I figure that music that's good enough to listen to is good enough to pay for. |