The Damn Hugging Problem. Are there any news?: The Damn Hugging Problem.
By TBone on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 12:36 am:

By Cat on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 02:05 am:

    I'm so glad. All those children will go blind and turn to crack if they don't stop. It starts with a hug and next thing you know, you've got a bloody orgy of buttfucking and sucking going on in the school corridors and sleazy producers prowling the yard scouting for new hug stars.

    Hey, I've got some great hug shots if anyone wants them. Girls with girls, girls with boys, girls with dogs, boys with boys, boys with dolphins.

By Hal on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 07:23 am:

    Cat's right... IT HAS TO STOP HERE...

    Hugging today, and tomorrow giving handjobs on the street for crack...

    Christ what is this world coming too?

By Czarina on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 09:02 am:

    I think I need a hug.

By Hal on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 02:18 pm:

    Czarina don't fall into its enticing embrace, only then will you understand the horror that awaits you.

By Antigone on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 02:21 pm:

    Funny... The article said that hugging between boys and girls was discouraged, but that hugging between girls was acceptable. They didn't even mention hugging between boys...

By Rhiannon on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 02:39 pm:

    That has to be a joke. Why would the administration get involved with something like that unless it was causing a ruckus? The article didn't mention classes being held up because people wanted to hug or anything.

By patrick on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 03:48 pm:

    in my school we werent allowed to wear shorts above the knees, yet girls could wear miniskirts above the knees.

    nonsensical double standards exist in schools

By patrick on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 03:49 pm:

    in otherwords, administrators go to seemingly oddball lengths to keep hormone riddled teens from doing anything even remotely intimate.

By Hal on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 04:06 pm:

    Actually in this instance I think its the complete opposite because we had the same rule... No shorts above the knees but the girls could wear those tempting mini skirts that would be in the upper thigh area...

    Got it was crule.