Three cheers for retarded performace art! Are there any news?: Three cheers for retarded performace art!
By semillama on Thursday, July 26, 2001 - 10:52 am:

    this needs to be read to be believed.

By Nate on Thursday, July 26, 2001 - 01:25 pm:

    "As far as I know, animals have the right to chew regurgitated weeds while they wait for someone to ram a steel rod through their brain and cover them in ketchup"


By semillama on Thursday, July 26, 2001 - 02:13 pm:


    It turns out that seanbaby is my first cousin's close friend. Small world.

By semillama on Thursday, July 26, 2001 - 02:18 pm:

By wisper on Thursday, July 26, 2001 - 05:19 pm:

    i've just spend the past 3 hours on that site.
    thank you

By wisper on Friday, July 27, 2001 - 02:42 am:

    "i've just spend"

    god, that was brilliant.

    somebody set me up the bomb

By semillama on Friday, July 27, 2001 - 09:02 am:

    Did you see the superfriends page?

By Hal on Friday, July 27, 2001 - 02:35 pm:

    I think I hurt myself laughing there.

By J on Friday, July 27, 2001 - 04:02 pm:

    Speaking of retarded preformace art,I watched the dvd Hated by GG Allin and the murder junkies,hysterical.Really,my stomach hurt I laughed so hard.

By semillama on Friday, July 27, 2001 - 04:06 pm:

    Speaking of retarded performance art...

By spunky on Friday, July 27, 2001 - 04:15 pm:

    oh gawd.

    I loved the exploding cow!

By semillama on Friday, July 27, 2001 - 04:16 pm:

    How about the singin' secretary of state?

By spunky on Friday, July 27, 2001 - 04:29 pm:

    Like I said, I loved the exploding cow

By dave. on Friday, July 27, 2001 - 05:25 pm:

    i really think that's a cool thing for a secretary of state to do. now, if he'd just change his name -- too similar to colon bowel.