shot. --- i had the day off Tuesday, so i woke up at noon in the boy's bed, to the sound of the garbage trucks. I drove home. The radio in my car was set to the godawful trend rock station. The DJs were giving their account of the attacks, and since this station is known for it prank-pulling unfunny wacky annoying morning show, i swear to god, i thought it was all a joke. Some lame "War of the Worlds" type prank they were pulling that day. After their report, they ran commercials and i thought of how sick and wrong that was, joke or not. I figured that proved it, no one would run pizza commercials after that. Pulling into the house i changed to the all news station, who were running the CNN coverage. That's how i found out . I ran into the house where the only housemate left around was eating. Our tv gets no channels so he hadn't heard, so we crowded around the radio for hours like it was 1940. Then i went to the art store, where they were playing it over the P.A. I didn't actually see any footage until 6 or 7 that night, when the boy got home and i could watch the coverage on his tv. --- i just found out that my aunt is stuck in NY. |
i teared up. we lay around until we had to check out. i called hal from the road periodically to check on nyc sorabjiites. |
I don't know if I should say this or not... but we were put on Force Protection Condition Alpha on Friday. No one knew exactly why. Alpha means a threat exists somewhere. Part of my job involves registering comp users to access the network and what type of access they should have. I give them a Cert that goes on a floppy disk for now, until smart cards come out. I had an old lady come in and say have you heard the news? A plane crashed into the WTC. Then, a person came by to tell me they went to FPC Bravo. We were in middle of NORI at the time, so I was not sure if this was just part of the exercise or not. Then they hit the pentagon, and it went to FPC Charlie. Door gaurds, etc. I was outside smoking (under supervision) I looked up in the sky, and could see the Con trails of aircraft that looked for all the world like the aircraft had done an abrupt U-Turn. I figured that meant that the airspace above whiteman had been restricted. I still did not know about the second plane. Then they said that there was a car bombing at the state department, and we had better enjoy our cigarrettes, because it would be the last one we would be allowed to have for a long time. Then they said that's it, we're going to delta. Then antoher sergeant said "How do you ever come back from delta?" We were locked down (Everyone was) in their duty stations, and only mission-specific trips to other buildings were allowed. An hour later my boss MSgt Johnson told me if I wanted to go home at all until this was over, I better go now. I left. On my way to the gate, I noticed the Humvee's running round. They were gaurding the gate with M-16's and german shepards. Cars, inculding, I swear to god, A school bus, was being thouroughly searched before being allowed into the base. I had the same search yesterday when I went back. The radio had been going nuts in the com squadron, and a man was manning an old fashioned telegraph machine, writing something down furiosly. On the way out the gate yesterday I saw 3 b-2's fly out. They were not allowed to fly training missions, because they had to be ready to deploy at a moment's notice. |
i woke up to my phone ringing - it was mum, she told me to turn on the tv, and then mumbled something about the pentagon and the towers and some planes, and i thought wtf? i climbed back into bed and drew asked me what was going on, so i repeated the woman's word and he flicked on the tv in the bedroom. After 10 minutes of that we moved to the lounge to watch CNN on satelite. then i started wondering about you guys and jumped online. |
The first plane was all over the news,but I thought it was just a terrible accident.I saw the second plane hit,but still didn't comprehend that this was a planned terrorist attack.I guess maybe I didn't want to think that someone could do something so evil. When the Pentagon was attacked,my blood ran cold.Thats when I realized the implications of this. |
Why would I be listening to the radio? We're under attack, he says. Right, J, I have to GO, I'll see you later. No, no, we're under attack, he says. Whatever, I replied, I really need to go, it's 9:30 and I'm going to be late. They just evacuated lower manhatten, he says... |
I was in the Waiting Room of one of our local Opthomalogical Surgury Centers. Waiting to have Cataract Surgery. The guy sitting next to me received a call on his cell phone. "Great, I thought to myself, I have to sit here and listen to some itiot talk on his GD cellphone." He finished his conversation and informed me and my friend his daughter worked at the WTC. But, she was in Boston that day. It didn't mean much to me until after my surgury. When I heard more details. The first plane had hit prior to my going into the preop/recovery area. The second sometime during my surgury. I was later greatful that my surgury was not in a hospital as all elective surguries had been cancelled at area hospitals. I don't think I could have taken another delay. I was a bit aprehensive about our fellow NY Sorabji land friends. But, I could do nothing about it for two days. With my new eyesight and no glasses reading is a pain. |
mom was calling from work "something's happened in new york, turn on the tv." i spent at least 5-6 hours that day watching tv and on sorabji. |
My boss came in to make sure I had no family or friends at the Pentagon, and I could see he was shaken, and I said no, but then I remembered my uncle works in the Financial District in NYC, and then I felt like I was going to be sick. Like I said somewhere else, it didn't really sink in that it was all truly happening until I heard helicopters from the hospital in Bethesda fly overhead. I didn't hear from my uncle till 10:30 that night. He had been in Brooklyn at the time of the attacks and had to walk all the way home, but he was okay. Never have I made so heartfelt a "whew!" as when that boulder was lifted off my chest. |
Started working when Steve, the asshole behind me who also is my boss asks me if I've heard the news, my response is only, "What news?" He proceeds to tell me and at first I thought to myself, sure whatever Steve not funny. Till I realize what I saw on sorabji, and then John another software tester comes over and says yeah we've got MNBC online up with the broadcast, I got over just in time to watch the vieo they got up of the second plane hitting... Thats when I realized this wasn't some elaborate joke. Scared the fuck out of me, my cousin in NY is still unaccounted for, he worked about a block and a half from the WTC. I then jumped back on sorabji to make sure that all the other people I know in NY were Ok. I still haven't seen anything from or about Swine, any word? |
I've heard some members of congress are investigating this. |
wrong time? huh? |
And, saving the lives of the intended target. |
giving them a medal is more smoke and mirrors. not that it matters to me. |
the Thundercats. |
it was thunderbirds. thunderbirds are GO! |
Thats never a good sign. |
a cream of wankers? a fistfull of wankers? hmm |
as in, a fistfull of finger sandwiches |
a pitying of wankers might work, too. |
An absence of waiters. Heh. A murder of crows. An unkindness of ravens. |