Bin Laden is sneaky,and clever. Are there any news?: Bin Laden is sneaky,and clever.
By Czarina on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 11:30 pm:

    I've been trying to take Agatha's advice,and stay away from the tv/radio.

    But sometimes,I can't help myself.No will power.

    It was suggested tonight,while reviewing the stock exchange,that Bin Laden,and his band of cohorts,are making mega bucks off of the falling market.And propossed that they may use these funds,to continue terrorizing America.

    This man is really smart.That would be the ultimate insult,our money,to terrorize ourselves.

    It was dispicable enough,using our aircraft,and citizens.But now to be enjoying the profits of our stock exchange,with the intent of hurting us,is well,just mean.

By dave. on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 12:29 am:

    czarina, hon. bin laden isn't the only one. if you own
    mutual funds, you're benefitting from all this. money
    managers pursue the very same money making
    opportunities. there is no morality or ethics in any
    successful financial institution. you might be horrified to
    learn how filthy dirty our prosperity is.

By Czarina on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 10:09 am:

    Yup,thats one of the benefits of being a capitalistic pig.