And so it begins............ Are there any news?: And so it begins............
By Czarina on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 10:13 am:

    They've started moving ground troops.

By Alex on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 11:45 am:


By Alex on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 11:46 am:

    I had a dream about ground troops raiding the mill i was working at last night.
    It was scary
    they said we were harbouring Osama Bin Laden


By Czarina on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 02:19 pm:

    I just walked in the door,and have CNN on.They were talking about B-52's flying out of Barksdale.But I didn't get the whole thing.
    Did anyone see/hear it?

By Platypus on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 05:10 pm:

    Here they're talking about the boats being dispatched to the middle east. There are pictures of teary eyed sailours kissing pregnant women on the cover of the San Francisco Chronicle.

    It's rather sickening.

By trace on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 08:03 pm:

    Most of the B2's have been gone since Friday.

By Nate on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 09:02 pm:

    that's confidential information, there, trace.

By trace on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 09:25 pm:

    not realy, there was PACSAT there today broadcasting it.

By Spiral on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 09:37 pm:

    K... so the Prez got on all the channels tonight to say, "If you're not with us, you're with the terrorists..." Huh. Silly me, but I thought that there are some countries out there that can't do jack about the terrorists due to no funds, power, etc. I could be wrong... It's always a present possibility, but shit. I guess it's possible that some govs choose not to do something about terrorists, but that does not mean that the country....the people support them.

    Really. Think about it. America is supposed to be the place where the government is run by the people, yet how often do we actually get that? I vote. I participate, and I still can't put more than an inky-dinky little dent of change. Now put someone in the same scenario, only with fewer options, routes if you will, for change. How likely do you think that it would occur? Not Bloody likely at all.

    Shit. We're going to do some serious damage to people who have already been hurting so that we can *maybe* get those responsible. This is not well thought out at all.

By Eri on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 09:50 pm:

    The attacks haven't begun yet, from us. We don't know what has been thought out and what hasn't. Nor do any of us comprehend what is on the governments shoulders. Condemning our government is not the answer.

    I vote, and often my vote loses. I still vote. I refuse to give up on what I believe in. I believe in this. I am a pacifist who says fight to the end.

    We may not have all of the answers now, but someday....

    If we don't believe that, what do we have to believe in? What do our children have?

    The President has a lot more information than we can even dream of. All we can do is put our faith in the leader that God has given us through this trying time.

By Spiral on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 10:16 pm:

    The definition of pacifism: (Webster Illustrated
    Contemporary Dictionary= Encyclopedic Edition) n.
    opposition to violence, esp. war, for any purpose,
    often accompanied by the refusal to bear arms by
    reason of conscience or religious conviction.

    To be a Pacifist, one must, by definition, be
    opposed to violence. Therefore, a pacifist does
    not support "fighting to the end".

    I am, by no means opposed to all violence, I have
    a nasty temper myself. I was not condemning our
    government, nor will I be giving up my right to
    vote any time soon. However, killing, or even
    considering killing innocent people because bad
    people live near them is not an answer that I
    support. That's guilt by association. If we truly
    believe the American values that are put forth in
    our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration
    of Independence, shouldn't we then apply them to
    the rest of the world?

    In this country, you are innocent until proven
    guilty. Okay, the evidence is strong against bin
    Laden. But it is not a reflection of the actions
    of all the people that may have the unfortunate
    coincidence of living near the man.

    Why do we kill people who kill people, to show
    that killing people is wrong?

By trace on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 10:23 pm:

    "K... so the Prez got on all the channels tonight to say, "If you're not with us, you're with the terrorists..." Huh. Silly me, but I thought that there are some countries out there that can't do jack about the terrorists due to no funds, power, etc."
    We are not asking them for money, power, etc.
    We are asking them to join in, and let us fight the terrorists in their country, info, etc.

By Skottey on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 10:27 pm:

    Spiral- The presidents speech was excellent and he is doing the right thing. I am sorry you can not accept that.

By Skottey on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 10:31 pm:

    Spiral - trace is correct in her response to your comments about asking the other countries for help as well.

By Czarina on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 10:37 pm:

    The die is cast.

    Those were some pretty serious words.Not just Bin Laden.But all terrorists,and those who support them.Not open to negotation.Hand them over immediately.

    I heard that the leader of the Taliban went into hiding,earlier today.The poor people of Afginstan may not have tv's,but I bet Bin Laden was glued to his.

By dave. on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 11:02 pm:

    like i've said before, and also in the spirit of nate's post a few
    days ago -- we need to do this right. that means certain
    destruction of many countries' infrastructure, but it needs
    to also include providing basic human needs to the civilians
    in these countries. we need to free the people from these
    brutal regimes. siege warfare hurts the poor and powerless
    and works contrary to our proclaimed goal. as i've said
    before, i don't think we will do this. i'll be among the first to
    applaud this administration if it does.

By Czarina on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 11:31 pm:

    They sound like evil people.[the Taliban]

    I heard a reporter tonight talking about another reporter,who had a hidden camera,and got pictures of them shooting a woman in the head,[for no reason], while she was praying.And another pic of them shooting a 3 year old child,in front of his parents.

    I guess it goes beyond my comprehension,how people could do such heinous things.

    We really are so fortunate to live with freedom.

    We are having some rainstorms here,tonight,and every time the sky lights up,I think maybe its Barksdale blowing up.

    I have started drinking.Margaritas.Usually,I prefer them on the rocks,but have had to switch to the frozen variety,as its harder to drink them too quickly.

By Joe on Friday, September 21, 2001 - 12:47 am:

    have another margarita, czarina. these fucks do this in the name of religion. it's just so unbelievable that they think all this stuff is holy. i'm going to have another beer.

By Daniel ssss on Friday, September 21, 2001 - 03:03 am:

    Ah dear scientist CZ, is it not indeed evil to use violence in any form, especially a retalliatory violence allegedy and wrongly justified by the victim? And does this not find those who respond to violence with more violence just as guilty as the original aggressor? And who are the victims? the aggressors? here? These are complex questions without easy answers. Who appointed any of us judge? I have no idea.

    Seems I have been gone for a long time. I may be gone longer but before I leave St. Louis tomorrow, I will promisingly and without thought of the future sign papers for the refinance of my little log house in the woods. As if everything will turn out all right. As if there will be sorabjites visiting me at Christmas in just a few months. As if things are normal. Just in case, I am signing the papers and making advance payments, and at least *one* of you knows that the front door is always open if I choose to not return. Have fun celebrating. I am planning to be there too. Life must be anticipated to continue, or we all may as well mix a batch of margaritas, eat xanex, and sit back to watch.

    Going on as if nothing has happened may be hopefully important or may be despairingly desperate denial.

    Let me say my piece before I leave though, and let me thank Sir Mark for this forum, and certain of you for your abiding friendship (and others for your chiding skepticism). I think of this online community as a distinct part of my reality. Thank you for putting up with me.

    Make no mistake: Something indeed has changed in everyone's reality, and if you don't see it, feel it, believe it, then pinch yourself. This is a religious war, but no one is calling it that. Nonetheless, I am going as planned to the woods to drum and pray for three days, celebrating the second of three harvest festivals. Celebrating the harvest: what has been yours? What will be the harvest of more violence?

    I will be without city lights and running water, packing in the Ozarks, and without sorabji. Without news, without you all. But I will keep you all in my prayer for peace. No laptop, no cell phone. As usual, just as before when I trek into the wilds of southern Missouri. As if to say, this is normal.

    This trip appears different and is increasinly not normal. It calls for planning no return. In such absence stands the threat of violence. I understand violence begets violence. We have an unprecedented opportunity to respond, to change the world at this point, and we -each of us individually and collectively -- will be known by the honesty and integrity of our response.Choose wisely.

    Clarify your values and believe in them. Do not sow dissension. It occurs to me that the woods will be safe a short time, and if or when I come out, may there be something left I can recognize. There are several of us oldsters who have prayed against worked against but planned for such an eventuality as the totality of this engagement promises. I received a call tonight, curiously telling me to drive across the creek in my little Mazda and to bring all my gear -- as if it may be a long time before I return. I have spoken with and am leaving my children behind for the time being, anticipating a normal return Sunday, but there is no small amount of denial in my voice. They know how and when to find me, and where to come to be safe. Even if I am no longer there, they will find safe harbor. May you all.

    Such is my nightmare, and I am beginning to live it. If peace prevails, I come back, *someone* will hear from me Sunday night. And I will no doubt post something here. Faith tells I will. Just as if nothing has happened. If something does, then, my love goes out to all of you; you have given me thoughtful fun and intellectual play for a time. I know and care for many of you. Whereever you choose to be in this time, helping whatever effort, stay calm and find serenity in the arms of your beloved.

    Daniel ssss

By dave. on Friday, September 21, 2001 - 03:15 am:

    party hearty, dude.

By Alex on Friday, September 21, 2001 - 06:52 am:

    sniff, sniff that was beautiful!

By Czarina on Friday, September 21, 2001 - 09:57 am:

    What the hell are you talking about?

    You sound like you are preparing to sacrifice yourself,by jumping in a volcano.

    Please be advised,that if this is your intent,it would be in your best interest to wear fire retardent clothing.

By The Watcher on Friday, September 21, 2001 - 01:42 pm:

    It sounds to me as if Daniel sss is a WICAN.

    Enjoy your harvest festival.

    We will all survive. The Lord loves a fool.

By patrick on Friday, September 21, 2001 - 01:46 pm:

    the taliban...or rather its followers often shoot women....if they've been raped. Rather, the family members, a brother, even a father will shoot them because its such a disgrace to the family.

    They shoot the woman, not the perp.

    I don't know anything about God getting me through anything but I don't trust our president to do the right thing. I suspect we will enter new type of vietnam...unleashing military hell when we choose. Saying its going to be a "long hard road", as they have....sounds to me like carte blanche military action. Meaning we'll take whatever military action we see fit, when we see fit and how we see fit. Just or not. He said he was willing to use all military resources at hand. Does that include nukes? Doubtful, but point is, he basically called for a New World order...similar to that of his father. Lets see, 3 years 3 months to go.

By J on Friday, September 21, 2001 - 02:01 pm:

    I hate sending our boys over there,the English nor Russia couldn't wipe them out.

By pez on Friday, September 21, 2001 - 02:04 pm:

    it's not just the taliban, patrick.

    "honor killings" take place all over the middle east. women who've been raped, commited adultery or had pregnancy out of wedlock. women who disobey their husbands, women who divorce.

    the killings maybe done/ordered by husband or family. men have been publicly known to burn their wives to death and nothing is done.

    what's different in afghanistan, is that women are put under even more restrictions.

    (*)thou shalt wear a burqua, hiding everything including eyes, hands feet while in public. if a foot shows, it will be cut off.

    (*)thou shalt not work or educate thyself outside of the home.

    (*)thou shalt not go outside without an accompaning male relative.

    (*)thou shalt paint thy windows so thou shalt not be seen.

    breaking any of these rules can mean severe injury or even death as decreed by the taliban.

By The Watcher on Friday, September 21, 2001 - 02:25 pm:

    All in the name of God.

    I think I prefer the "South Park" vision.

By Joe on Saturday, September 22, 2001 - 01:05 am:

    how about the star trek vision?

By Hal on Saturday, September 22, 2001 - 11:16 pm:

    Fuck it man, their religion if viewed from its base principal does not condone those activities, but it does basically give licence to any one to do whatever they think is right in the name of Allah...

    Basically they make it up as they go along.

By pez on Sunday, September 23, 2001 - 02:13 am:

    i see.

    connect the dots.

    i make up my religion as i go along, but i think that's a little different. i don't have thousands, millions of people following me around thinking i'm some sort of prophet.

By Czarina on Sunday, September 23, 2001 - 09:26 am:

    Basically,they make up all religions,as they go along.

    And Pez,I'm not sure,but I think you would be considered a prophetess.[or,if you are collecting money from your followers,a prophiteer]

By Trace on Sunday, September 23, 2001 - 02:58 pm:

By trace on Sunday, September 23, 2001 - 02:59 pm:

By Hal on Sunday, September 23, 2001 - 06:53 pm:

    I like the milk carton, the Statue of Libery thing I've seen before without the words...

    The man will see the light of the US shining down on his ass before he knows its coming.

By How We Will Know on Sunday, September 23, 2001 - 08:54 pm:

    "How will we know when the war against terrorism has been won?" When 100 Palestinian schoolbusses (as if there were any such thing) with 60 Palestinian children in each one (as if the israelis even let them go to school any more) get blown up by Israeli hellicopter gunships and 48 days in a row pass without a single rock thrown.

By Ophelia on Sunday, September 23, 2001 - 09:49 pm:

    prophetess Pez, what does the Lord will of me?

By droopy on Sunday, September 23, 2001 - 11:08 pm:

    despite my raging hangover, i went to a family dinner this afternoon. it was for my uncle newton and aunt ola mae. i like newton, he's a "river rat" from mississippi who always has some good stories. i drank a lot while i was there, so i can't remember them very well right now.

    stories from world war two - how he beat the shit out of some pfc's who had been treating him badly; how he had gone hunting with some german baron after the war was over; how he had gotten a triple-barrel shotgun in belgium. (i took thet shotgun home an' went duck huntin' with it. we went out to a pond and flushed out the ducks. i pointed the gun up an' fahrd - boom! ducks fell like leaves. only problem was that the damn kickback knocked me back ten feet!)

    there was another story about the time he was doing some moonshining in mississippi with another guy named santee. they had set up a still in a hollow somewhere and made a batch of corn whiskey which they put into two ten-gallon jugs. one was completely full, the other half full. santee said "i'll take the heavy one, you take the other." my uncle figured he was getting off easy, and put the jug on his back - propped behind his head while he was bent down. the only problem was that the whiskey sloshed around in the drum so much, it was hard to carry. while they were walking through the woods, the sloshing got to the point that it threw him off balance and he fell forward and the whiskey jug landed on his head and knocked him out. he said he woke up and santee was kneeling over him. santee said, "i sure am glad you ain't dead."

    i can't remember what this thread is about, but i'm sure this has nothing to do with whatever subject it is. but what the fuck.

By pez on Monday, September 24, 2001 - 01:57 am:

    big girls, doh-hon't scry-ai-aie....

    meditations, visions, talking with misterious figures and ghosts is another matter altogether.


    i interfered with electricity last night. i think.

    the lightbulb went out in my bedside lamp, so i changed it. had it off, screwed in the lightbulb. turned it on. comes on, flickers, goes out. turned it off. turned it on. after a moment, ka-pow! comes on, goes out an instant later. turned it off. turned it on, no light. left it on, and it came on five minutes later, when i was in the middle of a focused diary entry.


By dave. on Monday, September 24, 2001 - 02:03 am:

    bad wiring.

By pez on Monday, September 24, 2001 - 02:35 am:

    that lamp's never done anything like that before.

    but it hasn't just been the lamp. the cash registers at work didn't like me running credit cards through them for about a week. nobody else who used them had a problem.

    who knows. scientifically explained, bad wiring or energy flux. other people would explain it as my presence interrupting the electrical field.

    it would be wonderful to be telekinetic.

By dave. on Monday, September 24, 2001 - 09:12 am:

    when i was a kid, i couldn't wear wristwatches. they would stop working.

By Czarina on Monday, September 24, 2001 - 09:33 am:

    My mother has never been able to wear a wristwatch.They always stop.

    I always wear one,but can never be on time.

By Spider on Monday, September 24, 2001 - 09:46 am:

    Every stereo/CD player/tape deck I come in contact with breaks. I don't do anything to them, I swear.

By Czarina on Monday, September 24, 2001 - 09:54 am:

    I guess they never put you in charge of the music, at parties! :)

By Hal on Monday, September 24, 2001 - 11:24 am:

    Every time piece I've ever owned ends up being off sometimes by more then 2 or 3 hours...

    Now I've got my cell phone, and it is never off, it gets the time from the towers so if its ever off time wise, i know something is very wrong.

By Daniel ssss on Monday, September 24, 2001 - 11:54 am:

    No I am not Wiccan at all. A shamanist, Lutheran, and Irish. Harvest festivals predate Wicca by thousands of years.

    The volcano was actually Lama Lapsoung, from Tibet leading a buddhist fire putja and though impressive, was not as emotionally wrenching as the two days of drumming and journeying with friends, and softly talking of each others' preparations. I think I left with a sense of "oh hell, I'm gonna die anyways" blues, even having been lifted from the last two weeks of despair.

    So I am negotiating a new roof today, and keeping on. I didn't get home til 530 this morning, so that explains the lack of contact.

    The food was good, and I cooked over open fire and on a wood stove for thirty some folks. Most of whome share the hope that we can respond rather than react, mend rather than menace.

    Hey Scully, the world didn't end


By agatha on Monday, September 24, 2001 - 12:08 pm:

    daniel, why were you saying you might not be back? i feel thick for asking that, but what the fuck.

By Daniel ssss on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 02:05 am:

    Rumor had it that there was to be another "incident" on the 22nd, and some people including myself discussed simply dropping out, an act planned for many years I am almost sad to report. The Ozark Mts are a big place, but not completely safe from terrorism or nukes, and the biggest worry there would be long term drinking water supplies if contaminated.

    That I may not return was a distinct possibility. Personally for me, the whole scenario since 9-11 has been a manifestation of nightmares I've had since a small child growing up in the cold war / fallout shelter mentality of the post war years. Literally a nightmare; figuratively and certainly a fear.

    I'm not over reacting; I take it all pretty seriously. And no I don't have any PTSD from VietNam either. But I do counsel those that do.

    And I've not been directly effected in my family by the WTC disaster. I want to say there's no direct grief from personal losses at the WTC, but I am aware of the thousands of souls who abruptly left this world without their consent. I am concerned for Sir Mark and Swine and Amanda, and my four friends who were there. I wasn't, obviously.

    But as a shamanist, and as a therapist who helps people cross over (die), I am acutely aware of the oppressive sense of death. Deep affective chaos can reign over even the uninvolved and less sensitive of people, but profoundly affect someone like me who works with the dead and dying to release their soul and spirit. It is called psychopomp work, and does for the soul what hospice does for the body. It is an old calling, and one that I don't necessarily want, but it is my gift.

    I realize I have not spoken about it here, ever, for Nate I'm sure would think me a more creepy bastard than he does now. Anyway, over the years my good friends who run the organic and wildcrafting farm (at which the harvest drumming was held) have discussed (esp in light of y2k stuff) many different contingencies, including forming a cooperative living arrangement on their land. Synchronous events leading to my weekend trip there developed into some good old paranoia and desperation, and there were real thoughts in my mind that - if not this weekend - certainly the possibility of my nightmare coming true was closer than ever before.

    I did feel as if I might not come back. "and so it begins" seems in fact to be a thread celebrating the near end times, with margaritas and all. Not coming back is and was a possibility.

    I do urge my clients as well as my friends that making a disaster contingency is not a bad idea. The world in the US is becoming the unsafe world that the rest of the world lives with every day. I take it all seriously.

    But I did come back, and the world did not unravel yet. I hate, absolutely despise, living within that fear again. But nonetheless it is a real living fear I can't shake.

    And I wanted to thank you all for putting up with me. It was less a suicide note than a good bye. At three am Friday morning, that's where I was.

    The events totally out of my control cause me grief. I hope the people in power do realize there's a chance for tackling this situation differently from previous civilizations and we in particular have so poorly done. I dunno.

    I'm really a pretty simple nice guy, but the soul work I do is misunderstood and sometimes dismissed. I am surprised I am posting this on such a public forum, and I think I'm not holding back because in light of these recent tragedies, what people think of me is no longer important.

    And I am a wee-bit melodramatic sometimes. Thanks for asking though. At least someone reads me. Try for a little more explanation, under the "autobiograhy" entry I think...

    If there still is a St Louis and I am still in it, the Christmas gig is still on. And you all are invited. I'm sorry I can't make NO next month.

By pez on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 02:53 am:


    i didn't read the gobbedygook. sorry.

    wanted to point out that festivals and rituals don't normally require a formal religion to participate.

    wicca is a FORM of paganism, of which there are thousands of varieties. it is the most highly recognized form, however, the only official religion of them all (at least here in the US).

    i'm not practicing right now, but i am fairly close to being a kitchen witch. not really one for rituals.

By dave. on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 02:53 am:

    i admire you, just like i admire all spiritual people. in spite
    of my bitchy, anti-religion comments, i can see a difference
    between religion and spirituality. it seems like, for me,
    when i put a name to it, it's the name that overpowers
    everything else. i've always hated defining myself. i am a
    ________? never could find a good way around that trap.
    if there was a force inside of me that couldn't help but
    radiate, it wouldn't be an issue but it seems i'm more like a
    vacuum, or a sponge. things comes in but i can't seem to
    make them into anything useful. i'm like a like a brown
    dwarf. it cripples me.

    go daniel.

By sarah on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 10:43 am:

    if you can't define it, pronounce it, or put a name to it, you're probably closer to the real thing than those who do.

By sarah on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 10:45 am:

    and when i say "pronounce" i mean it like "proclaim".

    i should have just said proclaim then.

By Spider on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 11:29 am:

    I don't know.

    I've read parts of St. John of the Cross' "Ascent of Mount Carmel" and "The Dark Night of the Soul."
    He talks about the process that people go through when they become more and more spiritually advanced. The scary (and awe-inspiring and mysterious) thing is that this process isn't replicated in any other realm besides the spiritual one. Spiritual development takes a path unlike any other kind of personal or interest-related development, and the crazy thing is that I can see myself along the same path, experiencing the same things in the same order.

    This is amazing, to me. To me, this is proof. How is it that so many people can experience the same mysterious things in the same order? This, to me, must mean that there's something behind our spiritual longings. Some force is directing us.

    Of course there are variations in the experience. Some people run along the path and some people crawl, for example. (Me, I'm a crawler.)

    But I think St. John, and St. Theresa of Avila, could talk specifics about spirituality because they had gone so far down that path. They were well-equipped to give directions.

    And I understand that this could be a big turn-off for many people. I don't mean to say anything except that this is what resonates with me. I relate to this, and this way of thinking. You may not.

By Spider on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 11:32 am:

    Daniel, I would like to do what you do.

    I've lately been entertaining thoughts of joining a religious order that works to help people die in grace. That vocation is very attractive to me.

By patrick on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 12:00 pm:

    reading this, having my hands, in fist form, holding my face, felt like big, bulbous, gunny-sack rough, completely seperate of me. As I type, they still feel so distant, strange. Not of my own.

    Can spiritual development be documented?

    I've always been posing the question "but but but HOW do you KNOW?" I have so many "could a been..." experiences. I think I have a hard time with faith in general, perhaps it scares me to completely relinquish. But like a baby swimming for the first time, from mom's arms to dad's arms, you have to just let go, swim, and reap the reward of dad's hands. Im not trusting of the fruits of faith.

By Spider on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 12:46 pm:

    What do you mean by fruits?

By patrick on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 12:51 pm:

    well...simply put.. what do you get out of your rituals? your faith? whats the purpose? you gain some sort of emotional or spiritual rewards for your faith? no?

    thats what i mean.

By dave. on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 01:41 pm:

    i don't think i'm close to it at all.

    i really just need to shut up.

By Daniel ssss on Wednesday, September 26, 2001 - 01:15 am:

    One of the definitions of spirituality (comes from latin spiritus = breath) which I so like is ... one's search for meaning and purpose in life.

    Another factor in no longer hesitating (though truthfully I know I do) in telling folks what I do is an old belief held by most Native American medicine men and women is that if you do this sort of work you don't go around "proclaiming" or even announcing it. In fact, you end up denying it more often than not. Seekers seek medicine folk out; medicine folk don't hang up a sign or hand out business cards. I love Antonio Morales' understanding and living out of this philosophy in Alberto Villoldo's The Four Winds, a great "novel" which is truly biographical.

    The second factor in no longer hesitating is simply my involvement in Tom Cowan's two year program in Celtic Shamanism, or as the Catholics prefer to call it, Celtic Spirituality. I think his website is RiverDrum. I have belonged to the Circle of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies for years. After a long internal struggle, I accepted the designation of clergy in the Circle of The Sacred Earth, which is a church of animistic ecumenical beliefs certainly compatible with most mystical belief systems. And based in Massachusetts, led by Roy Bauer, an exiled Catholic bishop.

    The path that chose me I have walked nearly all my life, ignoring and denying it at times. Having grown up in close proximity to Seneca Indian beliefs at the Cattaraugus and Kinzua and Allegany Reservations, my path embraces some of what the Seneca call the religion of Handsome Lake, a mystical crossing of Jesuit and Fransciscan missionary Christianity with Native American Senecan and Iroquois beliefs. But in the last years and especially since working with Tom these past two, I have been admonished to no longer be afraid to say what I know, tell who I am, say who I love, and do what I feel necessary.

    I am Lutheran not Catholic, and I am neither a medicine person nor Native American, just for the record. And I struggle terribly some days with what I do and believe.

    Patrick, I think faith is something entirely different from spirituality. Faith is something you believe, spirituality is something you live. Spirituality is godmade, religion is manmade.

    enuf. I should be more like Dave and shut up.