evil bert

sorabji.com: Are there any news?: evil bert
By Nate on Wednesday, October 10, 2001 - 06:53 pm:

By trace on Wednesday, October 10, 2001 - 08:10 pm:

    That was a nice break.
    Thanks for the laugh

By Eri on Wednesday, October 10, 2001 - 10:44 pm:

    I had seen it somewhere else before, on some comedy show or something, but had forgotten about it. Thanx, I needed a smile.

By pez on Thursday, October 11, 2001 - 11:23 am:

    holy shit! that's great!

By patrick on Thursday, October 11, 2001 - 11:44 am:

    did you guys ever see the other evil Burt material about 2 years ago?

    i should find that.

By Hal on Thursday, October 11, 2001 - 12:38 pm:

    Use to be on Fractalcow.com its been around for a couple years.

By Xyrea on Thursday, October 11, 2001 - 12:41 pm:

    All hail evil Bert! Get down on your knees and kiss your ass goodbye. He's pissed because Ernie got to do the ducky song, and he's not taking it anymore!

By semillama on Thursday, October 11, 2001 - 12:44 pm:

    There are many bertisevil mirror sites out there.

By D on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 12:45 pm:

    Is Ernie & Bert a brother or just a gay lover?

By J on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 02:04 pm:

    They've been shacking up for 35 years,of course they are gay.

By V on Tuesday, February 22, 2005 - 10:51 pm:


By Dodi on Wednesday, February 23, 2005 - 12:31 am:


By V on Wednesday, February 23, 2005 - 08:35 pm:

    ... o.k. so far,but weather forecast people tell me huge amounts of snow will fall tonight,,and we dont have any thing for shifting except salt,and half of that is allready gone.,most years we dont get snow,when we do,London shuts down for days....you know,tonight,I went out and got 10 packs of "spicy rice",just in case I get snowed in.

By Dodi on Thursday, February 24, 2005 - 12:28 am:

    I love to be snowed in...YIPPY!! I love to have hot chocolate, a roaring fire, a good movie and lots of cuddling, then more cuddling.:)

    Is that all you stocked up on? Spicy rice, sounds yummy, but what else will you have with it?

By V on Friday, February 25, 2005 - 03:28 am:

    ...well your twin would be nice...

By Dodi on Friday, February 25, 2005 - 01:02 pm:

    sorry...:(...I'm sad now.

By Mala-dicta on Friday, February 25, 2005 - 02:24 pm:

    no,your an asshole.

By Dodi on Friday, February 25, 2005 - 04:59 pm:

    who's calling who an asshole...just yourself my lovely Mala-dicta friend...:)

By V on Saturday, February 26, 2005 - 12:53 am:

    ..time for a commercial break?

By Dodi on Saturday, February 26, 2005 - 01:10 am:


By V on Saturday, February 26, 2005 - 02:36 am:

    If I see a thread has an intrinsic problem,like the mention of a twin,then I shut down then start up again.,works most times.Its like going down the wrong fork in a road,backtrack,then try again.

By Mala-dicta on Saturday, February 26, 2005 - 12:01 pm:

    Folks, I'd like to sing a song about the American dream.
    About me, about you, about the way our American hearts beat way down
    in the bottom of our chests. About the special feeling we get in the
    cockles of our hearts, maybe below the cockles, maybe in the subcockle
    area. Maybe in the liver. Maybe in the kidneys. Maybe even in the
    colon, we don't know.
    I'm just a regular Joe with a regular job.
    I'm your average white suburbanite slob.
    I like football and porno and books about war.
    I've got an average house with a nice hardwood floor.
    My wife and my job, my kids and my car.
    My feet on my table and a cuban cigar.
    But sometimes that just ain't enough to keep a man like me interested
    (oh no) no way (uh-uh)
    No, I've gotta go out and have fun at someone else's expense
    (oh yeah) Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
    I drive really slow in the ultra-fast lane,
    While people behind me are going insane.
    I'm an asshole (He's an asshole, what an asshole)
    I'm an asshole (He's an asshole, such an asshole)
    I use public toilets and piss on the seat,
    I walk around in the summertime saying "How about this heat?"
    I'm an asshole (He's an asshole, what an asshole)
    I'm an asshole (He's the world's biggest asshole)
    Sometimes I park in handicapped spaces,
    While handicapped people make handicapped faces.
    I'm an asshole (He's an asshole, what an asshole)
    I'm an asshole (He's a real fucking asshole)
    Maybe I shouldn't be singing this song
    Ranting and raving and carrying on
    Maybe they're right when they tell me I'm wrong
    I'm an asshole (he's an asshole, what an asshole)
    I'm an asshole (he's the world's biggest asshole)
    Know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna get myself a 1967 Cadillac El Dorado,
    hot-fuckin'-pink, with whaleskin hubcaps and all-leather cow interior and big
    brown baby seal eyes for headlights... yeah! And I'm gonna drive around in
    that baby doing 115 miles an hour, getting 1 mile per gallon, suckin' down
    quarter pound cheeseburgers from McDonald's in the old-fashioned non-
    biodegradable styrofoam containers... yeah! And when I'm done suckin' down
    those greaseball burgers I'm gonna toss the styrofoam containers right out the
    side, and there ain't a goddamn thing anybody can do about it. You know why?
    Because we got the bombs, that's why... yeah! Two words--nuclear fuckin'
    weapons, OK? Russia, Czechoslovakia, Romania, they can have all the democracy
    they want...they can have a democracy cakewalk right through the middle of
    Tienamen Square and it won't make a lick of fuckin' difference, because we got
    the bombs, OK? John Wayne's not dead--he's frozen! And when we find a cure for
    cancer, we're gonna thaw out the Duke and he's gonna be pretty pissed off. You
    know why? You ever taken a cold shower? Well, multiply that by 15 million
    times--that's how pissed off the Duke's gonna be. I'm gonna get the Duke and
    John Casavetti and Sam Peckinpaw and a case of fuckin' whisky and drive...
    (Hey, hey, hey, hey, you know you really are an asshole?)
    Why don't you shut up and sing the song, Chris. I thought I was the
    asshole... all the time it was him... what an asshole!
    I'm an asshole (I'm an asshole, he's an asshole)
    I'm an asshole (He's the world's biggest asshole)
    A S-S H-O L-E
    Everybody, A S-S H-O L-E
    Ay Ay-Ay Ay-Ay Ay-Ay
    A-thoom A-thoom-thoom A-thoom-thoom A-thoom-thoom
    I'm an asshole and I'm proud of it!

    Can ya yodel doody?

By Dodi on Saturday, February 26, 2005 - 01:38 pm:

    and you all think I have nothing better to do..think again.

By V on Sunday, February 27, 2005 - 01:01 am:

    ...mind you,if mala regards jack as a transvestite gay pervert,that happens to be anti-troll, then thats cool by v..

By V on Sunday, February 27, 2005 - 01:06 am:

    Mala,get it on....us trolls got to stick together.