turning down $10 million

sorabji.com: Are there any news?: turning down $10 million
By Nate on Thursday, October 11, 2001 - 06:11 pm:

By patrick on Thursday, October 11, 2001 - 06:28 pm:

    i dunno what to think about that.

    the prince had a point.

By patrick on Thursday, October 11, 2001 - 06:31 pm:

    ....anyway, check it

    i just started on it today , and there is only page up under the spring preview, girls sweaters.

    your catalogs went in the mail today fuckos.

    nothing different than the catalog. but be a good sport and pretend it is.

By Dougie on Thursday, October 11, 2001 - 06:35 pm:

    Yeah, I heard about that. Rudy's a proud proud man.

    Patrick, you and the wife ought to get a website to sell your sweaters. I'm sure one of the sweathogs here would be able to throw it up in no time.

By patrick on Thursday, October 11, 2001 - 06:41 pm:

    yeah but that takes money, and infrastructure to sell and ship via online. right now we are just needing to get the damn things in retail stores.

    we've mailied over 500 catalogs to retailers/press and friends. we've got some orders but not enough to meet our minimums just yet.

    the site will merely serve retailers as an online catalog. I plan to bombard retail boutique email addresses with it.

    its a hooky site i know....but we dont have the budget to pay someone to build a site for us yet.

By Platypus on Friday, October 12, 2001 - 11:46 am:

    Cool beans. I await my catalogue with joy.

By S on Friday, October 12, 2001 - 01:47 pm:

    If everyone is so worried about the current events then why not pray for everything to get better instead of constant jibberish?

By patrick on Friday, October 12, 2001 - 01:50 pm:

    you are assuming we all susbscribe to power of pray fuckwit.

    you CANNOT petition the lord with PRAYER!!!!

By S on Friday, October 12, 2001 - 03:29 pm:


    I am a christian. I am not sure that I want to know what "power you subscribe to" (learn how to spell subscribe genius) but YES YOU CAN. If you don't believe in prayer I feel extremely sorry for you. The only subscription that can remedy the current mishaps is CHRIST. Believe it now or regret it later. I pray every night, tonight you will be in my prayers along with all who have and currently are suffering. Your immature approach to this subject disturbs me immensely.

By Hal on Friday, October 12, 2001 - 03:41 pm:

    Fucking people imposing their religions on others.
    Damnit S, get with your religion, I don't have to pray, never says that I do to belive in the powers of god. I don't HAVE to pray to christ to belive he's a savior of some sort or another.
    I'm not Catholic, I'm not Christian, I'm not Jewish, I'm not Muslim, I'm not Buddist, I'm not Hindu, I'm not a prodestant, I know I can't fucking spell, I'm a Panthiest, and I belive that anyone of those religions is right in their own way, yet I also belive everyone of you (from anyoneone of the religions mentioned above) is FULL OF SHIT.
    Religion is a means of controling a populace, its fantasy created by man, but all fantasy has roots in fact. God probably exists ( can I proove it no, and if you say the fucking bible I'll cum in your ear, the bible was written by man deal with it.) I have no qwalms about any religion at all, belive what you will, its that belief that makes faith what it is, faith is a powerful thing, not to be tampered with as it has been for HUNDREDS of years.

    Belive what you will, pray every night if you have faith it solves problems of man that were created by man, BUT DON'T tell patrick that he's wrong or sad or in any way different from you because he might belive that prayer is a bunch of shit.

By patrick on Friday, October 12, 2001 - 03:49 pm:

    don't talk to me about christ....you are hardly qualified to talk to me about morals muchless the bible. idiot.

    yes i misspelled the word "subscribe". Oh forgive me lord for i have sinned.

By S on Friday, October 12, 2001 - 04:01 pm:

    I would rather not read your crap
    I will say one thing
    your opinion differs from mine
    Christians know that a personal relationship with God i.e. Prayer is essential
    I am sorry that you did not know that
    I wish to discuss or explain myself any longer
    My opinion does not change because of some idiocy typed on a website
    Your anger shows your insecurity
    This is not a test of faith


    dont confess sins to me, i dont care

By S on Friday, October 12, 2001 - 04:06 pm:

    The King James version of the Bible was written and altered by man
    OF course the original was also
    written by those who experienced first hand the miracles of Jesus
    Think about it
    Read Revelations
    you will start to notice that some occurences today were prophecied in the Bible
    I am highly qualified to talk about the Bible
    My dad is a Master of Divinity
    He studied in the Seminary here in ky
    Dont assume- when you do you make an ass out of u and me

By Homer on Friday, October 12, 2001 - 04:13 pm:

    Remember she is from Kentucky,I'm sure she's very dear to her daddy,shucks her momma might like her too.

By patrick on Friday, October 12, 2001 - 04:16 pm:

    man this is so fucking funny.

By semillama on Friday, October 12, 2001 - 05:59 pm:

    I bet all those people on those airplanes were praying damn hard too.

    Prayer is fine, but if history teaches us anything, it's thatif something is to change we have to do it ourselves.

    As the ministerial person around here, that's my opinion.

By Hal on Friday, October 12, 2001 - 06:25 pm:

    Wow... I'm impressed, she completely ignored me and whent straight to Patrick.

    I didn't tell her she was wrong, I didn't tell her she was a moron for being a chirstian, all I told her is not to tell someone else that they were wrong and to belive in her faith. Instead she's going to now play the role of the great Christian crusader representing all those pepole in highschool I made it my daily job to fuck with because they THOUGHT they knew so much about being a christian (and yes their mommy and daddies were ministers too.) By the way that doesn't mean shit, what your parents know and who they are is nothing in reference to who you are. A good friend of mine a guy named Brad Porter, his parents RUN the fucking mormon temple in billings, MT. Brad is the worst fucking Mormon I've ever met, and he'll admit it too. S, I'm happy for you that your a chirstian, I'm happy you have faith in whats going on in lue of the cosmos, but their are other people who prefer reality and exp. to blind faith. And you cannot deny that being a christian is blind faith, because there is no proof otherwise.

    Those people in highschool I tormented daily because they were christians was not purely because the were christians, it was because anyone who brought another faith into a conversation was told that they "they were wrong and they were going to hell because they didn't belive in the almighty christ." That and they told me that my faith was "...cheating."
    Qestion: S, do you think that I'm cheating because by being a panthiest I belive that all religions are the same by the values associated with them and the only things that makes them different is the changes made to them by man, and the bias that man exists under? That you are no different then a Muslum, its just that the religion that you belive in has many falsities much like every other religion and those falcities are the only difference belife wise between you and Osami-bin Laden? Am I cheating because I belive that every religion is both right and wrong?
    Go ahead, quote the bible, and I will do the same and proove you wrong. The bible is the biggest most recognized contriditory work in history. It contradicts itself so many times its not funny.
    And again I would like to point out that I cannot spell worth shit, so don't even bother.

By Nate on Friday, October 12, 2001 - 07:50 pm:

    S, you're apparently not too qualified-- how long after jesus's death was revelations written? for that matter, how long after jesus's death was any of the gospels written?

    how christian are you with your little slut clothes and your constant sex?

By J on Saturday, October 13, 2001 - 01:28 am:

    I think she could tell we were not impressed with her supposed I.Q.

By Czarina on Sunday, October 14, 2001 - 03:24 am:

    I'm praying now:

    That she'll learn to use punctuation.

By R.C. on Sunday, October 14, 2001 - 06:34 pm:

    Nate, do you know that chick? How do you know she dresses like a little slut?

    Becuz I'd pay good money for photos of a rabid Christian tricked out like a Spice Girl/thumping her bible at everyone... (he, he)

    (And how's London? Or are you there yet?)

    For the record, folks/pls. remember that I'm a Christian too. Believing in Christ does NOT automatically make you a brain-dead, bible- thumping reactionary who can't wait to jump down other people's throats for not sharing yr "prayer will fix everyting" world view.

    And S: Criticizing people for typos in their posts is EXTREMELY petty & juvenile. Where's your spirit of charity & humility?

    Is that what Jesus would do? Yell at someone & try to belittle them becuz of a typo? (Yeah - I'm serious. Is THAT the way you think Jesus wd behave? Or wd want you to behave?)

    Think abt YOUR OWN BEHAVIOR here the next time you're telling someone how they shd be living. One of yr most important obligations as a Christian is to be a reflection of Christ here on Earth/in everything you say & do.

    (Why do people like you never seem to realize how often yr behavior succeeds in pushing others away from God?)

    And if you *really* belive the terrorist attacks & the current war are signs we're in the last days/shdn't you be happy that prophecy is being fulfilled/rather than telling people to "pray for everything to get better"? If this all Revelations unfolding/then Christ's retun is imminent.

    So you shd be one happy-happy little bluegrass belle!

    Or maybe you shd be paying more attention to the state of yr own soul/rather than 'feeling sorry for' someone who doesn't share yr beliefs.

    "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."

    - Matthew 7:21

By dave. on Sunday, October 14, 2001 - 07:12 pm:

    death to all fanatics.

By Eri on Sunday, October 14, 2001 - 08:31 pm:

    R.C. we know about her clothing because she was giving be advice on what underwear to buy. I am tired of cotton briefs. I have a desire to feel sexy again.

    Dave, I hope that you understand that not all people of faith are fanatics. I would hate to think you were wishing me and my family dead, because we all have different beliefs. We have everyone from wiccans to athiests to catholics to southern baptists in our family.

    I think one thing that is important is not to judge people based on their faith. I am happy just to know that someone has faith in something. But frankly, what others believe is not my business. I have found many points that I agree with in EVERY faith I have come to hear of. I agree with nate on many points and think man has more of an influence on religion, than does the bible or any other book.

    Either way, one point made clear in the bible was that we are to do our best to walk in the path of God. Not that we are to tell others how to accomplish this. This is for others to figure out, not me. Everyone is in a different place in their walk of life and it is not our jobs as "christians" to tell other people what to think or how to act. We are not perfect, and we never will be, so S, if you are still with us, focus on yourself, and your path with God and let us focus on our own.

By Eri on Sunday, October 14, 2001 - 08:36 pm:

    Oops sorry, I meant that I agree with Hal about the different religions.

By dave. on Sunday, October 14, 2001 - 08:43 pm:

    eri. it's irony.

    is it not fanatical to call for the death of anything? death to all heathens! death to all flatulators! death to all fanatics!

    get it?

By trace on Sunday, October 14, 2001 - 09:11 pm:


By dave. on Sunday, October 14, 2001 - 09:29 pm:


By Platypus on Sunday, October 14, 2001 - 09:49 pm:


By Eri on Sunday, October 14, 2001 - 10:07 pm:

    Forgive me, I missed the irony while in my beer bliss. I'm running low. Need more beer!!!!

    Oops, that would make me a flatulator too!!!!

By Kerri on Sunday, October 14, 2001 - 10:49 pm:

    R.C., I love how you write and love reading what you have to say. I could read ya all day.

By Hal on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 02:22 am:

    R.C. & Eri, Thank you I find it comforting to find some people who actually understand (R.C. you the most because as a Christian you actually understand what the religion is about... I appreciate that.

By R.C. on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 05:18 am:

    Kerri: Thank you. It's been a trying day (a co-worker in my dept. quit today/which means overtime is in my immediate future. (I need the dough/but I'm so *not* in the mood to be pulling 12-hr. shifts) & that was greatly appreciated. And esp. becuz the one thing I feel I know abt heaven is that the ones who get there are gonna be *real* surprised abt the ones they remember from Earth who got turned away at the door.

    Eri: Girl/you are talking to an ex-lingerie diva!
    Tell me what you wanna spend & I'll tell you where you need to go.

    (All Faiths -- & No Faiths -- Welcome)

    The main factors to consider are:

    Beyond the start-up costs/are you willing to spend $$ to have handmade silk undies dry-cleaned? (Altho' they do have those at-home dry cleaning kits that seem to work pretty well. But I've only used them on off-the-rack silk items.)

    Are you a basic cotton girl/or do you prefer more luxurious stuff next to yr naughty bits? (Egyptian cotton is light-years better than the avg. stuff.) Cashmere makes for wonderfully warm/incredibly soft undies. But all I've ever had was 1 pr. of cashmere men's boxer briefs that I stole from a beau ages ago. He was a cheapskate except where his food & clothes were concerned. He got them in London but I'm pretty sure they were a custom item. I wore them until they literally fell apart. They lasted 6 yrs./which was 4 yrs. longer than he & I lasted. (I still use the remnants as a dustrag.)

    Becuz that *is* the essential question. If you're one of those butt-floss girls/I simply cannot help you. As someone who has has been bootay-licious since birth & has spent most of her life trying to keep her underwear out of the crack of her ass/I simply cannot fathom why anyone wd subject herself to a thong. Esp. chicks who have noassatall in the 1st place. (No offense to you super-modelly built types. A flat ass works for haute couture/but not for lingerie.)

    Makes all the difference. (Support vs. tittlation) Lingerie you wear to bed a deux (there's an accent that goes there but I don't know how to do it on a computer) is generally different from lingerie you put on in the morning before you get dressed for work or school or whatever. But all lingerie shd make you feel scrumptious. S'like makeup that doesn't show. And yr man will definitely appreciate the effort.

    When I 1st moved to FL from NY/I was shocked by the heat & humidity. (And I *hated* the NY winters. And the Boston winters.) I cdn't stand going out in a sundress or a skirt & tank top/becuz btwn the time it took to close the front door behind me & walk to my car/I was drenched in sweat & my clothes were sticking to me like a video ho on BET.

    Until I went back to wearing silk slips under my dresses & skirts. I had abandoned slips way back in Catholic school/in a fit of rebellion @ 14. (There was always an inch of slip showing below the bottom of my skirt by 5th period. It was embarassing!) A laser wdn't have shone thru all that starched cotton & wool tartan/so who neede a slip to be modest? And think abt Sophia Loren in all those gorgeous silk slips w/the embroidery at the bosom in all those movies... I wish Hollywood wd go back to putting women w/ real bodies in silk slips/instead of just bras & panties/before they get undressed for a love scene.

    I still have 2 of my mother's old silk slips in my lingerie drawer. The lace embroidery is faded to brown now. I don't keep them to wear/just to pull out & hold & remember the times when I watched her get dressed to go into the city w/my Dad... I will keep them til I die/I'm sure.)

    When it's hot out & you don't want to to walk around looking like some bimbo from a Maxim spread/a silk slip is The Thing.

    For good-quality silk lingerie/I recommend:

    Fernando Sanchez - desgraciadamente/you can't buy at his website yet. But the tonier stores carry his line. (Latino designers know lingerie!)

    Josie Natori - again/no company website. But you can find her at Bloomie's/Bergdorf's/Sak's.

    La Perla -- pricey but gorgeous. After the French/the Italians do clothes better than anyone. Think Bertolucci's THE LAST EMPEROR & how amazing those costumes were. Better sill/ Fellini's LA DOLCE VITA. What's left to say? La Perla caries on that tradition for the 21st century woman who has to be comfortable in her undergarmets.

    Victoria's Secret bras -- they're made in cheap-labor Third World countries/so the won't last more than 8 mos. (A year if you hand-wash. And never dry underwire bras in the dryer -- the metal gets hot & bends out of shape up.) But there's one bra they have -- the seamless one w/rolled underwire. It's $36 dollars/but you can wear it all day & not feel like there's piano wire under yr boobs. I'm a natural C-cup/but my boobs are 40 yrs. old & that bra makes them look like Janet Jackson's boobs.

    But no matter what yr plans for the rest of the day are/having some fabulous lingerie on beneath whatever yr wearing will definitely put some strut in yr step -- Ah Guar-ahn-tee!

    Cotton can be sexy too/if you look for baby tees w/spaghetti straps in pretty colors/the ones w/embroidery on the front. Or little girl's undies (cover yr eyes, Patrick!). The briefs w/ little flowers on them. The tension btwn sexy & innocent when a man peels off his woman's clothes to reveal little girl's underwear... very Humbert Humbert's much-sexier-imaginary-older brother.

    Men's silk boxers are a little slice of heaven. I don't know why guys don't wear them all the time. The fly front ones are even better -- esp. under a skirt. (Built-in ventilation for those hot subway rides.) But buying them won't do -- they *must* be appropriated from yr guy. The sexiest day I've spent on this planet was after The One That Got Away made love to me for the first time & actually ripped my panties beyond repair. (They were frazzled to begin w/but I hadn't planned on ending up in bed w/him when I left my house.) When we went out to eat afterwards/he loaned me a pair of his silk shorts. Even under my ratty jeans/I left like a million bucks sitting across the table from him @ Dusit Thai/grinning like an idiot over what had transpired a half-hour ago. (That had more to do w/the sex than the undies. But I wd have been *incredibly* uncomfortable in jeans & no undies.)

    My best advice is to buy what you like & feel good in. Meaning it's comfortable on you when you sit down. Lingerie won't change yr life/but it will *defeintely* change the way you feel abt yrself.

By R.C. on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 05:36 am:

    And Hal: If you want to begin to understand what it means to be a Christian/read Christ's words in the Bible/in one of the versions that has Christ's words in red letters. Not to trash the Old Testament/but if all you cd afford to buy were the N.T. & the 10 Comandments from the O.T./that's the essence of what you wd need to live a godly life. The rest is good in terms of understanding the history of the faith & how God evolved (Yes -- God changes! Who knew?) which are very important in terms of historical perspective. But you don't need churches/or denominations/or any of that secular stuff to walk w/yr God.

    [Altho' millions of Christians will try to condemn me to Hell on that point alone. But I stand fast in MY faith.]

    If you believe at all that Jesus lives/He lives in his teachings in the N.T.

By Eri on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 10:11 am:

    R.C. I agree with you on the whole not needing denominations, etc for your walk with God. It is your personal relationship with God that makes the difference.

    As far as the undies go, lately I have been the cotton queen, but I don't necessarily think that is like really important. I don't want to have to dry clean anything. I just want to feel sexy in what I have. My bras are all padded push-up lace. I am a natural A cup and hate how much I have shrunk, so I am all for the padding.
    I don't really have a whole lot of moolah, but I can do it piece by piece, if I want, so anything would be good right now.

By J on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 10:37 am:

    Those wonderbras are great.

By Margret on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 10:43 am:

    I would just like to point out, again for the record, that Luke never met the big J. C. and was a convert after Christ's death. So, yeah, the bible was not strictly an account of the life and times by those who knew him best. Also like to point out that a goodly portion of the Bible predates J. C.

By dave. on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 11:10 am:

    Jesus was a Terrorist

    Jesus was a terrorist
    Enemy of the state
    That's what the Romans labeled him
    So he was put to death

    He died for his beliefs
    What's changed today?

    Today bible-thumping cannibals
    Reap money from his name
    Buy cable networks & power
    With old ladies' checks

    If Jesus saw Pat Robertson
    What do you think he'd say?

    Tax-free they re-write our laws
    And sick 'em on you
    Women don't control their bodies
    TV preachers do

    Censor everything from bathing suits
    To science books
    From the schoolroom to the bedroom
    They want our thoughts - or else

    They treat us like the Romans
    Used to treat the Christians
    Even some churchgoing folks are scared

    Modern catacombs of fear
    Built with money, power and threats
    Rock'n'roll is labeled porn
    Sell a record, you're under arrest

    Instead of fighting AIDS
    They try to stop us having sex
    They brag that they won't quit
    Til they take dominion over our lives

    Is freedom of speech such a terrorist act
    Is spiritual peace such a satanic threat
    Believe what you want
    But we'll fight to keep
    Our heads from being cemented in your sand.

By patrick on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 11:55 am:

    I Just Want Some Skank=====

    Empty frame on the wall
    Cat & mouse when you don't call
    All I do is think of her
    The tv screens picture's blurred

    So take it away!
    Take it away!
    Every night the scene is set
    I've go to drink to forget
    I cannot incur this debt
    Where's the gun?
    Here's my head!
    Let's go to the Hongkong,
    Breaking glass at
    Madame Wong's Let's go buy a pint of booze

    Getting drunk, getting loose I just want some skank, I just want some skank I just want some skank, I just want some skank

    Passing flyers at the troub Seven nights, seven 'ludes
    What's the deal with this band?

    Let's go roll some fields, man I just want some skank, I just want some skank I just want some skank, I just want some skank

    Every night would be so great
    I'd take you home to meet mom & dad
    And they'll be so glad
    They won't think their boy's a fag
    Then we'll go upstairs and go to bed

By droopy on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 12:36 pm:

    i would like to point out, again for the record:

    Blessed are the bootay-licious from birth: for they shall be called the children of God.

    - Matthew 5-9¾

By Patrick on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 01:07 pm:

    skankin pickle

By Dave on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 01:11 pm:

    i cant write poetry,

    im full o crap

    i need a phd jus to rap

    i love jesus

By Hal on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 01:12 pm:

    I've read the bible, used it o'so many times against those who would use it to proove I'm going to hell...
    Its a good work, not that great a read though.

By S on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 01:13 pm:

    By the way Hal,
    im impressed that you stole some of your knowledge of the Bible from the movie DOGMA, excellent resource, wow youre a scholar

    its not my fault that you could be mistaken for a satanic priest

    Tell all the people who will be Left Behind that i said, "wus up?"

By Homer on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 01:15 pm:

    I know that i am very dear to my mom
    when im on top of her

By Eri on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 01:24 pm:

    S, you can tell them yourself later. Getting in means living the word, not just spouting it. Tell your boyfriend hi, next time you are in the sack with him :)

By Hal on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 02:05 pm:

    Excuse me but when did I ever fucking mention DOGMA...
    I've read the bible you little zealot, not once not twice but quite a few fucking times. The inacuracies found within the movie Dogma are funny but still inacurate.

    The attitude, "Tell all the people who will be Left Behind that I said, "wus up?" is not a very christian attitude (or maybe I should say it IS a common christian attitude, one that is not becoming of you, and not smiled upon by your lord Jesus Christ.)
    Now, explain to me where you think I recived my information from a fucking movie and I'll stick your fucking opinion up your ass with a nice leather bound copy of the bible attached to it, and we're talking the big old testement (and yes I know I can't fucking spell so shut the fuck up.)
    I have a pretty good idea as to what you think I "stole" and I think its my fucking religion that you assume Kevin Smith decided to make a movie out of before I choose it as my destined faith.
    Look up Panthiesm in the fucking dictionary, there are about 300,000 of us in the world, we don't have a church because we feel they are full of shit, and because they contain stupid fucks like you. Now look, I tried to be nice about this, but your going to continue to play the role of the zealot, I've had years of practice with people like you S, and I have no problem continuing with this train in my life. I hope that out of the dozens of assholes like you who think that you are supreme above all because of your faith, I will get one who realizes that they are no fucking different then me or anyone else and their faith changes NOTHING.
    I will say it again... Belive in your choosen faith, but don't tell others they are wrong for choosing to belive in theirs.
    I don't like people like you S, not people that are Christian, in fact I think that R.C. has it right on the knot as to what the whole chrisitan faith is about, you should take some lessons. I don't like zealots, and that is exactly what you are to me until you stop telling others they are going to hell or are going to be "left behind" and start worrying about your own actions.
    Pantheism: is the philosophy that everything is God or that the Universe and nature are divine.
    I belive in science because, it can be prooven, but I also belive in a god form.

By Xyrea on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 02:23 pm:

    Breathe. In. Out. Calm? Now think of the source. Why should you give a fuck what this person thinks? Obviously full of shit. Incapable of rational thought. Petty. *And* (the best yet) thinks she is smarter than the rest of us. Let her post. Hopefully, Mark with boot her ass out of Dodge soon.

By Janie on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 02:29 pm:

    funny Hal

By Janie on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 02:33 pm:


    for your information i do not wear slut clothes
    i wear clothes that fit me
    why do you care about my clothes?
    I was joking about the "Constant" thing, okay?

    Ever heard of a joke? Their quite common, learn to take one

    As for religion, noone ever wins in a religion/faith argument so why press it any further?

    I'm sorry but jeans and a t-shirt hardly constitute as slutty

    besides you all are the ones that quickly responded to it when i posted it

By Janie on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 02:34 pm:

    If you want to talk about slut attitudes , talk to Eri and the ex lingerie diva not me

By Janie on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 02:35 pm:

    Eri is the one telling people what type of bra she wears
    Is that something that we care to know Eri?

By Dani on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 02:41 pm:

    Ohhhhhh nooooo...if you are reffering to R.C. being the ex lingerie diva, I wouldnt advise insutling her.
    She'll shut your ass up in a heartbeat.

By J on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 02:41 pm:

    Your not part of "we" janie

By Xyrea on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 02:46 pm:

    Do not say anything about Eri. She's awesome. Why are you still here?

By Hal on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 02:48 pm:

    J's right, your an I, living in your own little world.

    And Janie/S/Zealot, whatever and whomever you are, you never answered my question. I wonder is it because you see that there was truth in my words, or just because your going to be stubborn and not hold up your end of the conversation which is what we are having here I might add... So please humor me, answer my question and tell me what you think of what I said beyond "funny" forget everyone else ignore them if you have to, but answer my question and keep up your end... I'd like to see this go on a little bit.

By Eri on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 02:56 pm:

    Thanx Xyrea, but don't let her trash talk bother you. I just consider the source. I am a married woman, and me talking about sex or lingerie is not immoral. Nothing slutty about wanting a healthy sexual relationship with your spouse. In fact, it is very biblical, unlike her sleeping with someone unwed and talking about the bible like a big hypocrite. I don't take it personally. I just wonder why she still bothers. It's not like anyone here takes her seriously.

By semillama on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 06:33 pm:

    dave.-that's a great album.

    R.C. please tell me you are going to posting more regularly, becuase it makes me glad when you do.

    S- S? oh, S? where'd ya go, hon? You never even got to hear about how Jesus cam eback to earth as the business manager for the Church of the SubGenius, and fights for SLACK! Jeez! How rude!

By R.C. on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 10:38 pm:

    S (or are you Janie now?): Hal wasn't addressing you -- I was. Or were you planning to try & ig me?

    If you think you wanna fix yr face to call ME a slut/be bold enough to SAY IT TO ME DIRECTLY.

    Someone asked about lingerie. Lingerie was formerly a great passion of mine/I collected it the way other women collect shoes. So that's what we were discussing. Not sex. Lingerie.

    If you are somehow privy to information about MY sexual activites/then state yr case now -- w/ names, dates & details -- & let everyone here decide whether or not they think I'm a slut.

    From what I've heard/you're the one who is indiscreet enuf to be discussing her sex life on the boards. That's not my style.

    If you wanna go around on yr Christian high horse pretending to be so superior to non-believers
    /you'd better know this: the FIRST thing God's gonna ask you when it comes down to the get down is why you were having sex outside of marriage.

    You KNOW that is strictly & unequivocally prohibited according the the Lord's teachings. No fornication before marriage. No adultery after marriage. Failure to follow that code makse you a harlot in God's eyes. Nothing more than a common slut.

    You cd've chosen to remain celibate. But noooo -- YOU choose to disregard God's truths when it suits yr purposes. Yet you stomp all over someone for telling you they don't believe in prayer?

    You can call everyone else names/but you sure as Hell aren't liviing a more righteous life than most of the people you're ridiculing here.

    Getting saved is easy. You stand up in church or kneel down somewhere & say a few words. Then everyone pats you & the back & tells you how wonderful you are for accepting Christ. But LIVING saved/living as a Christian/is hard. You have to work at it every day & all the time.

    And there's no 'there' there. You get better/stronger in yr faith & in God's grace/thru reading yr Bible & praying every day. But you never get to be perfect/not in this life. And Salvation is an insurance policy you can't collect on til you die/or the world ends.

    You still have sex w/out having a husband. You still use profanity. You are still meanspirited & backbiting towards others. So what makes you any different than a non-believer, S?

    The fact that you're saved by God's grace is what makes you different. And you sure do need that salvation/becuz you're as bad as any heathen I've ever come across.

    And in case it's significance was lost on you/there were more than a few holy roller types -- even pastors -- who were 'Left Behind' in that movie. You'd be wise not to be so smug.

    If you don't start none, there won't be none.

By R.C. on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 10:52 pm:

    Thanx, Sem -- I've got internet access @ work now/so I can lounge in the Sorabji Asylum on company time! (When things are slow.)

    BTW/whazzup w/yr video dating thing? Met anyone interesting? :)

By Dani on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 10:57 pm:

    S/Janie fucked up now!! She's got R.C. on her ass!!!

By R.C. on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 11:11 pm:

    I was good, Dani. I didn't curse at her/even once. But she attacked folks I like/people who had done nothing wrong to her.

    I can't stand it when folks try to be God for God. And then she tried to ignore me when I confronted her.

    (Let's see what the heifer got to say for herself now.)

By eri on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 11:24 pm:

    Whatever she does have to say, she will probably say it in my name, unless it is to defame me in some way, then she will use my husbands name.

    My cousin bought me a little lingerie tonight. It's so cool. I can't wait to wear it. I miss my old collection. As I get further along and have a base again, I may call on you for advice R.C. I hope that is O.K.

By Dani on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 11:30 pm:

    I've been the ass at the end of one of your boots R.C. and it aint a pretty place to be!!
    I warned her that she was more or less barking up the wrong tree by attempting to fuck with you!
    I have a feeling she wont be back.

By dave. on Tuesday, October 16, 2001 - 02:34 am:

    semillama, i totally agree. i think it would be even better with rob or andy singing instead of jello. i can't say enough good things about nomeansno. even the latest, sucky stuff. (i'm sure you understand -- consider your iron maiden fetish.)

    if you don't already have it, check out "wrong" or "0+2=1".

    "wrong" is early 80's punk iconoclasm. there is no peer in my estimation. virtuosity and visceral, gut-wrenching power. sarcastic humor and introspective self doubt. fun, fun, fun.

    "0+2=1" likewise. "now", "nothing", "mary (the last)", "when putting it all in order ain't enough", "i think you know", "ghosts". what a killer album.

    not enough words.

By patrick on Tuesday, October 16, 2001 - 11:53 am:

    i think eri....as long as the dumbass can't figure out how to make the first letter the posters name lower case, we can spot her. but i suspect shes gone.

By J on Tuesday, October 16, 2001 - 11:58 am:

    I'm pretty sure she's scared shitless by now.

By Hal on Tuesday, October 16, 2001 - 01:04 pm:

    I'm stilll thinking about calling my freind at the UofK, having him seduce the girl, and then stick it in her fucking ass.

By R.C. on Wednesday, October 17, 2001 - 02:31 am:

    DRAT! They put up a firewall @ work. Now *every* workstation has MSIE/but you have to have a special password to get onto the web! So I can't post from work anymore.

    I hate that place. :(

    And Ah guar-ahn-tee S will be back. The self-righteous jerks always come back after a while.

    Just like roaches.

    Eri: SHOW & TELL! We demand photos! Or at least a description of yr hubby's reaction when he 1st saw you in it. My best e lingerie advice is that married people shd always sleep in the nude. Seriously -- the marriage bed is sacred space & there shdn't be anything btwn you two when you're in bed w/yr husband. Skin-to-skin is always intimate/even when yr just channel surfing.

    But having pretty undergarments on when you're getting undressed for bed is always a nice way to end the day. And start yr nite.

    (And c'mon Dani -- that was soooo long ago. We're cool now. But even at yr worst/you were NEVER as off the hook as S has been.)

    AND SEM: Tell us what happened w/you & the dating service!

By semillama on Wednesday, October 17, 2001 - 09:02 am:

By Dani on Wednesday, October 17, 2001 - 09:21 am:

    Seems like forever ago you and I were at battle R.C.
    I've grown up (not really but it sounded good) and got my shit together.
    After a few nice, comforting e-mail conversations with you way back when, we ended up being cool with one another.
    To bad S went away. I was looking forward to seeing you in action again! Always a pleasure. Good to see you again.

By Czarina on Wednesday, October 17, 2001 - 09:48 am:

    Lingerie,the thread that binds.

By eri on Wednesday, October 17, 2001 - 10:24 am:

    Trace's reaction to the new underwear he says is "Cool, another thing I can't touch" of couse, that wasn't what he said last night, but I can't actually use letters to create the sounds :p
    Too bad our 2 year old caught the flu and was in bed with us :(

    I am excited now. I need more and more and more. By the way, R.C. I just got a couple of see-thru nylon thongs, but what a change. They don't bother my scars anymore either. I think I am going to get more, later. I saw some really pretty ones that had like a velvet like pattern on the nylon. They were cool looking.

    I am feeling gutsy. I think that I might actually go out and get a pair of those below the navel jeans (I have enough ass to hold them up). I felt really beautiful and sexy when I was 19. It is amazing how bying a pair of underwear can bring that feeling back. Only this time, I'll look even better. I have dropped the whole beauty queen image. I leave my hair the natural color, and let the curls have their way, and harldy wear any make-up if any. This time I will have that sexy, earthy, natural thing going on. (Don't worry, I will still shave my legs and pits) I know I am rambling, but I am just excited. I am finding that new me that I have been looking for.

By J on Wednesday, October 17, 2001 - 11:43 am:

    I can't stand thongs,I can't see paying good money for a wedgie,ass floss I tell you.

By pamela on Wednesday, October 17, 2001 - 02:40 pm:

    R.C., I love you...

    You are the most knowledgable person I know. I love to see your words. You make people feel as small-minded as they are, not by being vicious, but by using the truth. One thing that I have learned is that the truth can hurt. I wish I was as smart as you, and not so quick to fire back with anger instead of plain truth.

    I wish I would've been around the boards when this girl started her shit, I would have loved to have some fun with her as well. She sounds so small-minded and inconsistent that I'd have had a field day with her. Of course I would have to try very hard not to be vile. I need to practice being like R.C

    Can anyone tell me what's happened? Did anyone contact her school? Talk to Mark about her? Does anyone know?

    From what I can tell, this girl (if it's even a girl) is very lonely and is craving attention. That's why she splashed her name all over the boards, trying to get someone to notice her. It sounds like she has a strong sense to belong somewhere, and thought that she could be "cool" if she posted here. She probably thought, "hey, I'll talk about all the sex I'm having (b/c everyone else is), and then they'll love me b/c then I'll fit in". And then when it came time to rant about God, she probably thought, "I'll show them that I love God and I'm holier than thou, and they'll love me b/c I stand for something". Too bad she didn't realize what a hypocrite she was making herself out to be, and who likes a hypocrite?

    I am a Christian as well, but I am with R.C. where I stand. Christians should be a lot more understanding than what they usually are. Anyway my favorite little blurb from her was when she said:

    "As for religion, noone ever wins in a religion/faith argument so why press it any further? "

    Why'd she even bring it up then? Why start something you can't finish? Seems foolish to me.

By R.C. on Thursday, October 18, 2001 - 04:19 am:

    It's called diarrhea of the brain, Pamela.

    The thing S forgot is that Christians have an obligation to chastise other Christians when they're out of line w/God's teachings. It's preferable to do so in private/but she picked this forum/not me.

    Chickenheads like S talk trash to non-believers & think they sound authoritative & righteous becuz they don't know much abt walking w/God in terms of real life experience. But when she's up against another believer who can rebuke her from God's teachings/she has to either back down or come up w/the scriptural references to back up her argument.

    (And she cd've done it if she took the time to look stuff up. The Bible is *wildly* contradictory if you just tease out individual verses & throw them at people out of context.}

    In her defense/she can't be more than 19. There's nothing more insufferable than a 19-yr-old-holy-roller-pastor's-daughter. They are ALWAYS the worst.

    But don't make the mistake of being impressed by moi. As my mother likes to say when when we get into it:

    "Your father & I spent a fortune on your education! We could've gone around the world twice for what it cost us to send you to school. [Mind you/they've already been practically EVERYWHERE/'cept India & Africa. Mom doesn't do 3rd World Travel.] If you're so smart, why are you still broke? Your brother's not half as intelligent as you are & he makes twice as much money. If we hadn't bought you a condo, you & those cats would probably be sleeping in your damn car. [But they haven't bought my brother a crib -- so HA!] Which we sold you in the first place!"

    Smart is just like beautiful. It all depends on who's doing the critique.

    ERI: Be honest -- HOW can you stand that strip of fabric in the crack of yr ass all day long? Esp. when you're running or walking fast? Thongs look sexy if you've got some ass/but jeez... And what abt when you've got yr . & you have to wear tampons & minipads? How do you put on a minipad w/a thong?

    Thongs are something guys invented to make women too uncomfortable to think rationally abt sex.

    Just like stilettos. Think abt it: It's 3am & you've been standing around for 4 hours posing in yr Jimmy Choo's while guys ply you w/liquor. You just wanna go home/take of yr damn shoes & lay down. Which makes it easy to not be too selective abt who you say yes to at the end of the nite.

    Thongs are just another thread in The Conspiracy To Get Guys Laid...

By Hal on Thursday, October 18, 2001 - 02:09 pm:

    Yeah sure we came up with the idea... You know they make male thongs too.... We just don't have the ass to wear them, some women do and they know it. I wouldn't ask anyone to wear a thong but hey if thye do i'm not going to complain.

By R.C. on Friday, October 19, 2001 - 05:39 am:

    If I ever undress a man & find a thong/he'll be out the door w/his pants flying thru he air behind him.

    The only guys I know who wear thongs are gay.

By Nate on Friday, October 19, 2001 - 06:19 am:

    oh, come on r.c. when you're wearing really tight pants, boxers get all bunched up and tighty whiteies make such unatractive lines across your ass.

    tight pants make a gay man not.

By Hal on Friday, October 19, 2001 - 02:39 pm:

    The only time I'll ever wear a bk breif is when I'm wearing this pair of leather pants i own (which is almsot never)
    Other then that I wear some boxer breifs, support yet air... Its nice. that and the lines don't show up because the seams are small at the bottom of your thigh.

By Xyrea on Friday, October 19, 2001 - 02:46 pm:

    You could just go without

By Hal on Friday, October 19, 2001 - 03:23 pm:

    Hey damnit the package needs support... other wise our balls get all saggy... Just like your breasts would without wearing a bra for a while.

By eri on Friday, October 19, 2001 - 09:09 pm:

    The thong doesn't bother me too much, because you can forget about it. Of course, I won't wear them when...... That sux. After a while, you just don't feel them.

    I am still looking for something I will feel sexy in that won't go up my ass, of course. I like my body from the waist down, just not the waist up.

    My back is real long so most teddies and corsets (ouch) and other things like that need to be bought in a different sizes and then I can't fill in the top. It is hard to find something that fits because I am no longer proportionate. Confounded Scottish genes.

    I have to agree with Hal, nothing looks worse than saggy breasts before their time or a pair of saggy balls. Gotta have support.

By wisper on Sunday, October 21, 2001 - 05:19 am:

    i'd just like you all to know that due to my laziness, i've been 'going commando' for the past week. It's been damn fine.
    And everytime i walk out the door knowing i'm experiencing the comfort of an unfinished basement, i think of patrick, the only true commando i know.

    you hear that patty boy? i've got nothing on underneath and i think of YOU


By R.C. on Monday, October 22, 2001 - 02:51 am:

    Nate -- wear briefs. Boxer briefs in silk won't show/inhibit the flow of oxygen to yr balls/or give you a wedgie.

    Or just go commando/like Wisper. (But w/tight jeans/don't yr balls get chafed?)

    Commando's way sexier than a thong/IMO.

By patrick on Monday, October 22, 2001 - 11:39 am:

    dang wisper.

    briefs are for dorks.

    truth be told.....every damn kind of underwear sucks.

    they all end up riding your ass one way or another.

    i am the commando

By Hal on Monday, October 22, 2001 - 02:07 pm:

    Bxr Breifs...

    And they haven't ridden up my ass yet.

    I go commando once in a while, when either A: Haven't had time to do laundry and realize I'm completely out of underwear... Or B: Wake up with skull splitting headache and can't find the drawer their in and only can find pants that seem to be hanging over my lounge chair. Its a nice break once in a while.

By semillama on Monday, October 22, 2001 - 02:49 pm:

    Boxer briefs in my experience have the lowest rate of up-riding.

    I don't go commando because of chafing issues.

By TBone on Monday, October 22, 2001 - 06:13 pm:

    I don't go commando often because I only
    generally own two or three pairs of pants at a
    time. They stay cleaner longer. That, and I
    continue to wear pants once they've started to
    fall apart, and I don't want to show people the
    good stuff unless they ask.