indeed you are the one who knows and believes in the writings related in "Lifetime Guarantee" book. Yes. It's a solid book based on the bible. Here is the letter from relative: "POLLY DO YOU THINK ITS THE BEGINNING OF THE END.....I DO AND IM SCARED.....PRAY AS MUCH AS YOIU CAN FOR GODS INTERVENTION IN THIS WAR SHIT....IT COULD GET OUT OF HAND REAL QUICK.....I PRAY THAT REVELATIONS/ARMAGGEDON IS NOT COMING TRUE B-4 OUR VERY EYES..........PLEASE ASK FOR FORGIVENESS OF SINS AND ACCEPT JESUS AS SAVIOR ....I WANT TO BE CAUGHT UP AND OUTTA HERE B-4 ALL THE SHIT HITS THE FAN.....DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO.....THE MARKET COULD VERY WELL CRASH OVER NIGHT ....SHOULD WE SELL OUT NOW AND HIDE THE CASH IN THE BACK YARD? I KNOW THIS SOUNDS CRAZY BUT IM SERIOUS.....WHAT DOES YOUR FRIENDS AT LIFETIME GUARANTEE SAY ABOUT ALL OF THE CURRENT HAPPENINGS.......I LOVE YOU MUCH....PLEASE PRAY FOR ME TO HAVE STRENGHT TO RESIST EVIL / SATAN AND TRY TO GET RIGHT WITH GOD...........AM STORING WATER GAS AND ANYTHING I CAN THINK OF AT THE CAMP JUST IN CASE WE NEED TO HIDE OUT.......LOVE YA SIS....JESUS IS LORD AND HE DIED FOR OUR SINS AND THE SINS OF THE WORLD AND I ACCEPT HIM AS MY PERSONAL SAVIOR AND ASK THE HOLY SPIRIT THOUGH JESUS TO TAKE CHARGE OF MY LIFE AND MY AFFAIRS AND I ASK GOD TO BLESS ME AND ENLARGE MY BORDERS AND PUT HIS HAND UPON ME TO PROTECT ME FROM EVIL.....I ASK THESE THINGS IN JESUS NAME , AMEN. ./.....SOON, SE YA TOMORROW AT P & M's, MAY BE THE LAST ONE ...WE'LL TALK THEN, JIM." like i requested, please let me know if you are the one that i spoke with about these things. I am the one. The book says more than I can. Your friend needs to get a handle on things. If we die we are in a better place. I live 20 miles from NYC and people are in bad shape around here. Unless the terrorist use a nuke within 40 miles of where you live you would be ok from that. Unless they use chemicals sprayed at you or over you you would be ok. You need to touch or smell anthrax and it can't be caught. Smallpox could be a problem or some other thing that can spread but that's about it. Just stay away from crowded places and watch who you are around. Be smart and pray. Pray Psalm 91! The bible says the Lord will give us peace so relax and trust Him. God bless, Larry |
Many deaths are from anthrax but coroners write down death from flu or some symptom of it. Only now when things are being monitored so closely for such diseases like the big "A" are they coming to the conclusions. Anthrax is in soil and can be dormant for years. |
Look at the facts: First case in 25 years, within one mile of where some of the terrorists trained to fly the planes. Media outlet. Next one, NYC, original package tested negative, but recepient tested possitive. Media Outlet. Let's get real here people. Yes, I think it is a terrorist act. No, I do not think these actions are aimed at large amount of people. They are doing exactly what they want, they are getting the attention directed towards something while they will do something else...... |
And while your down there................ |
I'm sure you think your little periodic outburts are funny but their not. I cant even find anything close to being funny in anything you say. Keep showing off though, I'm sure you'll get a laugh from someone. Nate and Dave have amused me from time to time. They at least have said some humorous and entertaining things. You are WAY out of their league so stop trying so hard. I am embarrassed for you Dougie. |
Anyways, back to anthrax. They shut down the big Ford plant today in Claycomo. Found some white powder that had been dropped into a paper towel container. Of course, this wasn't any terrorist action. |
I hope she doesn't get a rash soon. Maybe, someone put some anthrax in the baby powder. Ugh, freaking things to be paranoid about. | stock up on Clorox... | |
I never said I was in either Nate's or Dave's league, hon. And yes, I'm embarassed for me too. Embarassed that it's so easy. |
And the other one in NY tested possitive. more random acts? or terrorist action? does that question really need to be answered? |
Always trying to get a laugh but just never does. Atta boy, keep up the lame work. |
My best friends little boy (he's 4) got food poisoning from an undercooked cheeseburger at McDonald's yesterday. You should have seen us looking at all of the anthrax websites. By the way, thanx for the linx gram-positive. There have been more scares out here, with the press and the post office. Here's hoping for the best, but not quite expecting it. |
This has me greatly disturbed.Something is wrong with this picture. Several years ago,a biologist friend and I were discussing germ warfare.We were chatting about how easy it was to purchase anthrax,[and other not-nice-types-of-diseases],via the internet.At that point in time,we were discussing the fact that there were factions out there,who were marrying anthrax,with URI germs.[upper respitory infections]The cold virus. Anthrax is not easily communicable.But the cold virus is.That was the point,of marrying them.To produce an EASILY communicable strain.[and it was easy to acquire] I reiterate:something is wrong with this picture. Is this a ruse?Are they trying to throw us off track,while they are masterminding something much more deadly? I don't know,but something is not right here.They are not ignorant people.They would not have overlooked this detail. I don't know what they are up to,but I don't think it will be a good thing. Food for thought.I remember several years ago,some dissidants had contaminated some salad bars with some type of germs,in Oregon.I don't remember the details,because I had already moved here.But it probably wouldn't be a bad idea,to forgo any open food areas. I wish this madness would end.I am not worrying myself sick. My s/o has put a big flag in our yard,and makes us salute it as we pass.He is not following "flag protocal",which I don't hesitate to point out,each time he stops us at the flag area.I overheard him on the phone,asking his brother,if he knew where he could get a tape of "Revelery".This will be the last straw.The first time I am awakened,with a bugle in my ear,we will have our first "stateside" casuality. |
but, if czarina is asking why the strains of anthrax now appearing in florida and elsewhere are not easily communicable: it is better strategy over all to use a non-virulent strain of bacteria in germ warfare. highly communicable bacteria travels - it might wipe out your intended target, but who knows where it will go after that. for example - if i found myself infected with a virulent strain of anthrax, the first thing i would do is fly my ass over to the suspected source of said strain and infect their sorry asses. me and every other infected son of a bitch dropping ourselves on them like infectious human bombs. in theory. so it's better to use a bacteria that can be confined to a specific target by not being highly communicable. |
*snicker* |
I would think that trotting off to a Dr. would be most peoples priority. I don't know.I never considered that aspect.I would have to say that could be a consideration. It just seems that if one were inclined to do nasty,terrorist type stuff,it would be more logical to have your "terrorism" effect a large number of your proposed "enemy". But I don't know.The "giving-it-back-to-em" hypotheses,has a sweet irony to it.I kinda like it. |
And thinking on the "givin-it-back-to-em" theory,they already want to die,cause Allah has promised them a much better life,after death,so I wonder if that would be a consideration.[the out of control disease theory,I mean]? I honestly don't know.But going with the non-communicable anthrax theory,makes me feel better.Safer. |
He is my LOrd and Saviour. |
From what I hear, Dani's really fond of that Family Feud show because in real life, Dani's family has had its share of feuds. Like the one time old Jeb Hatfield wanted to have sex with one of her sows-I mean siblings, one of her many siblings (subtle distinction there)-male or female, it made no nevermind to old Jeb. Well, it turns at that Dani's brothers, Robby and Bobby were off on a 2-year training course learning the ins and outs of outhouse repair and maintenance, and Dani's sister, Dannie (pronounced as it's spelled -- Dani is pronounced dan-`EEE however, similar to how you'd call a hog: soo-`WEE), well Dannie was laid up with some sort of infectious disease where her body parts would just plum fall off of her, in fact just that day that Jeb came a-callin', Dannie had lost her good ear -- the left one (good thing too, because Dani's family's soup that night finally saw some meat), and the other siblings were off doing god-only-knows what. So where were we? Oh yeah, so Jeb went and offered Dani's Pa $20 for a roll in the hay with Dani (Jeb was kind of sweet on Dani anyways -- Dani kind of looked human, she wasn't too awful hairy, and she still had all 5 appendages, well 4 and a half -- the vestigial tail had been ground down to a stump from years of Dani scratching her haunches against the tree out back like a bear). So Pa agreed, as long as he could watch, and off they all went to the loveshack (barn) where the unholy deed was done. But as soon as Jeb was finished and had proclaimed, "Geewhillickers, Dani, ya might be due early for your yearly bath out in the pond," he grabbed his overalls and ran out of there as fast as he could, without paying Dani's Pa the agreed-upon $20. Dani just lied there, still in too much bliss to even notice that Jeb had rushed out (it was her first time with a human, and goshdarn did it beat the billy goats she was used to coupling with), and Pa tried to pull up his britches and run after Jeb, but he was momentarily blinded by some sort of white, gooey substance, and he couldn't unclutch his right hand to grab his britches nor his shotgun. So, it seems that Jeb got away! Now, it's at this point in the story that we jump ahead a few changes of the moon. Turns out, Dani was carrying Jeb's baby inside of her, and she couldn't bear the thought having that baby without previously being properly paid for it. So she got out her best clothes hanger, and went a-fishin'. "Pa, Pa, look what I done caught!" And Pa said, "You catch it, you clean it!" So she did just that. Later that week, Pa is at the county auction, selling a livestock and some children, and who does he run into but Jeb. "Jeb, I reckon you owe me $20, you no good cheatin' son of a so and so." And Jeb says, "I most certainly do not y'old geezer. I put that roast into Dani, and where I come from, that's considered a delicacy. Worth at least $10 a pound, and seeing that Dani fished it out at 8 and a half months, that'd be at least a 5 pound roast. Accordin' to my math, that'd come to about $21." So, it was stalemated at that. And even though Pa's family had eaten the best they had in a long while, Pa still wasn't happy about being tricked out of the $20, so the feud between Dani's family and Jeb's continues to this day. |
this thread is ridiculous. only three people have actually been infected. many have been EXPOSED but not infected. there is no mass threat to american population. now get some perspective and settle down. |
Sure, only three have been infected, and the rest exposed, but does not lessen the threat. No reason to be hysterical over it, true. But no reason to dismiss it either. My point is this: The government is lying to us about the possibility of this being related to Bin Laden and/or this is just a distraction over what the terrorist actually have planned. If this is not the work of Bin Laden's group, and it is just a bunch of seperate sick individuals, then it is a HUGE coincindence that the actual spores are being sent primarily to media outlets. Oh, and the land lord of one of the terrorists from Florida that flew one of the planes on Sept 11 works at AMI..... |
it frankly doesnt matter if its connected to him or not. its a threat all the same. there are many people who have bones to pick with the US. coincidence? no of course not. splinter terrorist groups are going to bandwagon. futility. we can't win. |
I did however read your little story several times hoping to find at least something somewhat funny but just like a Tom Arnold movie, I just couldnt even come close to cracking a smile. The "retarded" title now belongs to you Dougie. You've earned it. Congrats. |
Mr. Bush said the envelope was field-tested shortly after being received, and the staffers who have been exposed are being treated. Speaking to reporters at the White House, the president said "there may be some possible link" between Osama bin Laden and a recent flurry of anthrax-related developments. |
I am a total loser I play spin the bottle with my mom |
Let's listen to some Marvin Gaye and make out |
now its just annoying. dani is a woman dumbass. |
I am indeed a woman. I do like Marvin Gaye's music. Patrick is far from being a fairy. Posting in other peoples name seems to be quite the bad little habit around here. I think we all do enough fighting and arguing around here without the help of some idiot trying to make it worse. Unless of course it is just someone trying to funny. Than the joke is certainly on me. |
I told you that I will stop Patrick if you all will stop hating on my religion and making way more of the situation than it is |
I have said nothing so bad that it can't be forgiven |
you can't hold a BBS hostage because you dont like the opinions you religious asshole. you dont like the opinions....leave. look at what your so called "religion" is making you do, ass. |
I think that sums up my feelings about you my little yon zealot. | they aren't changing the band name, by the way. |
and look, stephen hawking has gone off the deep end. |
Earth-We must get off! I've been preaching that for years. |
space is the place man. |
Nah. He's just swimming in the shallow end of the meme pool. |
who wins will be determined by those who make and repair these spacebots. |
Plus, everyone else on the planet trying to kill me at random times, forcing me to annihilate their brains with my powerful eye-beams. This turns them into rabid sports fans who don't have time to kill me because they are too busy buying tickets to the season opener. |
I think we should get a jump start on this.We need to appoint cyborg delegates.Its much better to get in on the ground floor,that way,we can be firmly rooted in space. We can ask for volunteers,but if no one comes forth,we'll have to use our best judgment,and delegate our delegates. Personally,I feel that Nate would be an excellent choice.First,and foremost,he brought this to our attention.Secondly,he is quite computer savvy.And thirdly,he's a guy who won't take an ass fucking from just anybody.All qualities that will be useful in this endeavor.[and I'm also kinda afraid of Sems powerful eye-beams.I would have suggested him,but I'm scared he'll use those eye-beams for personal gain] So I think Nates our man. |
"Vote For Nate! He won't take an ass fucking from just anyone!" |
House offices to close today; security sweep through Monday Government source tells CNN anthrax was "high grade, very virulent" Hastert: Spore found in ventilation system Investigators may be looking at separate sources in Florida, New York IT'S AIRBORNE BABY |
Fuckers. Small Pox will be next. |
Health tip #134 |
small pox will not be next you paranoid motherfuckers. stop listening to ted kopple and dan rather for your information on this shit. turn OFF your TV. fickle public paranoia hysteria. |
they have shut down the senate. business is being halted. police officials, bioterror police units are being tapped to the hilt. the costs are expected to soar through the roof. the economic impact of all of this, including public paranoia and false claims and even hoaxes are going to thwart this country into a fullscale depression if we arent careful. id say you have a greater chance of going to the toilet in terms of finance than being killed by anthrax or smallpox. |
There have been a few scares of Anthrax here in my cranny of the world. As of yet, there're have been no confirmed cases though. Media is making people crazy. I think we'll all go in a wave of panic before anything solid occurs. |
Did anyone notice that we bombed a Red Cross warehouse yesterday? |
Maybe we bombed the Red Cross intentionally so the Taliban wouldn't get the stuff first. From CNN: "The executive director of the World Food Program told reporters Wednesday that the Taliban has seized warehouses belonging to the relief agency in Kabul and Kandahar. The warehouses contain more than half of the agency's wheat supply destined for relief efforts in Afghanistan." |
I know that the Taliban has seized a bunch of stuff, but I still think it's pretty fucking shitty for us to bomb a medical supply warehouse. And don't forget, I have poisonous spurs...(Speaking of which, I got the catalogue, which is most excellent, and as soon as I figure out what I want, I'll support the economy or something). |