What is he thinking???

sorabji.com: Are there any news?: What is he thinking???
By patrick on Tuesday, January 8, 2002 - 12:18 pm:

    political scraps seem to be out for the new year here at sorabji. For what ever reason.

    no worries.

    Im still here to poke and prod if necessary.

    What the fuck is Arafat doing?

    If the arms were indeed heading to Palestine, under Palestine orders, fucking admit it Araft and act like a sovereign nation who has the right to defend itself.

    I mean part of the problem to me, seems, Israel will never fully recongize Palestine, as long as Palestine acts like a pissed off half-state.

    If Arafat doesnt get some balls on both side of the spectrum he's a goner.

    thoughts? do you care?

By droop on Tuesday, January 8, 2002 - 01:06 pm:

By patrick on Tuesday, January 8, 2002 - 02:09 pm:

    theres that "mouthful o nuts" emoticon again.

By agatha on Tuesday, January 8, 2002 - 02:24 pm:

    i think it's a penis, actually.

    i can't talk about politics, because i'm too much of a big fat fence rider.

By droopy on Tuesday, January 8, 2002 - 02:31 pm:

    originally it didn't mean anything. it was just something random. patrick's "mouthful o' nuts" is as good as any. that particular one up there means "i don't want to talk about politics, please kill yourself by fatally biting off your own genitals."

By patrick on Tuesday, January 8, 2002 - 02:39 pm:


    id opt for the "big sleep" sir.

    you're way too violent for me nutmouth

By droopy on Tuesday, January 8, 2002 - 02:53 pm:

    it's a violent ol' world.

    and a penis would be rendered thusly: C===8

By moonit on Tuesday, January 8, 2002 - 04:07 pm:

    The group I work with bought me a Iceblock mould shaped like a penis.

    I'm going to invite them round and put it in their drinks.

By semillama on Tuesday, January 8, 2002 - 05:20 pm:

    I refer you to the original link on the "Spider! Spider! Look!!" thread.

By Nate on Tuesday, January 8, 2002 - 10:29 pm:

    we're going to war with china in the next five years.

By droopy on Wednesday, January 9, 2002 - 12:24 am:

    and i was there when He predicted it.

By Fester on Wednesday, January 9, 2002 - 01:15 am:

    as was i

    i can't remember when i bought something that wasn't made in china/asia

    read a shipping manifest from maersk or cosco

    the us has been pretty much deindustrialized so we aren't much of a threat plus there's tons of great looking chicks here

    i think we're still too valueable as a "trading" partner in the nwo

    meanwhile, i'm still thinking

By Nate on Wednesday, January 9, 2002 - 09:31 pm:

By droopy on Wednesday, January 9, 2002 - 10:46 pm:

By Antigone on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 06:57 am:

    we lose a ton of monkey each year to china.

By heather on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 10:52 am:


    but i think it's japan absorbing the monkey

    china took my sense of independence and some old cd's to use as giant sequins

By patrick on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 11:30 am:

By patrick on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 11:54 am:

    i dick around with a Janes simulator at home droop...those destroyers are crap. A single jet fighter can launch enough ordinance from 30 miles away to sink those fuckers.

By droop on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 12:10 pm:

    had you read the whole article you'd know that the chinese plan to lash all of them together to create one giant invincible superdestroyer.

By patrick on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 12:43 pm:

    me an a co-worker have been convinced for sometime that the Chinese are in the process of making a human landbridge of which to invade us.

By Nate on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 01:51 pm:

    if that is sarcasm, patty, you should note i posted that before the cia released that report.

    if it wasn't sarcasm, you owe me a big juicy blowjob.

By patrick on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 02:22 pm:


By patrick on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 02:35 pm:

    sarcasm only because your statement isnt terribly insightful because anyone knows damn well that the situation with china is a sketchy one. Anyone with half a clue knows damn well the missle defense program is geared mainly to them, as Russia poses little threat and Iran and N.Korea dont have ICBMS yet. That leaves China as the only potential threat. They just cant call China a "rogue" nation.

    Further, the Taiwan issue is still open ended with ambiguity on both sides of the coin. Its clear both sides are gearing up. China has been spending more money than ever on its military.

    Despite the report, despite your claim, anyone could have speculated we'd be at war with them soon enough. 5 years, 10 years or 15, hell if I know. This "war on terrorism" could be somewhat of a positive in deterring or at least postponing that eventuality, putting Taiwan on the back burner.

    Talk to droop about the blowjob sir.

By droopy on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 02:56 pm:

    the first year or so after my lungs were punctured, i used to have to do this breathing exercise where i had to suck air through a short plastic pipe that was plugged up in the middle. there was only a pinhole for the air to get through, so you had to suck hard.

    i bet i could suck a man's gonads out through his urethra.

    if we go to war with china, i'll make sure that's the last memory nate has before the bomb hits.

By heather on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 05:29 pm:



    that is so wrong

    my friend's son has speech therapy, but they say that the only thing they really do is give him toys to exercise his lungs. the one i saw was an airplane with propellers that spin if you can blow hard enough.

By patrick on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 05:45 pm:

    about as wrong as the southpark episode last night.

    there was a horse sucking a make-shift penis.

By droop on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 05:54 pm:

    i love it when the sorabjites get all sensitive and shocked.

By Czarina on Friday, January 11, 2002 - 08:33 am:

    I have yet to note any sensitivity in this domain.

    And,besides,I thought everyone knew that Kathy Lee Gifford was funding the Chinese,for "her own personal reasons".

By The Watcher on Friday, January 11, 2002 - 02:09 pm:

    Cartman was trying to teach it to bite one off.

    I liked his ultimate plan better though.

    Where he served his enemy a heaping bowl of chilli that was made with the bodies of this kids parents. Gross. But, effective.