Stripped Are there any news?: Stripped
By FBI on Monday, April 29, 2002 - 05:23 pm:

By LoneStranger on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 04:33 am:

    Damn. I was thinking I might be able to lose my clothes.

    Aye me.


By spunky on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 11:23 am:

    Shame Shame, you evil doers! paying cash for a one way airline ticket, what were you thinking?
    Who, in their right mind would decide to go to florida on a spur of the moment decision!
    Next thing we know, your gonna say "this is da bomb" on an airplane!!!!

By patrick on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 11:41 am:

    has anyone seen the Saudi commericals?

    Basically saying "hey were the good guys, were with you in the war on terror" then they flash a quite from Bush and Powell acknowledging the support (cough!! hack!! OIL) we get from them. Its a really bizarre ad bought by the saudi embassy.

    what the fuck are you talking about trace?

By Nate on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 11:45 am:

    he's probably talking about the article that this thread was started with.

    did you forget your pencil today, patty? could you try to come to class prepared?

By patrick on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 12:04 pm:

    i, um, realize the subject he speaks of, i just don't know what the fuck he is trying to say. is that sarcasm? if so, poorly executed.

By patrick on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 12:09 pm:

    i mean really, what are you saying here spunk?

    6 months ago, you would have been gung how about this kind of thing? You supported the extreme measures our government was taking to "protect" us....what now, your sarcastic about this? this IS the Patriot Act you supported in action, the invasions of privacy you supported 6 months. You have no right to be sarcastic, because you were inable to forsee this to come back then.

By Nate on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 12:11 pm:

    "Members of a Wake Forest University fraternity were charged with animal cruelty and abandonment after a drunk, dehydrated and sunburned pig was found unconscious in a park."

By semillama on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 12:36 pm:

    Now that's news we can all relate to.

By eri on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 12:43 pm:

    Patrick, haven't you watched "Meet the Parents"? He was using sarcasm. It doesn't matter if you think it was poorly executed or not. Who cares. It doesn't have anything to do with him being unable to see anything you dimwit, he saw it and he pokes fun of it now. Freedom of speech gives him the right to be sarcastic about it if he wants to, you self righteous prig. Your repetition in attitudes is old and boring. Move on.

By patrick on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 12:55 pm:

    i havent seen the movie.

    and was your beloved spunkmeister who started this thread...surely he didnt start it to have no one comment about it. so along your same line of "rationale" its uhh my freedom of uhh speech that uhh allows me to umm you know, talk to HIM about this, not YOU.

By patrick on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 01:00 pm:

    "A Florida teen-ager was sentenced to five years in prison on Friday after he pleaded guilty to killing one llama and attacking another last year."

    watch your back sem.

By Dani on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 01:03 pm:

    That kid was from East Lake/ Tarpon Springs, FL..the next town over from me.

By eri on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 01:06 pm:

    What's the matter, don't like it when people point out how boring you can be?

    "You have no right to be sarcastic, because you were inable to forsee this to come back then."

    Do you really expect me to say nothing to this when you are obviously wrong? When you talk out of your ass to my husband then it is MY right to say whatever the fuck I want to YOU, whether you like it or not.

    I'm bored again.

By patrick on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 01:13 pm:

    eri, do you want me to dig up the posts in which your husband bluntly supported the Patriot Act and its infringements on our rights to privacy? He was pretty adamant about it right after 9/11.

    If you think Im making this up, i'll take the time to do it. Just let me know.

    Cat proved him (and you) wrong by reminding him of a post dealing with porn not to long ago when he professed to not liking porn. So maybe you should just back off. Im pretty damn positive about this.

    You telling me im "boring" is absolutely meaningless. Aren't your soaps on now?

By eri on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 01:35 pm:

    Cat didn't prove him wrong. None of us said he never looked at porn. He just said he doesn't any more, kinda like he outgrew it. Wrong again Patrick.

    No one said he didn't say he supported the decision, or that he didn't understand the ramifications of it. Just because he supports something doesn't mean that there aren't mixed feelings. Just because you see the need for something or you agree with an action, doesn't mean that you like it.

    Back off, me, why? You are the one who likes to spin things and condemn others for things taken out of context or condemn people for being human and having feelings. You claim to be sensitive to what others have to say about you but are the first to spin something someone else says to badger them.

    Of all of the people I have ever known or spoken to you are the person with the absolute least amount of compassion or understanding. It appears that those things are only reserved for those who see things the way you do, the ones who conform to your way of thinking or those you feel sorry for. You are judgemental and hypocritical. You are boring. If that doesn't mean anything to you, than you are unfeeling as well.

    This is why I said before that it is you I feel sorry for.

By patrick on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 01:41 pm:

    "Back off, me, why?"

    a) because i wasnt talking to you
    b) because its just that, talk
    c) trace is a big boy and can defend his own positions
    d) your missin your stories.

By Dani on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 01:43 pm:

    Seems I have an echo.

    Copywriting may not be such a bad idea.

By sarah on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 02:58 pm:


By Nate on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 02:58 pm:

    i'm just posting to bring the average IQ on this thread back up to minimums.


By Antigone on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 03:52 pm:

    I'm just posting to bring the average AQ (arrogance quotient) back up to minimums.


By dave. on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 03:52 pm:

    you sure about that?

By semillama on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 04:18 pm:

    I'm just posting to bring the average FQ (Fuck
    you , you ass quotient) back up to

    Fuck you, you ass.

By Dougie on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 05:24 pm:

    I'm just posting.

By LoneStranger on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 05:27 pm:

    Stone cold posting.


By DanielssssGoats on Wednesday, May 1, 2002 - 03:52 am:

    Heh. We're just posting cuz Danielssss is out and left the puter on, and ol Lugh he's stuck blue cold deaf in the freezer over there, and we want to address the issue of animal rights here at We knew that drunken dehydrated pig was up to no good. We threw Him off the island first thing! Damn hoofen!

    No sheep, llamas, or cloven or semi-anythings were harmed in the making of this post. By the by: we haven't heard from Buster Big Bird's owner lately; anybody know how she is?

    Sroijbam Animals Speak Out!!!

By spunky on Wednesday, May 1, 2002 - 01:40 pm:

    I am human. I, like most people lately, have mixed feeling about everything. I can see both sides.
    I have posted about my fears before.

    I am for fire arms on airplanes
    I really am not comfortable about the National Gaurd running around with M-16's on their backs at the airport, but I have gotten used to it. Hell, I work on a military base so I see it everyday.
    I do not agree with the policies of wire tapping and phone tapping. As a matter of fact, I do remember posting before that I could see this event used to take away more rights.

    As a matter of fact, I remember an argument where I was talking about infringement of right to privacy, and you, Patrick, said "Giving up a little privacy is worth more security".

    And I do have a problem with them ordering the plane to return to the original airport based on the fact that a few passengers paid in cash for a one way ticket.

    This is how the terrorists win. Change our way of life.
    Make us afraid of one another.

    Try to check into a hotel without ID lately?

    "Papers, please. I am sorry, your papers are not in order. I must report you to the KGB".

By patrick on Wednesday, May 1, 2002 - 02:31 pm:

    "Patrick, I am human. I, like most people lately, have mixed feeling about everything. I can see both sides."

    thats really cool spunky. I change my mind all the time. I admire you for admitting it.

    Ultimately, before your wife went apeshit, i wanted to understand you. If people say something contrary I want to know why.

    The context where i was adamant about giving up privacy for security dealt strictly with airports. Not wire taps, illegal searchs, seizures and detentions.

    Supposedly the National Guard not posting at airports anymore. I think they pulled out of LAX.

    Actually as long as Ive been able to check into hotels Ive had to provide ID and a license plate number. This has always been the case.

By spunky on Thursday, May 2, 2002 - 09:39 am:

    I saw a lot of them in SAT and NWK. But that was a month ago.

By Reese on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 - 10:59 am:

    The American and British ruling circles have been engaged in a policy of military imperialism for several centuries. The American revolution was fought to bring the United States under new, non-British ruling circles, with the new regime sold to the public as a democracy. In the twentieth century, these American ruling elites have revolved around the Rockefeller, Brown, Harriman, and Morgan family dynasties. The Bush family, beginning with Prescott Bush, have served as satraps of the Rockefeller, Brown, and Harriman interests.

By Thomas Friedman New York Times March 28 1999 on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 - 11:09 am:

    "For globalization to work, America can't be afraid to act like the almighty superpower that it is. The hidden hand of the market will never work without a hidden fist. McDonald's cannot flourish without McDonald-Douglas, the designer of the F-15, and the hidden fist that keeps the world safe for Silicon Valley's technology is called the United States Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps."

By semillama on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 - 01:51 pm:

    No wonder everyone hates us.

    I'm going to go outside and throw rocks at

    Then I'm going to push in the walls of my
    apartment with a tank to punish myself for
    throwing rocks at myself.

By spunky on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 - 01:58 pm:

    I have been saying that about Pearl Harbor for quite a while

By patrick on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 - 03:08 pm:

    you're confused arent you spunk.

By Antigone on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 - 04:20 pm:

    I've been saying that about spunky for quite a while

By spunky on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 - 04:30 pm:

By Reese on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 - 04:43 pm:

    The nation has been invaded by a fanatical, murderous cult. And we welcome them. We are so good and so pure we would never engage in discriminatory racial or "religious" profiling...We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war.

By heather on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 - 04:58 pm:

    shut up

By spunky on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 - 05:11 pm:

    A little harsh, don't you think Reese?

    The more I have thought about recent events, the more I am begining to think that this whole damn thing was a facade to begin with.

    Think about it, the Isreali-Palestinian conflict is at the heart of this whole thing.
    bin Laden said it himself (this is very crudely paraphrased): America deserves this because she has been supporting Isreali Oppression of Palestine. And they have no business building bases in our most holy of lands.

    How do we know that Hamas is not an Isreali invention? Anytime Hamas takes credit for anything, the only ones who actually announce it is the Isrealis.

    Isreali's MAY not have been flying the planes, but it is far from the realm of fantasy that they knew what was comming.
    I am finding more and more evidence that the US and Isreal, Russia and Germany all knew that something was up.

By patrick on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 - 05:18 pm:

    the fanatics are homegrown more than they are imported.

By drpy on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 - 06:34 pm:

    this an article from the guardian called "those french will swallow anything." can't link because of the commas.,3604,677862,00.html

By Dougie on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 - 06:51 pm:

    So will the Americans:

    New York Times Hardcover Bestsellers
    1. MASTER OF THE SENATE, by Robert A. Caro
    2. FIND ME, by Rosie O'Donnell
    3. LUCKY MAN, by Michael J. Fox
    4. STUPID WHITE MEN, by Michael Moore
    5. A MIND AT A TIME, by Mel Levine

    Numbers 2 and 3 are pretty telling, n'est-ce pas?

By Nate on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 - 06:52 pm:

    "The nation has been invaded by a fanatical, murderous cult."

    finally, someone else who agrees with me about those bastard left-winger nazi liberals.

By semillama on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 - 09:55 pm:

    That's funny, I was about to say the same
    thing about heartless right-wing facist

    Then I was going to say the same thing about
    those scumbag middle-of-the-road soccer

    Then I was going to say the same thing about
    those numbskull gun-suckling libertarians.

    Then I was going to say the same thing about
    those eco-terrorist Nader-lapping greens.

    Then I was going to start in on the Catholics,
    lesbians, archaeologists, and UPS

    I was saving people who post on internett
    BBS for last, those retarded ass-loving
    hunchbacked cattlepunchers.

By Daniel ssss on Thursday, May 16, 2002 - 12:57 am:

    Yeah those midwestern liberal conservation leftist rightwingers who do the Boeing thing... yeah, StLouis Lambert Airport is still very full of national guard and guys with guns, and today, every car going into short term parking attached to the terminal was stopped and searched.

    It's the price we pay for arrogance. Of course it's a conspiracy. Can't tell me any good reason for not shooting those airliners down before crashing into the pentagon or wtc... except somebody needed a rationalization for getting trigger happy over a way through the desert to that oil shit, and to put pressure on the resistance to opening the Alaskan wilderness to exploitation and ruin.

    Watch and see what the Bushmen do next...and gas isn't in short supply and no supplies are threatened so why are we paying more at the pump?

    Do a little reading folks, about Game Theory, and you'll understand the economics of the current engagements. Hell, what do I know?

By Antigone on Thursday, May 16, 2002 - 04:02 am:

    I just saw "Attack of the Clones" and it kicked some serious asshole.

By spunky on Thursday, May 16, 2002 - 10:06 am:

    How did you get to see it already??????

By Reese on Thursday, May 16, 2002 - 10:15 am:

    To take control of Persian Gulf oil from the British, in 1954 Kermit Roosevelt, nephew of Franklin, led an American CIA coup to take control of Iran and place in power the American-backed Shah of Iran. The Shah expelled the British, and Rockefeller's Standard Oil now had In 1979, the Standard Oil-backed Shah of Iran was thrown out by a British-backed coup and the long-time British asset, Ayatollah Khomeni, put into power. The flow of Russian oil through Iran suddenly stopped. Other oil pipelines were constructed through Iraq and Turkey. The Russian oil was now called OPEC Arabian-Middle Eastern oil and marketed at the even higher "spot market" price. So in 1979, in America and Europe, we suddenly experienced gasoline shortages and huge increases in the price of gasoline. Also in 1979 Standard Oil-Russian oil interests tried to secure an alternate, short, safe oil pipeline route from Russia through neighboring Afghanistan, but this only resulted in a prolonged war and the project was abandoned.
    control of the British-Persian petroleum fields.

    You see, it is all relative.

By Nate on Thursday, May 16, 2002 - 10:15 am:

    it was in theaters with shows starting at a minute past midnight, may 16th.

By patrick on Thursday, May 16, 2002 - 01:07 pm:


By Nate on Thursday, May 16, 2002 - 01:20 pm:


By patrick on Thursday, May 16, 2002 - 01:23 pm:

    where have you been?

By spunky on Thursday, May 16, 2002 - 01:40 pm:

    In hell
    I thought it started on Friday is all.

By Antigone on Thursday, May 16, 2002 - 03:11 pm:

    Jesus saves.

By eri on Thursday, May 16, 2002 - 05:02 pm:

    Attack of the Clones is out honey, even here.

By Reese on Thursday, May 16, 2002 - 05:18 pm:

    Antigone, did you wait for hours outside your cinema?

By moonit on Friday, May 17, 2002 - 02:01 am:

    wholy shit you mean it came out here before u guys got it?

    Ah the advantage of a different time zone

By patrick on Friday, May 17, 2002 - 11:57 am:

    they're just throwing you a bone. They realize decade old bands like Live and other worn out entertainment acts are still popular over there, so they give you a taste of the future so you'll stay interested.

By Reese on Friday, May 17, 2002 - 01:11 pm:

    Hmm, no response from Anti, could he be waiting again?

By moonit on Saturday, May 18, 2002 - 03:02 am:

    Actually Pattycake you're probably like.

    mmm i like bourbon