Especially at 38 years old. |
fuck. |
What happened? I'm sorry, but I am in a bit of shock right now. This has blindsided me. |
Poor Fetidbeaver. |
All I can think is that I hope someone does the same for me if I go prematurely. This seems so unreal. How do you react to the death of someone you never met? Oh man. Somebody should let the folks who aren't currently posting know. I'll miss you Fetidbeaver. Pat a pleasure goddess on the bum for me. |
wow, i can't believe it. how awful. thank you so much for thinking to let us know! would you mind sharing with us what happened? i am so sorry for your loss and for ours. FB will be missed. |
this is all some sort of practical joke of fetidbeaver's. It's exactly up his alley. I mean, maybe he pulled off that dummy bomb stunt and is dodging the authorities. Another part of me hopes that he's in a place where he can know that I thought that, because I'm sure it would make him grin. *sigh* |
RIP FB, you SOB. |
were talking about this. it's weird. If it weren't for FB's wife, we would never have known. He would have just joined the ranks of the ex- posters. Also, the feeling is similar to when a celebrity dies, in a weird way, except that with celebrities, you don't intereact with them but you know exactly what the look like, and here, it's often the exact opposite. It's difficult to find a way tomourn someone whom you don't know what they look like or how their voice sounded. I'd still like to know how he went. |
My mailcarrier's husband died this weekend. The sub has no idea what she's doing and the mail takes forever. god bless, fb. |
But then I realized it didnt really matter. Im pretty sure if i croaked, the wife would come here, she knows the site, has it on her lap top, though she has no time for this kind of tom foolery, she knows im connected to some of you. |
RIP, FB. |
Isn't this the first death for a Sorabjite? Damn. There not really anything to say that will not sound contrite or repeatitive. I just hope this not some sick joke |
fuck |
"damn, i just noticed yesterday was the 13th. yesterday sucked. wife went into work to find her favorite uncle there dying of cancer. (he's kept it a secret) then one of her patients turns out to be her best friends dad. he had a massive stroke and is vegetative meanwhile another one of her patients died totally unexpectedly. she held it together until she got home then cried HARD. i got her calmed down and then my daughter says,"dad i think the guniea pig is dying" i looked in the cage and sure enough Pierce was struggling to breath. i picked her up and held her. she was suffering so much that i handed the gun safe keys to my son and asked him to bring me a pistol. Pierce died before he returned. we got Pierce 2 weeks ago. we went to buy a pair of kangaroo rats but saw this guniea pig hiding in the corner of the pet shop cage with a hole in her back. the hole was thru all tissue layers to the facia and muscle. we felt so bad for her we bought her and took her to the vet and actually had the hole 90% healed. she was running around, seemed very happy and singing her "phweet phweet" song. now dead. what next!?" God damn it. |
You just never know. I wonder how old his daughter is? |
that guy was a fountain of hillarity and medical wisdom. how weird it is to mourn someone, and i have no idea what he looked like. -- i'm amazed that someone, somewhere hasn't started an online service that handles things like this.... something like you leave a password in your will, then somekind of account would activate, and leave a message for everyone on your email, and any chat places you went to..... |
I wonder if 'drew would. He's the only kiwi that i've told about this place |
I'm not trying to make anyone cry. I was curious to see if I could find his last words on Sorabji, but when I came across that, it really struck me as more appropriate to how he was. |
He had some kind of connective tissue inherent disease,as I recall. I once asked for his pelt if he died. I don't like this at all. |
Im hoping he went out in an opiated (not sure if thats a word, but it is now) blaze of glory. i scored high quality opiates because of the beav. god damn that beav!!!! |
what, did fetidbeaver insult you on some other message board a few years ago and now that you know he's dead, you feel free to insult him back? Or did you actually take something way out there that he said seriously? Wow, I'm so impressed. I'm so impressed that I'm going to believe some person who has never posted here before that fB was a child molester! You know, because this is the internet and someone who has no connection to this site is way more credible than someone who had shown through his postings to have been a pretty stand-up guy with an admittedly sick sense of humor. Yup, that's what I plan on doing. |
hi eri! |
laughing, do not mistake this for any kind of alliance with you. run along now. |
I will not say that fetibeaver was a saint. He wasn't. But he was our friend. These nasty accusations and talking ill of the dead are just not what I want to see here, especially from some loudmouthed, rude little newcomer. It pisses me off. |
with great love and respect dale ryan |
Troll my ass. Trolls should take lessons from this guy. Common troll: "OMGWTF no, YOUR ALL ASSHOLES!!11!!1!1!!" But this guy is weaving a tale of espionage and intrigue! How did you find this site? What really happened?? |
it's sad, and if he is infact who he claims, none of us have any business in the middle of it. d, fb was who he presented to us. we all are what we choose to show. we have no way to judge anyone here by anything beyond what they offer. if you are what you say, and an honest man, i'm sorry for what you've gone through. what a ram job. otherwise, like you said, i hope you rot in hell. |
that he was released on a technicality. Ah dunno. |
Dale, no need to leave. Rick drew you here. You have a karma debt to pay. Might as well pay it here. |
antigone, what could possibly make you think i still have a karmic debt to pay? you are ASSUMING that the evidence(?) that origionally persuaded a jury to convict was was factual. i have read earlier postings by this group regarding innocent people in prison. IT HAPPENS! fb and his family have claimed that many of the best fire investigators and firefighters in the world were somehow paid off to write reports declaring that the fire that killed fb's brother was NOT an arson fire. The iowa fire marshals who investigated(?) the fire scene totally blew the call. They are the poster boys of bad fire investigation. I have been asked to speak at an IAAI meeting about that very subject! fb an the backwoods hicks like him in west burlington decided the fire was arson prior to investigating it and set out on a witch hunt. there was a time when i had to do this kind of shit all the time (defend myself) and the 4 years i have been out have been nice not having to defend myself. I have declined a movie offer and lawsuits for that reason alone. then i drop into this site just to read some of the horrible things fb said about my family. i got piss (very un-zen like!) and counter attacked. if i had karma to burn i probably earned it and burned it here. you would have to know more about how the case actually unfolded to the courts to say i got out on a technicality. the courts decided to let me out in such a way as to assure i could not be retried in federal court but not the state court. the state said they could not because of the statute of limitations whic is crap because there is none on a homoside offense. the federal ruling also protected the feds from being sued. but it was so unusual that it had not been done since 1963! the bottom line is the jury's verdict was changed to NOT GUILTY! just a note. I now volunteer as a prison chaplain teaching yoga and meditation to state and eventually federal prisoners. I am sorry i came in here and upset your otherwise peaceful group. |
though it has been kind of quiet around here. I posted as E. because that's how sem referred to me on that other thread. I'd post the links but you would need my password to access my school's database. they were pretty short articles. I also tried to find the case but I couldn't. |
Every word you've typed so far, especially that last sentence, speaks to your karmic debt. Your reaction to my words speaks to it. Your thoughts right now, as you read this, speaks to it. However, none of that repays it. You are a hungry ghost, Dale. Haunt this place for a while. |
That cracked me up. You're very sweet to say those kind words about me up above Gee. (notice I did the You're thing just for you?!) |
i'm just sayin'. and no, i'm not trying to be mean or anything. |
So like, if you were to actually start a sentence with a capital letter and start someone's name with a capital letter, that would be like doing something for yourself right? I'm just like sayin'. |
woo! |
This article made me realize that my coworkers really aren't all that bad at writing e-mail after all. |
I hate when people can't write emails. I have this one friend who's perfectly literate, she's a teacher. She went to canada's equivalent to Harvard. Her emails are one huge long sentence. They are painful to read. But I've got hand-written letters from her that include perfect punctuation.....?? It scares me when i get an email from someone i thought was a normal person and it's all full of LOL and sounds like it was written by a 9 year old who's never used a computer before. How does that happen? just write as though you were writing a letter! Or write the same way you talk! |
laughing you're the most intriguing entity to roll in here in quite sometime. the way this thread unraveled was quite a read. as nate says, we only know what the beaver presented. he was amusing, sometimes annoying, and seemed like a reasonable person. how could we possibly know otherwise? the reaction to your posts about him was to be expected considering you were coming out of left field. what did we know of you? nothing. no harm. no foul. hang around or not. eitherway allow me to be the first to warmly invite you to eat hot fuck. |
Laughing, I don't know your personality. Never claimed to. Like Nate said, all I know is what you post here. What you've said is hungry. Look into yourself. You're a monk. You should have no problem doing that. And I don't mean "hungry ghost" in the literal buddhist sense. It's a metaphor you can understand, being a zen monk, and all. And, for a monk, you're rather arrogant. What happened to that buddhist humility? Shouldn't you see reality without judgement? Do the same with yourself and you'll see the truth in my words. Hunger brought you here. Hunger caused you to post words that broke the precepts. You admitted this yourself. Stop lashing out and start looking in. |
honestly, people. woo! |
nervous! |
Thank you Dani for the punctuation tips. i do that sometimes when i get lazy. Can't promise it won't happen again though. Antigone, you are probably right. The ego's job is to defend itself and in doing so will almost always come across as arrogant. i was certainly speaking through the ego when I posted here. I was so tired of being attacked by fb and his family that I kinda snapped when I saw that he had posted my aunt's address on this site. He had also solicited this site for someone to harm me while i was in prison, so I thought it would be easy to draw him out again and get him to do something stupid. Then maybe he could find out first hand what prison is like. I even had thoughts of how he would be greeted by friends i still have there. It was all ego and i apologize. Thanks Anyigone for your loving wack on the back. |
Laughing, my punctuation efforts were in referrence to Gee asking me to improve my own punctuation skills. All this talk of prison, arson, child molestation, etc..etc..is creepy to me so I am staying out of this one. |
yay! |
don't mistake this comment as "support" or "defense" for some guy that i don't know and don't care about, dead or alive, john or rick, whatever. i'm just noting that you are still seeking some conflict/resolution with someone who doesn't post here anymore. supposedly he's dead, so you're trying to get someone else to pick up the fight. nobody cares. you're on your own. |
Laughing is a facinating addition to a story that was long forgotten. This has already been established. Although I'm not surprised that a troll doesn't even know what makes one a troll. Please read your own posts for good examples. |
try picking your fight with someone else. or maybe try resolving your problems in real life. i explained that i don't care about that guy because you seem to have the mistaken impression that everyone who ever posts to this site is his pal or defender. not true. nothing you posted counters my original post at all. |
find peace withyourself, the beav, in the real world then come back and talk to us about all the other dumbshit we go on about around here. |
"please, laughing, go away. you are pissing on our funeral" J, you obviously know nothing about the case or you would not be parroting dead beavers. you sound about narrow minded enough to be "kin" to the road kill. how would you like it if i posted your address and phone number on another site and i asked people of questionable reputations to call you or pay you a visit? what kind of person would i be? would you love me then too? |
I think Nate's on the right track. |
love, love, love, la la la la! HI J!!! |
what the hell is going on around here? none of this recently revived thread makes a damn bit of sense. clearly you people can't hold it together in my absence. admit it. you need me. p.s. i need jizzmop, please. |
Besides, everyone is everyone else. Especially "here." "Especially." The funny thing is, if Laughing really was a Buddhist monk, he'd know that. I guess he hasn't reached that level of enlightenment yet. |
i have made no claim on enlightenment. you continue to assume a lot in your postings. please "enlighten" me, why would i "know" that everyone is everyone else, especially here? define "everyone". j, it came as no suprise to me that you post when you are tanked. have you ever posted when you are not? Thank you V. i probably did deserve the "fuck you asshole" greeting i received here by the way i introduced myself. j apparently still wants to fuck me, but may be too tanked to pull it off. what did the Buddhist monk say to the hotdog vendor? “make me one with everything” happy holidays |
“make me one with everything" you make light of this fact, yet you do not understand what Antigone was saying. how ironical. (yes, i know it's not a word, but it seemed fitting for the specific audience) |
I better get off of this site before I do something reallllyyyy stupid. |
Laughing, you don't have to be a saint. How would you know that everyone is everyone else? Wait a sec. Look in the mirror, d00d! You've lost your head! |
If you are unhappy with your troll status, there are many ways to make your own little message board all your own. Free message board sites are everywhere. |
I don’t get the opportunity to check in as often as I would like. I am building a new agriboard house and finally had a break in the weather. i thought i had posted here a couple of days ago but apparently not. Thanks Watcher for not going postal on me! Sye, yes i understood what Antigone was TRYING to say. i just wondered if HE knew. Did you really think the concept was new to a Buddhist? Antigone, i took your advice and sure enough I had lost my head. found it later though. it was up my ass. V, guess how many Christmas cards I got? (Still waiting for that one from J) i do like your idea about video chat. it would be fun to see all of your happy faces. i hope you all had a Merry Buddhamas and a happy new year! |
:) |
I like what you've done with the windows. |
(and you are not a troll) |
I don't get here as often as I would like, but when I do check in I always get a good laugh. Thanks for the welcome, even though I crashed this party in a rather rude way. I would like write more but I broke my right wrist a couple days ago in a nasty masterbation accident. I will check in again soon. V, if you really want to know if Jack is gay, find out if his dick tastes like shit! just kidding... |
plus, the home we are building here is going up a little slower too. the lesson in this? whenever possible, avoid aluminum step ladders. imagine my surprise that Antigone had something disparaging to say to me. don’t remember rattling his cage lately. talk about obsessive. this is someone that would be fun to meet in person. maybe at a police line up some day. once again, it was fun dropping in for a visit. peace |
it sounds like your fall was much more painful than mine. at least i can take a deep breath for some relief. in my continuing effort to fall in line with the american way, I have decided to have the feeding tube removed from my conscience. i will let you know how that works out for me. |
i can understand why i am not well liked in here, especially the way i introduced myself. i really had some lingering issues with the putrid beaver. i certainly didn't like the guy and watched silently as he gave me and my family plenty of his shit for years. we had him investigated and he was just piss in the gene pool. he said and did a lot of stupid shit but who hasn't? i forgive him but i wouldn't want him around me. (especially not now!) i don't seek the good opinion of anyone in here, especially his friends. i'm just hanging out for a while. i would have left long ago but you and others invited me to stay. if they don't like me don't read me, huh v? Hope you live forever too v. don't want to read about you here I will sometimes take pain killers to help sleep, but that's about it. precepts and all working extra hours lately due to only having one hand. I will check back in again soon when i have something interesting to talk about. am looking forward to picking your mind. |
For over 50 years, RTC Industries, headquartered in Rolling Meadows, IL, has been a major international supplier of in-store merchandising systems to manufacturers and retailers in all industries. `*~,-----------------------O_________________! |
i _really_ want to know what you sound like in real life |
it is a map it is a map it is a map it is a map it is a map YOU CAN'T SEE THE PATTERN? BUT IT IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! LOOK AT IT! OBSERVE! HOW IS THIS NOT COMPLETELY OBVIOUS TO YOU? YOU ARE MYSTIFIED BY SMALL THINGS! HAVE A COHERENT MOMENT! COURTESY OF AN INSIGHTFUL GURU! LIFE IS FUCKING BEAUTY AND MYSTERY, ISN'T IT? BUT IT IS ALSO TORTURE! THE MOST INTERESTING PEOPLE APPROACH YOU AT THE MOST UNEXPECTED TIMES. ISN'T THAT SO? THEY SUCK, TOO! EXTERMINATION! SO MANY THREATS! DO NOT LOSE YOUR BREATHING! THEY CAN'T TAKE THAT AWAY! ONE YEAR YOU ARE WITHIN THE BONDAGE OF AN UNFORTUNATE THOUGHT AND THEN SUDDENLY YOU ARE ESCAPED GAS TO FREEDOM. HOW CLOUDY THE MIND CAN BE. SEE HOW YOUR SEWER IS TRANSFORMING. YOUR SPECIAL PLACE IS NOT A SECRET. study the map. follow the map. create the map. study the map. follow the map. create the map. study the map. follow the map. create the map. study the map. follow the map. create the map. hack up garbage. study the map. follow the map. create the map. study the map. follow the map. create the map. THE FIELD TRIP! SEE YOU AT RTC! I MEET YOU THERE! study the map. follow the map. create the map. study the map. follow the map. create the map. erase the map. create the map. IT IS DIRECTLY BEFORE YOU. : ) |
ARE YOU WITH ME? with luck or by request, the tour includes a q&a with hr and/or the public relations department. imagine this filmworthy opportunity. i'm happy to see the faggot gaywoman. the faggot gaywomen don't grace sorabji as much as i'd like. faggot gaywomen turn me on during those rare moments when i'm not delivering my huge penis thing to the worshipping gay goddess thing to which i am simultaneously and yet intermittently ambivalent, subservient, and aggressively dominant that is forever in my living room; i.e., my mind or bed. or living room. and sometimes shower. those moments are rare indeed. |
you are all very fascinating. it would be fun to spend more time here. |
agent d. what happened 9/17/1998? |
come on over. i'm making fresh coffee! |
perhaps the entire purpose of this thread is simply to serve as a warning to others. jack, what makes you think your sharp tongue is any indication of a clever mind? what happened to you as a child? were your parents siblings? not enough oxygen at birth? did you eat paint chips? i bet you move your lips when you think, and probably even when you watch tv. Now be nice to V or i shall taunt you a second time. “If you want me to go on arguing, you'll have to pay for another five minutes.” |
i will try to keep up |
to see jack in lady clothes; just click any line or if it don't work just type in web address. Partydress.eaststore.com/siss-party-dress.html Xdress.com AB/DL.com Sissify.com www.arcim.freeuk.com then click for "pictures-men" www.eros-guide.com/articles/2004-06-29/sissystephanie/ www.akashaweb.com/whysissy.html Ok, Jack that you! |
V and Dodi run shit in this thread everyone else just runs around in it |
Lately, I have been focused on building a house and on Zen studies. Hopefully, I will be leaving soon for Sri Lanka. I will drop in from time to time to say hello. Take care V. Peace, Dale |
also trying to work a deal with a relief agency in cambodia. the swamp is a difficult but necessary place to find yourself. thanks again d |
i will certainly miss his childish threats. |
thought i would drop in and stir up a little shit. easy to do in a room full of assholes! i will do that from time to time. hello antigone i love you too benoit |
the group i am involved with will be in sri lanka next week to put up 10 save our brother homes. if all goes well we will receive an order for another 50,000 homes. i will be there if and when those homes go up. also trying to work a deal with a relief agency in cambodia. the swamp is a difficult but necessary place to find yourself. thanks again d -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By Laughing on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 07:52 pm: anyone heard from the beaver lately? --------------------------------------------------------- By Laughing on Wednesday, August 3, 2005 - 10:18 pm: Hi V couldn't make sri lanka because of broken wrist. still managing the monkeys here in kc. how have you been? thought i would drop in and stir up a little shit. easy to do in a room full of assholes! i will do that from time to time. ******* so, basically, you just like to talk shit and troll for attention? nothing personal, dude, but what's up with these posts? here's how they read: "i'm a humanitarian out to find myself and help others...oh, wait..i can't quite get that together. never mind, i just want to stir up shit on a bbs. yeah, that's my quest. cool." congratulations on your original thoughts and impulses. |
A little hint: 50,000 homes is nice, but it won't pay this debt. |
nothing spells write-off like arson. |
And, can the dead douche, Benoit? |
i never claimed to be a humanitarian or anything other than a simple Buddhist student. i just happen to be involved in something much bigger than myself. sorry if that bothers you. while i had to miss the first sri lanka trip, i am sure there will be others. yes, antigone, 50,000 homes could not possibly pay my karmic debt. still, it's a start. benoit, you always believe what the government tells you, or just this once? sounds like you have given arson some thought. is all well for you? Mala-dicta, it was on fire when i got there. always was, always will be. i was the guy who took the fall so fb and family could blame someone other than the clowns they call a fire department. fortunately, it all worked out for the best. fyi, the fire marshals have admitted their most of their mistakes and are considered a joke among their fellow fire investigators. nice to meet you too. fb wanted to piss on my grave. now i drop in every now and then to shit on his thread. i know it is not very buddhist of me, but i am still not above having a cheap laugh at a total boob's expense hey v. where did you find this group? |
so, basically, you just like to talk shit and troll for attention. so, basically, you just like to talk shit and troll for attention. so, basically, you just like to talk shit and troll for attention. |
no such events occurred. you are clearly entertaining fantasies. "i never claimed to be a humanitarian or anything other than a simple Buddhist student. i just happen to be involved in something much bigger than myself. sorry if that bothers you. while i had to miss the first sri lanka trip, i am sure there will be others." everybody on the planet is involved with something larger than themselves. some are more pretentious and/or self-deluding than others. |
what are you doing to make the world a better place, contemplating suicide? |
"laughing", if you are actually making a serious attempt at studying zen buddhism, you are an utter failure. there's plenty of evidence just on this thread. i suspect, however, that your "studies" are less than serious. your attempts at insults are simply feeble. cheerio. |
so, basically, you just like to talk shit and troll for attention. so, basically, you just like to talk shit and troll for attention. so, basically, you just like to talk shit and troll for attention. what a complex person you are not exactly. |
try to take it easy ol' son. wouldn't want you to hurt yourself. don't make me get v on your ass. |
ready jack? fuck fb look at him go! good boy jack so pathetically predictable. |
it's doubtful that the guy who's trying to banter with me will get the point, but what the hell. you're welcome. |
maybe this is the QED link you should refer to.... http://www.qedltd.com/ |
i must be going i cannot stay i came to say i must be going i'm glad i came but just the same i must be going groucho marx |
I'll spend the summer through but I am telling you I must be going! |
recently received ordination am now a zen (chan) priest, something I had been working toward for years. building a meditation center here while working on clearance issues to begin teaching meditation to prisoners. it has been a busy and eventful year. looks like next year will be even more eventful. hope all is well for you. what’s new with you V? |
i was just a little pissed off at the time and i got some sort of twisted pleasure fucking with you all. now i drop in from time to time just to rattle old cages. maybe i should call first. hello dr pepper. i currently home base out of missouri but travel around a lot. i love being here. country living with a lake view. friendly people and no city bs. went to kansas city for aussie pink floyd and couldn't wait to get out of town and back home. hopefully i be here for a gfew weeks. have thinking about running for mayor of west burlington iowa. lol i visited there recently and felt sorry for the people living there. what a shit hole. well this was fun. had my laughs and now back to work. have a happy new year! |
For a zen priest you really have too much ego. |
I have always admired your intellect and keen sense of observation. However, I doubt you have enough information to make this judgment. I am sure you know how difficult it is to answer inquiries about what one has been doing lately without evoking ego. It is just an opinion but I seem to be functioning quite well with a relatively healthy ego and therefore I am still in your society as opposed to a monastery. A Chan priest uses the ego as a tool instead of being a slave to it. It makes me laugh to think about how big of an asshole would one have to be to get a Zen priest to tell him “fuck you’? peace! |
how is everyone doing in this out house? |