not that it matters or will change anything Are there any news?: not that it matters or will change anything
By semillama on Wednesday, August 7, 2002 - 06:58 pm:

By Hal on Wednesday, August 7, 2002 - 10:45 pm:


By Ophelia on Thursday, August 8, 2002 - 11:09 am:

    i cant be pissed. fuck them all. fuck everyone. i cant think about anything outside of my little world, and thats selfish, so what. i stopped caring about politics. they all seem so damn meaningless, just things happening on this big tv screen and why pay attention or feel emotion when you can just sit and ignore the fucking world.

    the problem is that i will see through it and see through me and my own thin defense mechanisms before i even set them up. i cant care because it seems pointless but i cant even get emotional about not caring because thats pointless too... i'm no good at deluding myself, and i really wish i fucking could. i know this is a childish post, and i dont care.

By Nate on Thursday, August 8, 2002 - 11:22 am:

    tv will do that to you.

By Ophelia on Thursday, August 8, 2002 - 11:26 am:

    i'm okay. never mind, i just get like that and it doens't usually last too long. news of patrick jr. snapped me out of it. who can be cynical about a baby? congrats again.

By pez on Thursday, August 8, 2002 - 08:36 pm:

    reading that article, i want to vomit.

    but instead i must change my clothes, put on my smile and go to work.

    i just finished watching lord of the rings again, and i am sorely tempted to jump on a soapbox i have no time for.

By semillama on Monday, September 16, 2002 - 06:00 pm:

By spunky on Monday, September 16, 2002 - 07:30 pm:

    copy paste

By Helpful D on Monday, September 16, 2002 - 07:38 pm:

    Just remove the %20<BR> and it works.