look at janet. s/he looks like s/he's about to go all "walking tall" on somebody. i love will ferrell's impression of him/her. |
Seriously, the "inept poll workers" did not know HOW TO TURN ON THE COMPUTERS! Janet Reno is man, baby! Or at least a poster child for cosmetic surgery |
She is working with a photgraphy studio that does the School Portraits around here. She goes to a different school each day for shooting sessions. I hope she likes it, she was very excited about it. |
out of it. Florida is so fucked up. Here's an actual line from a report we are writing for a project we did in Jacksonville: "Only one STU had any cultural material present (B-3). Material from this STU consisted of broken modern bottle glass in the top 5cm and was associated with a large surface deposit of 32 oz. Mickey’s Ice malt liquor containers." (a STU is a shovel test unit, basically a round hole in the ground about a foot wide) |
"I feel Priddy, Oh so Priddy, I feel Priddy and widdy and bright" |