Let Freedom Ring

sorabji.com: Are there any news?: Let Freedom Ring
By trace on Monday, November 4, 2002 - 05:45 pm:

    I hope some of you do not vote tomorrow.
    It will make my day that much sweeter.

    Anyone in Minnesota, please remember this lovely Walter Mondale 1984 Presidential Campaign Slogan: "Rostenkowski whispered to Mondale after he stepped off the podium, "You've got a lot of balls, pal," and Mondale whispered back, as he gazed out at a sea of cheering Democrats, "Look at 'em. We're going to tax their ass off."

    Incedently, that is the only Democratic Idea and stance they have put forth, "Save The Economy, Raise Taxes!"

    But, none of it matters, I am sure that is what some of you are thinking.

    If you really do not care that much about your bank accounts and your paychecks, then please let me releive you of the burden of caring and send them to me.

By trace on Monday, November 4, 2002 - 05:45 pm:

    "I hope some of you do not vote tomorrow.
    It will make my day that much sweeter."


By semillama on Monday, November 4, 2002 - 05:58 pm:

    Ihope that's someone else posting under your
    name trace, otherwise I'd have to say you've
    turned into a colossal asshole.

    and of course, I am voting.

    Take that, whoever you are!!

By agatha on Monday, November 4, 2002 - 06:47 pm:

    trace, shaddap.


By Dougie on Monday, November 4, 2002 - 06:54 pm:

    "If you really do not care that much about your bank accounts and your paychecks, then please let me releive you of the burden of caring and send them to me."

    Yeah, my mutual funds and 401k has done so much better since Shrub has been in office.

By kazoo on Monday, November 4, 2002 - 07:16 pm:


By Dougie on Monday, November 4, 2002 - 07:25 pm:

    That was my plan all along.

By Nate on Monday, November 4, 2002 - 09:31 pm:

    "Yeah, my mutual funds and 401k has done so much better since Shrub has been in office."

    thank you clinton.

By trace on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 01:47 am:

    We have had 2 years of a lame duck congress.
    Why is there no prescription drug plan?
    Because it passed the house and the senate majority leader shelved it.
    Why was there no useful debate on homeland security?
    Because the house passed it and the senate majority leader shelved it.
    Did Bush suggest EVERYONE'S social security be invested in the stock market, or did he suggest you should have the choice of leaving in the social security "trust fund" or investing it.
    Incedently, if you had that choice back when social security was started, and retired yesterday, you would have received a minimum of a 400% return on your investment.

    Oh, and as for "It's the economy stupid":
    Aalysts say much of an administration's economic record simply depends on when it enters office. Clinton came into the White House as the economy as already recovering from a short-lived recession in 1990 and 1991. Bush, on the other hand, saw three straight quarters of economic contraction between January and September 2001.
    Bill Clinton was one of the luckiest presidents and the Bushes are not very lucky," said Paul Kasriel, director of economic research with The Northern Trust Co. in Chicago.

    Kasriel contends the blame for the current lackluster state of the economy lies with Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan), who he said let the stock bubble of the 1990s get out of hand.

    The rise in the seasonally adjusted Consumer Price Index totaled 4.8 percent in Clinton's first 22 months, but only 3.4 percent in Bush's first 21 months (October 2002 data won't be released until mid-November).

    Bottom Line:
    Government has very little control over the economy.
    The most they can do is give us more money to spend through tax cuts, or help control the amount of imports versus exports, but that is it.
    Perhaps surprisingly, given Democratic objections to the tax cut, Bush has also run up less red ink on the federal fiscal ledger, despite a return to deficit spending in the 2002 budget. In his first two budget years, the administration is $31.5 billion in the red. Clinton's first two budget years saw deficits totaling $458.4 billion.


    For those of you who want to continue the way things have been going (I suggest that the senate has a lot more control over that then the president), those are the ones I do not want to vote (just like I would not want Michael Jordan on the oposing team)...

By semillama on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 08:45 am:

    That is really you , isn't it Trace? God you really
    are an asshole. You'll be happy to hear I voted
    today - all democrats. Of course, this is Ohio,
    where there was only one independent on the
    ballot at all.

    So, you're happy with war?

By Spider on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 09:13 am:

    <<and Mondale whispered back, as he gazed out at a sea of cheering Democrats, "Look at 'em. We're going to tax their ass off.">>

    BWAHAHA! He's eeeeeevil, see? EEEEEEEVVIILLL.


By trace on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 09:31 am:

    Why am I an asshole?
    Because I don't want you to vote?
    Because I suggested that you not vote at all?
    Like anything I suggest would have any influence.
    If anything, it would have the reverse effect.

    I will say one thing, however. Normally I would suggest people not vote because they are not informed of the issues. That is not the case for most on this board.
    And, most of you have an exact polar opposite view on politics and government then do I.
    Again, why would I want you to vote?
    I know you would vote against my canidate, so it would be better if you did not.....

    I thought you had a better sense of humor, sem. You especially. I thought you would appreciate the irony. After all, last week I was advocating that more people get out and vote.....

By J on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 09:56 am:

    Well I always vote,why I don't know since half of what the voters here in Arizona try to pass gets slammed anyway.This will be the 3'd time medical marijuana will try to pass even though we voters passed it twice before. I was actually going to vote for a democrat for govenor till I saw that sheriff Joe endorsed her, I'm going to vote for a man on the independent platform because he's the only one I see that has a plan.

By trace on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 10:06 am:

    I heard a clip on the news this morning that Nevada was talking about the tax advantages to legallizing marijuana....

By trace on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 11:08 am:

    this crap makes me sick.
    Wasting tax money to sue a manufacturer for creating a product that the consumer used to kill someone.
    Why do we continue to blame everyone except the person who committed the act?

By patrick on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 12:37 pm:

    trace you're an idiot.


    im voting.

    straight green. right down the fuckin ballot. democrats can suck it for all i care.

    in fact, i almost hope Bill Simon wins because of the Green vote in CA. I hope Dem's take it up the ass. I'm not confident 4 years of Gray Davis is any better or worse than 4 years with Bill Simon. Maybe the Dem's should realize, with their doublspeak and jedi mind tricks that they fool me no longer. The biggest example.....Bush's war resolution. Some of the biggest Dems barked and barked for UN approval, proof of WMD and so on. Then what do they do? They go vote for it. They speak against and vote for, knowing most people dont check voting records and that pussy press doesnt report in detail. All of them. Fucking pussies. There were only a handful of them that stuck to their guns. For that vote, the Dems can go fuck themselves.

    "Normally I would suggest people not vote because they are not informed of the issues."

    See. Id say this of you. You think you are informed, but to me, you're so all over the fuckin map, with these trivial issues, you have no clue. You represent the exact reason why i say most of the public is too retarded to vote. I keep waiting for the day when you actually present some sound, convincing conservative, right wing arguments other than regurgitated Rush Limbaugh.

By Spider on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 01:09 pm:

    Talk about irony. My dad just sent me this:

    > On behalf of Shell, Mobil, and Exxon; Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, and GE; all the Enrons, Halliburtons, and Harkens; President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and the other CEOs of the Cabinet; and thousands of us who are working for a better life for the wealthiest Americans, we have one simple request: Could you please just stay home tomorrow?
    > See, we have things to do. Nations to invade. Wetlands to destroy. Oil to drill. Courts to pack. Corporate taxes to cut.
    > What's frustrating for us is that we're coming up against some pretty stiff resistance. We've spent hundreds of millions of dollars to secure the Senate, but it looks like we just may lose it. Heck, we may even lose the House. We don't quite get what it is about our agenda that you people don't like, but it's clear that this time, you may be upset enough to actually do something about it.
    > That's why we're writing this message to you today. Please don't vote. Ask your friends not to vote. What could the harm be in sitting this round out?
    > If you could just stay home on Election Day, we can get back to the important business of running the nation for you, and we won't have to bother you again.
    > Thank you,
    > The Executive Committee Against Uppity Citizens

By semillama on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 01:37 pm:


    Who needs to be informed to vote? You can
    be ignorant of the candidate's stance and still
    enact some form of change. For example,
    look at all those people running for judge
    positions. You can't vote party line on those
    just by looking at the ballot. But, you can vote
    along gender lines. At least you are
    attempting to enable some gender equity in
    politics. The more women are voted into any
    office, the better.

    I even voted for something i had reservations
    about voting for (because it possibley violates
    the state constitution) (its an amendment to
    the state const. to have non-violent first time
    drug offenders go through treaetment instead
    of prison). I voted for it partly because i didn't
    think it would pass, but the vote itself would be
    a support for teh whol eidea. IBut then I also
    voted for it because it's precisely the kind of
    thing that pisses off people like spunkie, and
    that gave me a nice warm glow inside.

    So, who's voted so far - raise your hand, so to

By Spider on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 01:44 pm:

    I can't vote. :( I thought I'd vote absentee for PA, but then I had qualms, and I let the deadline pass to register in MD, so I've disenfranchised myself.

    But the last time I voted, I made a few "for the principle of it" votes. That's why I voted for Nader -- it was a vote for him, for the Green Party, and for small third parties in general.

By patrick on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 01:45 pm:

    i wont get to vote until tonight. we have the big ultra sound around lunch time.

    i was out at jury duty yesterday so im swamped.

    we should found out if milkdud will be going to cheerleading or football practice today.

By patrick on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 01:45 pm:



    F I N D

    god dammit

By trace on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 02:11 pm:

    i cannot vote.
    i still have not been able to replace my dl, so i have not been able to vote.
    which really sucks, because I like gw's replacement down here, he's pretty good.

    I forgot you were green, patrick. I have not been following thier canidates this year.
    you are voting for change, which is what is needed.
    and excuse the hell out of me for having an opinion again. my opinion is that the current arrangement is not working, nothing is getting through the sentate, no judges are being appointed, no serious debates besides the comedy that was the iraqi debate has been accomplished. the homeland security act has been sitting since what, may? the two party system is clearly failing. it failed in 1992, 1996, 2000 and now 2002.
    the greens or liberterians really need to get noticed more, but they are not even being included in any serious campaign debates.

By trace on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 02:22 pm:

    "See. Id say this of you. You think you are informed, but to me, you're so all over the fuckin map, with these trivial issues, you have no clue. You represent the exact reason why i say most of the public is too retarded to vote. I keep waiting for the day when you actually present some sound, convincing conservative, right wing arguments other than regurgitated Rush Limbaugh."

    I emphasize the retarded remark.


    you dont know me at all, dipshit.

    My conservative arguement has always been this:

    NEVER, EVER, PUT THE (insert lame excuse her ie "the good of our children" , security, safety, wellfare, etc) OF THE MAJORITY OVER THE RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL.

    You cannot operate a free society like that, because individual rights dictate the collective liberty of all citizens.

    This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
    Right to self defense
    right to own your own land
    right to purchase whatever is for sale.
    right to vote
    right to own your own business
    right to free, uncensored speech
    right to travel within the country without boundries
    right to control your own finances


By spunky on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 02:35 pm:

    one more thing, if I am taking leads from anyone these days, It would be him.

    Like me, he thinks GWB is way to liberal.

By John Gotti on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 02:46 pm:

    Hey, you, yes I am talking to you, you want me to help you there, buddy? are you sure you don't need any help? never mind that buldge in my coat, you need help voting, right?

By patrick on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 02:59 pm:

    take lead from him rather than any talking head fuckwit on the telly.

    Im not green. Im indie. I have never been affiliated with any party. I'm voting green because they are most in line with my personal politics and pick up where the dem's fail.

    I dont agree with everything on their platform though.

    Historically speaking this midterm is like any other and exemplifies why I advocate a 6-8 year presidency rather than a 4 year term.

    In essence the president is doing nothing but campaigning. He's essentially on the job 2 years out of the 4, because the other two are spent campaigning.

    The cycle is like this. We elect a repub for president. In two years, with a dem controlled senate a lot of shit has been hogtied in Congress. It gives the presidency a perceived boost, as if to say "hey, im trying, its CONGRESS, who is rendering me ineffective" Bingo, mid term elections almost always go the way of the white house, removing the perceived clog.

    Its a back and forth and essentially we are always locked in a state of permanent gridlock.

    its a rarity that you get a Congress and White House under the same party. I think Clinton had it for two years, as did Bush Sr.

By trace on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 03:05 pm:

    i dont watch him on tv, because that guy allen combes he is on with is a moron. i like listening to him on the radio.

By trace on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 03:21 pm:

    you think davis is going to be re-elected?

By patrick on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 03:23 pm:

    i KNOW davis is going to be re-elected.

By semillama on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 03:57 pm:

    My brother says he's voting for some crazy
    rasta guy running on the Rasta Party ticket for
    governor. The dude claims he's been
    governor since birth.

By trace on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 04:09 pm:

    CA Governor Race






By spunky on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 04:22 pm:

    "In this era of uncertain economy and uncharted public safety, our strength is knowing that prevention is the key to security, prosperity and progress. Join me as we restore public confidence and move California forward."
    As Governor of California, I will:

    Promote and keep jobs in California
    Promote security using effective law enforcement and broadened awareness
    Promote excellence in all our schools
    Promote basic research on power generation and alternative energy
    Promote proven health care programs that prevent disease and cut costs
    It's time to end "politics as usual." My experience as a business analyst has taught me that good government means prevention, not crisis management. Because I accept no special interest money, I represent the voters, freeing me to implement innovative forward-looking programs that can solve critical problems, ensure a strong economy and improve the quality of life for everyone.

    Vote for Iris Adam, Governor

By spunky on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 04:22 pm:

    "In this era of uncertain economy and uncharted public safety, our strength is knowing that prevention is the key to security, prosperity and progress. Join me as we restore public confidence and move California forward."
    As Governor of California, I will:

    Promote and keep jobs in California
    Promote security using effective law enforcement and broadened awareness
    Promote excellence in all our schools
    Promote basic research on power generation and alternative energy
    Promote proven health care programs that prevent disease and cut costs
    It's time to end "politics as usual." My experience as a business analyst has taught me that good government means prevention, not crisis management. Because I accept no special interest money, I represent the voters, freeing me to implement innovative forward-looking programs that can solve critical problems, ensure a strong economy and improve the quality of life for everyone.

    Vote for Iris Adam, Governor

By kazoo on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 04:24 pm:


By trace on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 04:37 pm:

    what is she running for?????

    she always has my vote

By kazoo on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 09:09 pm:

    who cares? she'll let us have weed.

By Nate on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 10:09 pm:

    i already have weed.

    i didn't vote. i refuse to vote.

    voting is a tool of the powerful to placate the weak minded.

By trace on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 11:53 pm:


By Nate on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 01:03 am:


By Nate on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 01:16 am:

    wow. the california gov race is closer than i thought it would be.

By semillama on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 08:39 am:

    hundreds of thousands
    dead Iraqi

By dave. on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 09:33 am:

    time to
    move to

By Spider on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 10:01 am:

    no, dude,
    (or canada)

By dave. on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 10:02 am:


By Platypus on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 10:24 am:

    Hello, Gray Davis.

By trace on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 10:49 am:

    well, nevada weenied out on the pot issue

By Dougie on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 11:32 am:

    What was the deal with the ads I saw for Gray Davis in which he was saying that Bill Simon was accusing him of something which the ads said was unfounded? I'm so sick of those ads -- tell us what you're going to do for us, not that your opponent is Hitler's great grand nephew twice removed.

By patrick on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 12:24 pm:

    ney nate can you charter a fuckin boat to NZ? I think its time. you can pick up dave & co. and then swing by and grab us. mmmkay? mmmmkay.

    actually im glad to see the Dem's suffer the sting of defeat. Fucking assholes. This election is more about their failures than the Republican's
    successes. Suck it Carvell.

    Otherwise, prepare for 2 years of complete and unadulterated facism. You'll get your way trace. The question is, will you have the brains to see it for what it is.....the further shredding of the Constitution and the imperialist slaughter of thousands of Iraqi civilian lives.

    Please, be a a right-wing fuckwit till your hearts content but be honest with yourself and of the events to come now that they control all three branches of the government.

    What is absolutely absurb is some of the measures that got voted down. God, this country really is in a conservative fit right now...to the point of absurdity. They voted down, by overwhelming odds to not allow people to register to vote on the spot, with proof on election day in CA. Can you believe that? How fuckin absurd is that? That makes no sense. Thats one of those no-brained state Constitution amendments that needs an official vote by the people and voters rejected it by almost 2 to 1.

By Nate on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 01:46 pm:

    "prepare for 2 years of complete and unadulterated facism."

    a congress full of real republicans is much more likely to stop facism than a congress full of dems.

    facism is left wing, numbnuts.

    we'll be ok.

By patrick on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 01:50 pm:

    yeah yeah yeah you've explained that before.

    a congress full of real Republicans is also supposed to stop the degeneration of the Constitution but that ain happenin either.

By trace on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 01:53 pm:

    I really have not said very much today, have I?
    Right now I am in a "wait and see" mode.
    I wanna see what we (the military is very much included in this) are going to do now that we have what we wanted.
    To ram our touted agenda down the throats of the country would be a fatal mistake.
    Most of the winners last night, both dem and repubs, did NOT get a CLEAR MAJORITY. The country is still very much split right down the middle.

    What I really want to see done is the infrastructure of both the intellegence and military of this country restored.
    It was completely stripped in the 90's, and I think that as much as anything else led to the failures that allowed 9/11 to happen.
    Sorry, the answer to world peace is not to totally disarm the United States. We are responsible not only to defend the US, but also Canada, Central & South America, UK, NZ, AU, Germany, France, Italy, etc.
    We cannot do that with a stripped down military and intellegnce.

    That is about it. That is all I personally want.
    Health Care for the Masses is a bad, bad idea.
    We waited 4 hours on a tuesday morning at an emergency room to even be seen.
    You think that will improve with social medicine?
    No. People will go to the ER for a runny nose or hang nail, for christ sake.
    The idea of charging for medical services seems unethical, I agree. But the cost does cause someone to make sure they really need help before they go.
    So, no socialisation of any health care.
    Maybe one day we will be able to get a major life saving procedure done without cost, but until the general population becomes more responsible, that is just not possible.
    The Economy? We, the consumer is the Economy. We determine how many goods we consume, keeping the free market system working the way it should.
    When we stop buying, the small guys suffer first.
    More consumsion leads to more manufacturing, which leads to more competition, which leads to more jobs, which leads to higher pay, which leads to more consumsion and the whole thing starts over again.
    This generates more revenue, so more taxes are collected, so the budget deficit is kept down, and eventually a budget surplus will exist again.

    That, my friends is me, my conservative, free enterprise view.
    Does this make me a "right-wing fuckwit"

By patrick on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 02:09 pm:

    "The country is still very much split right down the middle."

    I see it less as an implication that we are divided, but rather we are all alike.

    The parties have less and less that distinguish them a part from each other. Its really a toss up. Thats why i was laughing last night, hoping Simon was going to pull the rug out from Davis. That would have been brilliant. I would have loved to have seen Davis' face in that concession speech. The Democratic party would pretty much be forced to take Davis out ole Yeller style for that fuck up. But dipshit pulled it out.

    I would expect these kind of election results to be the case from here on out unless we start seeing more 3rd party prominence.

    "Does this make me a 'right-wing fuckwit'"

    yes because your basic assessments are elementary, ergo the fuckwit aspect. right wing because of where you end up at the end of such analysis. The economy and healthcare are so more complicated than you present them.

By R.W. Trace on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 02:15 pm:

    No, actually that is why they are still considered unresolved.
    Because you are trying to over-analyse and make it more complicated.

    And give way too much credit to the government, when it is on societies shoulders.

    Another "right wing fuckwit" concept I have is this:

    Less government interference in most matters.

    The government should stay the hell out of my business.

    To repeat yesterday's statement:
    NEVER, EVER, PUT THE (insert lame excuse her ie "the good of our children" , security, safety, wellfare, etc) OF THE MAJORITY OVER THE RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL.

    You cannot operate a free society like that, because individual rights dictate the collective liberty of all citizens.

    This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
    Right to self defense
    right to own your own land
    right to purchase whatever is for sale.
    right to vote
    right to own your own business
    right to free, uncensored speech
    right to travel within the country without boundries
    right to control your own finances


By patrick on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 02:39 pm:

    "Because you are trying to over-analyse and make it more complicated."

    What? these are serious matters that need extensive review. They may be complicated to you, but its a complicated subject. This makes you sound like a hick trace, c'mon you can do better than that.

    "And give way too much credit to the government, when it is on societies shoulders."


    you have all of the rights you have mentioned spunky.

    unfortunately you can't or refuse to see that the very party you support is shredding some of these rights. Its the right that seeks to adulterate the notion of free speech. Ask Ashcroft how? The right to control your money? Ask the Republicans (and the few Dems) who supported Ken Lay about that?

    If individual rights dictate above liberty for the masses (?) lets talk about the prisoners of war in Cuba? Lets talk about all of the citizens and nationals who are here legally yet have been rounded up about their rights granted to them by the Constitution?

    Please spunk, while your intentions are good, you're entirely blind to the people you support and what they represent.

By trace on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 02:44 pm:

    it's the President - stupid

    PS I dont remember saying I was republican.
    I have always classified myself as a Conservative.

    Unfortunately, most Republicans are not Conservatices.

By Spider on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 02:46 pm:

    Re: the prisoners of war. I have half a mind to join the Red Cross so I can go to Cuba and take care of those people. Their treatment is shameful.

    I watched a program on one of our PBS affiliates a few weeks ago about the ex-Taliban members who are currently imprisoned in Afghanistan. A lot of them had wounds that weren't being treated properly, and they were skeleton thin and sick. A few doctors (from England, Italy, and another European country) were over there trying to take care of them. It was pretty moving.

By rwtrace on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 02:48 pm:

    "The right to control your money? Ask the Republicans (and the few Dems) who supported Ken Lay about that? "

    Um, sorry, that dog don't hunt.
    There is no proof that the government had anything to do with Lay.
    Oh, and when you invest in a company, um, that company decides what to do with the money you invested.
    That's the whole idea.

    Finally, a discussion with substance, and just a little insult throwing.

By rwtrace on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 02:49 pm:

    I am so glad Mrs Dole won

By patrick on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 02:52 pm:

    *sigh* ok fine your arent a republican. right wing nimrod?

    whats just as shameful spider is the Defense Department's arrogance to international law and the American public's complete disregard for the matter.

By patrick on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 02:57 pm:

    Yeah. Right. And Clinton did not have sex with that girl right?


    Guilt by association. You don't offer your corporate jet and a shit load of money to a presidential canidate and other politicans unless there is some serious backroom cocksucking going on.

    Kenny boy, a prominent Republican with deep pockets had no problem ripping his employees blind of their retirement funds, as far as Im concerned, and government official who took money from him is guilty by association.

    We should be holding politicans to the highest of standards. The fact that Bush & Co. even associated with that fucking slimeball.....thats suspect enough.

    Try not to be too naive about that. Just try spunk.

By semillama on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 04:38 pm:

    "right to purchase whatever is for sale."

    so, legalization of drugs? Just genuinely

    What may help clarify things is not to consider
    the Republicans as being in power, mroe so
    the Energy companies being in power. Hence,
    war in Iraq, support for the civil war in
    Columbia, and of course Afghanistan, with its
    oil company representative in power there.

    I am not as disappointed at the democratic
    losses as i would have been. Mainly because
    the dems can and often are as awful as
    republicans. Sure, Bush the first may have
    started the war in Iraq, but Clinton continued it.
    Bush the second is merely talking about
    escalating it back up to full-sacel wr. It's not
    really a DIFFERENT war at all. Basically, we
    have been at (mostly low-level) war with Iraq
    for the last 11 years.

    If one thing has been consistent about our
    nation's character, it's that we love a good war.
    Standing up for liberty and justice is just a
    false front for bombarding the hell out of
    somebody or propping up a right-wing dictator
    somewhere. Just once, for variety, I would love
    to see us prop up a Left-wing dictator. You

By Nate on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 04:44 pm:

    god, i hope it doesn't escalate into a full-sacel war.

By Antigone on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 04:52 pm:

    It will.

By rwtrace on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 05:48 pm:

    The boys will be home for turkey, but they will miss the figgy pudding. If you can my meaning.

By Ritalin Bill on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 06:08 pm:


    slow down there bucko.

    you lost me at "turkey".

By patrick on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 06:13 pm:

    that makes you all warm and proud inside doesnt it trace.

By rwtrace on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 06:57 pm:


By rwtrace on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 07:00 pm:

    if you are referring to knowledge, no
    come to think of it, no matter what you are referring to, the answer is still hell no.
    i honestly am offended that you would think I would.

By Hello Shitty on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 09:03 pm:

    I can't wait for the REAL financial depression to begin. Once we have the middle class losing their homes in the double digit percentages, I'm going to love listening to all those right wing hypocrites try to double talk their way around it by blaming it on Bill Clinton. The only real question is will this happen before or after a nuke is lit up on American soil. Hey, enjoy your smallpox vaccines everyone!!

By rwtrace on Thursday, November 7, 2002 - 11:08 am:

    Interesting article in the NY Post by Dick Morris.

    Holly Shitty, you are displaying your ignorance.

    The NYSE, if you remember, began falling in 2000 with the start of the Microsoft Lawsuit.
    Micorsoft stock lost $60 billion in one day.
    The ripple effect took out most of the already inflated dot com stocks, and progressed on to Hardware Giants like HP, IBM, Dell, Gateway, etc.
    By way of comparison, Enron stock lost $30 billion over the period of 9 months.
    You cannot pull $60 billion out of the market in one day and not expect lasting, dramatic effects.
    The ending of the law suit, which simply said that MS cannot try to get contracts with OEMs that force them to only offer Windows products,
    has already had a dramatic effect on the economy.
    There will be, in my estimation, no "real" financial depression. It might take the economy a bit to stagger back up to where it was before 2000, but it will recover.

    I am not the only one saying this either.

By patrick on Thursday, November 7, 2002 - 11:47 am:

    i wouldnt expect the middle class to loose their homes in double digits. that would be suicide for the the banks.

By Ritalin Bill on Thursday, November 7, 2002 - 03:09 pm:

    DICK Morris?

    "Checks and balances seem, these days, less important than empowerment and action to most voters."

    Correct DICK, its called voter ignorance.

    "Americans don't want Washington to be a battlefield."

    True DICK. We're masters at making battlefields over there ->

    "he scored big with the American people this week and demonstrated that his presidency has a mandate"

    A shift in 20 odd seats out of 435 in the House and 4 seats in the Senate is hardly a mandate DICK.


    A newspaper known for its Gossip columns can't be taken seriously for its politcs in my narcotic opinion.

By dave. on Thursday, November 7, 2002 - 03:53 pm:

    i have never been more disappointed by the people around me. say hello to united states of america, inc. say goodbye to individual rights as they are an expensive liability to the corporations that employ us. if you felt dehumanized before, just sit back and watch the magic to come.