a tree nearly took out my front gate.

sorabji.com: Are there any news?: a tree nearly took out my front gate.
By Nate on Sunday, December 29, 2002 - 02:49 pm:



    it would have hit my truck, too, which i moved to where it is in the picture.

    that's my pretty little powder blue mailbox.

    power was out for ten hours.

By J on Sunday, December 29, 2002 - 03:50 pm:

    That must have been some storm,lucky you moved your car.It sure looks pretty there.

By Nate on Sunday, December 29, 2002 - 04:39 pm:

    it was a pretty good one. we'd had much harsher storms a few weeks back.

    below where the tree was rooted is a little culvert. i think the tree fell because of erosion complicated by the soft soaked earth.

    if that's the case, there are a few more trees that are candidates for going over. one is big enough that if it falls the right way it could do some damage to my property, but otherwise it would just be a matter of knocked out powerlines, etc.

By sarah on Sunday, December 29, 2002 - 06:54 pm:

    can you have the trees taken out before they fall? or is there some anti-erosion thing that can be done.

    it looks like a little paradise there. lucky you!

By Nate on Sunday, December 29, 2002 - 09:47 pm:

    i think those trees are on private land, but i'm not sure. i might issue a complaint to the county, having nothing happen, and then if the trees do fall on me i'll have something to indicate i warned them it was going to happen.

    i dunno. or if i don't fuck with it, god will make sure nothing hits my shit.

By JusMIceElf on Sunday, December 29, 2002 - 10:08 pm:

    Actually, if the laws are anything like here, the right of way for the road extends onto private property. I think that in Northampton it was twenty five feet from the centerline of the road. The tree that almost killed my friend Chris was by the edge of my yard, a couple of feet in from the road. The top thirty feet or so of a tall pine fell, taking out a couple of hemlocks, and snagging in the tree next to it. When I started talking about calling a tree service to take it out, my neighbors told me to call the city, and they in fact came and took the pine trees to the ground, cleaned up the hemlocks, and took out a couple of dead or dying elms to boot.

    The theory is that the city has the right to maintain and cut trees close to the road to prevent them from falling and causing a hazard to drivers and to power lines. So you could make a case, Nate, and convince them that erosion along the culvert constitutes a danger, so if they don't do anything, not only have you warned them, but they would be liable by not having acted. Good luck!

By Platypus on Monday, December 30, 2002 - 12:24 pm:

    a whole ten hours without power? my heart is bleeding.

    i'm disappointed, they keep saying we're going to have another big exciting storm and i haven't seen anything of it. it's rainy and a little windy here, but it's really not very impressive. i thought there was thunder earlier, but it turned out to be the neighbor's meat delivery.

    and yes, the city/country ought to take out those trees.

By Nate on Monday, December 30, 2002 - 01:18 pm:

    no, no. i was stoked- only 10 hours. while i was in dallas the power here was knocked for the typical three days.

    up here in my nice little town you can fart in the wrong direction and knock the power out.