Bush does something I fully support

sorabji.com: Are there any news?: Bush does something I fully support
By semillama on Tuesday, March 4, 2003 - 01:12 pm:

    "Yesterday, Laura Bush announced a new Executive Order on C-Span called Preserve America. ACRA has posted a copy of the Executive Order in the
    Hot Topics section of their website (http://www.acra-crm.org). It promotes preservation through heritage tourism and more access to historic properties controlled by the federal government. While there is no mention of dollars in the EO, Mrs. Bush did make reference to $120,000,000 that will or should be made available for all kinds of preservation projects from Main Street to renovations to tourism and studies. Even without the money (and given the current economic and
    political situations, $120 mil sounds a little iffy), the president's support for enforcement of Section 110 will make it very hard for
    federal agencies to pretend they are unaware of their NHPA Section 110

    -Tom Wheaton
    New South Associates

    I knew he wasn't all bad. Even the most frightening of Presidents do things that are actually good for the country. Of course, this is really a non-partisan issue.
    Now, if Laura could only get her rascal of a brother-in-law to not completly dismantle the Florida State Archives and shut down the State Library...

By Nate on Tuesday, March 4, 2003 - 03:49 pm:

    see, sem. if you were extremely rich you'd be for more of bush's plan. it's all about where your interests lie.

    this preserve america thing has a positive affect on your economic prospects?

By semillama on Tuesday, March 4, 2003 - 05:01 pm:

    maybe, if i were extremely rich AND didn't give a shit about anyone but myself.

    I'm just glad whenever a president takes a postive notice of our heritage. Like Nixon.

    OF course, this may just be a ploy to transfer management of heritage sites into private hands.

    We'll have to see.